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Why the Bad Attitude?

Oct 12, 2009

School, a word dreaded by many students. But why? Is it the association that it has with classes, homework, and tests? Is it just the environment? Either way, school should not be taken lightly.

So what is it that makes so many of us disregard it completely? School should be cherished. It's an important aspect of our country--free education. We are fortunate enough to have it, yet we don't take advantage of it. We've all done it, and it's wrong of us to do so. There are kids around the world who wish they could go to school; why should you deserve it more than them? It's just amazing how we take it for granted.

No matter what class you're in, you should feel obligated to do your best. Think of it like this--imagine you helping your friend weeks on end for a test and it seems like the friend is working hard. On the day before a test, you find out they know nothing about anything. Would that not be frustrating? Giving your time, effort, and energy to try and teach, but no one listened! Not only is it disrespectful to waste someone's time like that, it also very much hurts the instructor. It's the feeling of failure-- that feeling of hopelessness. Would there be no guilt in having that pit in your chest that you can't get through to people? No one ever puts one thought into this. This point lies beyond the realm of helping yourself. Of course, being good to yourself is probably most important thing you can do (at least in this stage of life that is how we think), but being good to others is also important. Why is it that we think of only ourselves when it comes to school? Are there not other people giving their efforts to help us?

This only leads to the topic of selfishness. We are born selfish, and we want things for ourselves. But somehow along the way, sympathy is lost. Do we not feel sympathetic for the teachers who help us succeed? Do we not appreciate the friends that help us on homework and studying? No one really is obligated to do anything, but I truly believe that it is an obligation for the recipient to return what is given.

So this comes back to the importance of school. If you don’t give it your all for yourself (which you should), what is stopping you from giving it your all to show the appreciation and respect for the people who have helped you? It is definitely something that we have long forgotten; it is now that our minds only look forward and not side-to-side. The sooner we are able to incorporate both aspects of school, the better.

Reasons also can vary among people. School is an academic area for preparing for the future. Why not take something that's going to help you seriously? Why not do it for other people? This is definitely something that we have to think about the next time we’re in a classroom.

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