protists - probably developed due to endosymbiosis
- most diverse kingdom in Eukarya domain
- symbiotic/aerobic bacteria >> mitochondria
- most similar to nonsulfur purple bacteria
- proteins for respiration embedded within folds of membrane
- symbiotic/photosynthetic bacteria >> chloroplasts
- 3 different classes of chloroplasts (red, green, algae) >> separate paths of evolution
- mitochondria/chloroplasts both have their own circular DNA
- replicates through splitting
- similar size/membrane structure as prokaryotes
- evolution of mitosis/cytokinesis not shown in any way
- about 60 protists don’t have definite places on the phylogeny tree
general protist characteristics - non-fungi, non-plant, non-animal eukaryotes
- unicellular/multicellular, some form colonies
- cell surface - ranges from simple plasma membrane to extracellular material deposits
- locomotor organelles - provides mov’t
- mainly through flagella (single or cilia) or pseudopodial (false foot) mov’t
- lobopodia - large pseudopods used by amoeba
- filopodia - thin, branching pseudopods
- axopodia - supported by microtubules to move through extension/retraction
- cyst formation - dormant forms of cells w/ resistant outer coverings
- cell metabolism shuts down
- nutrition - only chemoautotrophic nutrition not used (only found in prokaryotes)
- phototrophs - photosynthetic
- phagotrophs - ingests visible food particles
- osmotrophs - ingests food in soluble form
- reproduction - usually asexual
- sexual reproduction during times of stress
- binary fission - cell splits in 2
- budding - fission where new cell is much smaller than parent
- schizogony - multiple fission