Edwards Vocabulary
Abeyance dormancy, discontinuation ??? Abstinence chastity; avoidance; abnegation ??? Abstruse abstract; complex ??? Adumbrate to suggest partly, to give a hint of things to come, to foreshadow vaguely ??? Alacrity promptness; alertness ??? Ambulatory itenerant; nomadic ??? Apocryphal counterfeit; dubious ??? Arbiter judge; arbitrator ??? Ascetic antisocial; alienated ??? Assiduous active; diligent ??? Capricious arbitrary; effervescent ??? Castigate baste; penalize ??? Chary calculating; discreet ??? Chicanery cheating; dishonesty ??? Chimerical unrealistic; fanciful ??? Circumlocution diffuseness; indirectness ??? Contentious argumentative ??? Belie contradict; disagree ??? Brook bear; edure ??? Debacle catastrophe ??? Deleterious dangerous ??? Descry to glance ??? Desiccate