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Summer Time Can Be Family Time

Aug 16, 2009

Summer has many possibilities to go rock climbing, surfing, and much more. While many teenagers hang out with friends during summer it is also the opportunity to hang out with family. Time with the family is limited especially as people grow up and enter the world of adulthood. So while most teenagers just ask parents for money to go out with their peers more should realize parents can also be your friends. With no idea what to do with the parents here are some suggestions.

Go shopping with your mom or even your dad. It’s a perfect way to get some quality time and update your wardrobe. Not up for the mall? Try a movie, you may not be able to talk during the flick but you can go out for ice cream afterword to discuss the movie or even on the car ride home. Reading can always bring people together and it may help the child out with some summer reading. If both you and your parent like to read, think about joining a book club. You both will be reading the same book, so you guys will always have a subject to talk about. It’s a way to bond and make memories.

Whether it’s on a lake or in the ocean being on a boat is pure fun and summer is the perfect time for it. Rent one during the summer with your parents and you’ll be sure to have some laughs! You can tan with your mom, fish with your dad, or just hang out in the water. The family can even try new things like snorkeling and if everyone enjoys it enough, it can become tradition. A cooking class would be a very good way to learn to cook with your parents. There are many classes you could take: a cake class, a grilling class or even a muffin class. Food is something that everybody can enjoy, try bonding over the smell of your family’s favorite foods. You may even start to cook dinner for them.

Most teens have summer work for school. Parents took the same classes when they were in school, chances are, they still remember what they learned. Even if they don’t they still may be glad to help figure out your work if you need help. Let your mom and dad get in on the work. School work is hard and having parents means that you have an in home teacher to help you with answers. Make a mix cd for the road trips to visit grandma. Oldies but goodies, rap, country or rock- whatever you and your parents listen to, the music is bound to be good. Plus you can listen to it anywhere. Collaborate on the music choice so it’s a little bit of everything.

These are just a couple fun tips to ensure a fun summer with your parents. So don’t forget to turn up the music and put on the apron. Activities like these may make you see your parents in a whole new light, and you may actually end up liking it.

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