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Comparative religion

AP Human Geography - Comparative Religions Project

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My Name 11/25/13 Per. 6 My Teacher AP Human Geography Comparative Religions Project Judaism Confucian Hinduism Buddhism Christianity Islam Taoism Point of origin? Near eastern region of Canaan China India India Palestine Middle East, Southeast Asia China How did it spread? Voluntary and forced migration of Jews Confucius traveling through China Migration and cultural exchange Chinese immigrants Expansion combined with relocation diffusion, missions Muhammad and his followers and king?s armies Missions, diffusions through China Where influential today? Israel, the US, localized areas of the UK, Russia, and Canada China China, Laos, Sri Lanka, Thailand

Rubenstein Ch 6 Reading Guide

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Chapter 6 - Religion: Key Issue 1 Where Are Religions Distributed? Rubenstein, pp. 178-178 Geographers are concerned with the ______________ _______________ of different ______________ and the resulting potential for _________________. Geographers also observe that different religions are derived in part from the elements of the __________________ _____________________, and that religions in turn, modify the _________________. Read the case study on page 170 1. Who is the Dalai Lama? 2. What country invaded Tibet? 3. Why were the religious institutions of Tibet dismantled? ? UNIVERSALIZING RELIGIONS 1. Draw a picture demonstrating the relationship between the following terms: religion, branch, denomination, sect.

ch6 answers

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Name___________________________________ AP Human Geography - Chapter Six: Religion Introduction: (Page 191) 1. What questions about religion do geographers try to answer? Where and Why? 2. Why do geographers find the tensions between globalization and local diversity especially acute in religion? (Give five reasons.) People care deeply about their religion and draw their core values and beliefs from it Some religions have universal appeal and others local appeal Religious values show how people feel and the meaningful ways they alter the landscape Most (but not all) religions require strict adherence, so adopting a global religion could mean turning away from traditional local religion

Religion Outline AP HUG

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Key Issue 1: Where are Religions Distributed? A. Universalizing Religions: appeal to all people - Branch ? large and fundamental division within a religion - Denomination ? a division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a legal body - Sect ? small group that has broken away from an established denomination 1. Christianity: over 2 billion adherents, most widespread - Main branches: Roman Catholic (52%), Protestant (21%), Eastern Orthodox (10%) - Western Hemisphere = 90% - Other Christian churches: Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopian Church 2. Islam: 1.3 billion, prime religion in Middle East - Five Pillars of Faith - Two Branches: Sunni (83%) and Shiite (16%) - Muslims = 5% of Europe?s population, U.S. and Canada are home to 5

Ap human geography

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Geography of Religion Cultural Geography C.J. Cox Instructor Geography of Religion What is Religion? Major Religions & Divisions Religious Landscapes Religious Conflict and Interaction Religion A set of beliefs existence of a higher power, spirits or god an explanation of the origins and purpose of humans and their role on earth Which involves rituals, festivals, rites of passage and space (religious landscapes) Key Terms Universalizing Religion: attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location. Proselytize: to try to convert people to one?s belief or opinion. Key Terms Ethnic Religions: concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely based on physical characteristics of a particular location. Key Terms

Chapter 6 PP

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Name___________________________________ AP Human Geography - Chapter Six: Religion Introduction: (Page 191) 1. What questions about religion do geographers try to answer? Where and Why? 2. Why do geographers find the tensions between globalization and local diversity especially acute in religion? (Give five reasons.) People care deeply about their religion and draw their core values and beliefs from it Some religions have universal appeal and others local appeal Religious values show how people feel and the meaningful ways they alter the landscape Most (but not all) religions require strict adherence, so adopting a global religion could mean turning away from traditional local religion

chapter 6 review

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1 Chapter 6 outline: Religion KEY ISSUE 1: Where Are Religions Distributed? universalizing religions-attempts to appeal to all people wherever they may live in the world the three main universalizing religions are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism branch-large and fundamental division in a religion; denomination-division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations; sect-relatively small group broken away from a denomination Christianity over 2 billion adherents and most widespread distribution predominant in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia (and Christian majority in Africa and Asia) branches of Christianity 3 major branches: Roman Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox

AP Hug Chapter 6

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Name___________________________________ AP Human Geography - Chapter Six: Religion Introduction: (Page 191) 1. What questions about religion do geographers try to answer? Where and Why? 2. Why do geographers find the tensions between globalization and local diversity especially acute in religion? (Give five reasons.) People care deeply about their religion and draw their core values and beliefs from it Some religions have universal appeal and others local appeal Religious values show how people feel and the meaningful ways they alter the landscape Most (but not all) religions require strict adherence, so adopting a global religion could mean turning away from traditional local religion
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