Electric Guided Notes
Name ________________ Date ________ Block ___ GAC Physics Topic 5: Electric Currents Ch 17 5.1 Electric potential difference, current and resistance Electric Potential difference and Capacitance 5.1.1 Sec 1, Practice A, SR pg 601 Define electric potential difference. 5.1.2 Determine the change in potential energy when a charge moves between two points at different potentials. 5.1.4 Solve problems involving electric potential difference. 5.1.12 Sec 2, Practice B, SR pg 607 Relate capacitance to the storage of electrical potential energy in the form of separated charges. 5.1.13 Calculate the capacitance of various devices. 5.1.14 Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor. Electric Current and resistance Assessment statement Teacher?s notes 5.1.5