Ideas for School Clubs and Events
If you’re thinking of some ways to add a little fun and variety to school or campus activity, then think of what impact these ideas would have on your school.
Computer Science/Programming Club – this club would host gatherings for people who are into computer programming. You could have several group projects that the entire club could contribute to. Maybe having exclusive competitions would add some amount of interest.
Anime Club – also known as Japanese animations/cartoons. Club members could gather together to watch anime and compare styles and such. Making your own anime as a group could yield really cool results.
Movie/Film Club – here could be where members get together and watch movies together. It’d be a great addition if people could find movies that have the potential to be used in the classroom. You could also try to get the school to pay for a Netflix account for the group.
Concerts – at my school, we have semi-famous bands come to our auditorium and play live concerts once every semester or so. In recent memory we’ve had Bowling for Soup and Ghostface Killah among others.
School Field Trips – I’m not talking about a class of 20 students, but an entire school given as an end-of-the-year thing for good overall grades and behavior. This would motivate students to try harder at their schoolwork. Some places might be Six Flags or a big zoo.
Field Day – a field day is kind of like having the day off, but you still need to go to school and have a half of a day of classes or something. Then, the rest of the day the cafeteria would have free food and activities would be set all around the school/campus. This could be an alternative to the big field trip idea.