natural selection - mechanism for evolution
- individuals w/ better traits tend to produce more surviving offspring
- Lamarck’s theory - inheritance of acquired characteristics
- individuals pass on body/behavior changes acquired throughout lives
- Darwin ’s theory - inheritance of preexisting genetic differences
- population genetics - study of gene properties in populations
evidence for evolution - proven by modern day evidence
- correspondence between finch beaks and food supply
- Peter/Rosemary Grant - studied ground finch, found that frequency of a certain beak size change predictably as food supply differed
- pollution after 1850 allowed dark colored moths to survive more easily than light-colored ones
- increase in number of dark colored moths after industrial revolution
- industrial melanism - darker organisms prevail over lighter ones in industrial areas
- artificial selection in agriculture - differences due to selection for favorable traits
- current crops look far different from ancestors
- corn can no longer survive by itself in the wild
- fossil record - absolute dating (w/ radioactive decay) has replaced relative dating (w/ rock strata)
- fossil record (especially for vertebrates) show how they’ve changed/evolved
- anatomical record - w/o evolution, it’s hard to explain many things in biology
- homologous structures - structures w/ different functions, derived from same body part
- imperfect structures - like vertebrate eye, don’t function as efficiently as a result of evolution
- vestigial structures - have no function, but resembles structures of ancestors
- analogous structures - due to convergent evolution, has similar functions but derived from different body parts