organic compounds - macromolecules made of subunits in living organisms
- carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
- dehydration synthesis - water molecule removed to bond 2 subunits
- hydrolysis - exothermic reaction where water is added to break bonds between subunits
- different structures and arrangments give compounds different characteristics
controlled experiments - has controls used for comparison
- unknown solution - may or may not contain the substance that is being tested for
- positive control - contains the substance that is being tested for; shows what a positive test should look like
- negative control - doesn't react in the test; shows what a negative result should look like
carbohydrates - molecules made of C, H, and O in ratio 1:2:1
- monosaccharides - simple sugars
- disaccharides - paired monosaccharides
- polysaccharides - linking together 3 or more monosaccharides
- reducing sugars - monosaccharides that have free adlehyde (-CHO) or ketone (-C=O) groups that reduce weak oxidizing agents
- Benedict's test - identifies reducing sugars that can reduce the cupric ions in Benedict's reagent into cuprous oxide
- iodine test - iodine-potassium iodide reacts w/ coiled molecules of starch to become bluish black; doesn't react w/ other carbohydrates as much
proteins - made of amino acids
- each amino acid has amino group, carboxyl group, and variable side chain
- peptide bond - forms between amino group and carboxyl group of 2 amino acids
- Biuret test - peptide bonds of proteins produce a violet color when in contact w/ the copper II found in Biuret reagent; individual amino acids do not react
lipids - nonpolar molecules w/ many C-H bonds
- dissolve in nonpolar solvents
- fats (triglycerides) - made of glycerol and 3 fatty acids
- tests based on lipid's ability to change color w/ fat-soluble dyes (ex. Sudan IV)
- grease-spot test - lipids produce translucent grease-marks on unglazed paper
nucleic acids - made of nucleotide subunits
- either DNA or RNA (differences in sugar structure and organic bases)
- Dische diphenylamine test - makes deoxyribose into another molecule that bonds w/ diphenylamine to make a blue color