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A Little Insight on Choosing and Getting Into the Right School

Aug 09, 2009

As a graduating senior, I have to read a vast amount of information when it comes to colleges. I learned that finding the right college for you is not as difficult as it may seem as long as you know the college standards, where you stand, and what you want.

Where Do You Stand?

It is VERY important to know where you stand and how colleges will view you. For example it wouldn't be very smart to have a 1.5 GPA, no extra curricular activies or leadership skills, with below average test scores and expect to get into an Ivy League University. You must always look at a school's standards BEFORE YOU APPLY. Submitting an application is not free, so you don't want to waste that money on a load of schools with standards you know you don't meet. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to apply to one, maybe two, dream schools, but you must think realistically. KNOW YOUR STANDARDS.

Look In-State First!

Remember that going to school in state is usually cheaper than going out of state. Look for the best schools in your state before you start jumping all over the country.

Oh yeah! Those darn SAT/ACT *snore*

Your SAT and ACT scores matter! You should never wait until the last minute to take either test. I advise you take them as early as possible (the summer before junior year). You can take the test as many times as you need to, but remmeber to start early and don't wait until after graduation to take one. Just because you take the test doesn't mean that you can get in anywhere, either. Your scores matter as well! It's not the end of the world if you don't do as well as you hoped, just keep trying until you do the best you can. Although these tests are major factors when applying to colleges, remmeber that these two test DO NOT determine your success in college.

Major Issues...

Make sure you look at schools with many, many, many majors. Why? A lot of people think they want to persue one major when they graduate high school and end up doing something completely different when they actually get to college. People change their majors like they change their shoes, at times. It's not the best habit to get into, but don't stay so focused on a school because of a particular major you want to persue. A school with a wide variety of majors is best, in case you change your mind. Remember, you don't start persuing your major until your sophmore year anyway.

Lastly, make sure YOU are happy with your college choice. You should never make a decision about a school because of what others want, or expect for you to do. It's YOUR education, not everyone elses. Your college should have all that you want and more. Just make the decision that's best for you!!!

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