Principles of Chemistry Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Molecules and Materials Section 8.2: Condensed Phases--Solids Monday, October 13, 2014 1:00 PM Arrangements of Solids: ? Crystalline solid - solids with regular, repeating geometric arrangements of atoms, ions, or molecules Amorphous solids - noncrystalline solid with random arrangement of atoms or molecules ? **crystalline solids are more common and well-known ? Arrangements can be thought of as packing marbles together in a box (especially since atoms are spherical) We can reduce space between atoms--but not eliminate it--by rearranging the atoms in the structure "packing efficiency" - percentage of total volume that is actually occupied by atoms in a crystal lattice Affected by density of the material ? ? ? Types of Structures ? ? Cubic Crystal lattices: ? ? ?