AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

crazyaznboi26's blog

Oct 12, 2009

Procrastination--something that AP kids are way too familiar with. But what makes it so appealing? Is that final late night in which you know an assignment is due in 6 hours that draws your attention? Does that give an adrenaline rush? People have yet to figure out the cause of this phenomena--I mean we know the consequences all too well...but why do we keep doing it?

Oct 12, 2009

School, a word dreaded by many students. But why? Is it the association that it has with classes, homework, and tests? Is it just the environment? Either way, school should not be taken lightly.

Sep 16, 2009

So you’re a senior? You’re the top of the food chain. You’re at the apex of the hill. But don’t let that get to you. Being a senior, though seemingly representative of the easiest year of high school, is still very important.
Don’t let your ego get to you! Though you are figuratively on the top, you shouldn’t act like it. Condescending attitudes are never wanted despite how high one is on the social hierarchy. Be kind and courteous and respect the people around you. Whether or not you believe in Karma, the act of being a genuine person is important for being an adult.

Sep 16, 2009

The SATs—the dreaded abbreviation that all of us want to avoid. What is it that we fear about it? The fact that it’s the most important test we’re ever going to take? Is it the lingering fear that our peers have for it? Are we simply scared that we won’t get a score we want? There are many reasons as to why we fear this simple 4 hour long test. To ensure success, just follow these simple tips:

Aug 11, 2009

You get home at four and decide to take some time to relax before starting your work. You watch a bit of tv, check your Facebook and email, take a nap, grab a snack, and check Facebook again before heading towards your homework. You look at the clock beside you, and realize you wasted three hours already. You burrow your face in textbooks and come out triumphant by eleven with all your work done. You look in your student planner and realize one thing--your comprehensive exam in calculus is tomorrow!

Aug 11, 2009

Whether it be a pop quiz in history class or the dreaded SATs, simple things can be done to relieve the pressure and stress from an exam. Many of us know the feeling--the butterfly feeling in the pit of the stomach, the incessant leg movement of nervousness, the feeling of fear down the spines of our backs--feelings that can ultimately produce negative consequences in our scores.
Here are some simple and effective tips to help your test-taking jitters:

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