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Literary Device: Imagery

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Sirens escape echoing speakers, piercing my mind like hollow tip rounds. It was an obnoxious operation of cooperation between that and the blinding brightness of red and blue as pollutants to the sky. It exhibited such cooperation that it could instill fear into any man; absent ability to hear or even absent sight. I had taken part in many wild stunts in my life. Some, you could even call obscenities. Though, none unveiled a curtain of fear as this. Atom-like thoughts bounced around my head like that within an unknown gas. Questions like, ?How could I be so wrong!?! How could- could they be so right,? and, ?How am I supposed to think with this impossible, shrieking screech!?!?

Creative writting

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Your home is your castle and you are the supreme ruler within its walls. According to what the article ?How Private is Your Private Life??, you cannot rule your life have a completely private life. Why should it bother someone unless they are doing something illegal? If someone isn?t allowing you have a private life, then it should feel like a compliment that someone wants to watch you 24/7. As long as people have the basics to live and learn, then there is no reason that we can?t be who we want to be. The only parts that someone cannot change are when and where they were born. But once we get to a certain age, we begin to focus more and see how our actions affect others and ourselves. This is when we have to learn to overcome obstacles or else we degrade ourselves even further.


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Antonio L. Dozier October 19th, 2012 I Am From Poem I am from the air that we breathe every day from the beautiful LeBron Nikes I am from the red bricked house, with the wooden porch and where the streets were hood, cruel, and dangerous It sounded like a battle field gun shots were everywhere I am from the autumn oak, where the leaves fall greatly from the trees and the oak trees were very beautiful in everyway I am from going to the cabins in Tennessee every Thanksgiving I am from Tangela McFashion and Octavious Dozier Sr. I am from doing the right thing and staying in school I am from ?whatever goes around comes around? and ?monkey see monkey do? I am from Christianity were we believe in god

All But My Life Essay

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Robinson ? PAGE ?1? Haley Robinson Honor?s English II Ms. Nation-Gaddy 12 December 2011 Independent Book Study Song 1: Murder In The City-The Avett Brothers If I get murdered in the city Don't go revenging in my name One person dead from such is plenty No need to go get locked away When I leave your arms The things I think of No need to get over alarmed I'm coming home I wonder which brother is better Which one our parents loved the most I sure did get in lots of trouble They seemed to let the other go A tear fell from my father's eye I wondered what my dad would say He said, "I love you and I'm proud of you both, In so many different ways" If I get murdered in the city Go read the letter in my desk Don't bother with all my belongings


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A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. The cat is sitting on the floor.
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Lit movement notes

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Puritan Times 1650-1750 Content: Errand into the wilderness Be a city upon a hill- belief in America being the ?promised land? and Americans being the ?chosen people? Christian utopia Literal truth substituted with potential symbolic lesson Outside the community is the devil?s playground- both literally (Indians, dense forests, wild animals) and figuratively (separation from the community, spirits and demons/witches inhabiting the unknown) Genre/Style: Sermons-both to present a new argument in the ongoing theological debates and a part of the political process -?Election Day Sermons? Diaries Personal narratives Jeremiads-scaring the congregation back into religious life Written in plain style Chronicles-describe the earthly in terms of the eternal


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