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How to Make Yourself Shine

By: nasa211
Sep 17, 2009

When trying to build you’re the reputation of your college application, extra-curricular activities are what set you apart from the other thousands that apply. You may think that your grades are amazing because you have straight A’s and a 4.7 GPA, but in reality, you are nothing more than a speck in the grand scheme of things. I cannot emphasize this to a respectable extent: EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE IMPORTANT.

Find something that really interests you and then find an organization that would match your interests. If such an organization does not exist, then you can make your own club. Making a club is a great tactic that will demonstrate initiative and leadership qualities; these qualities are those of an ideal student.

Volunteer organizations such as Key Club are great organizations to join. They reveal that you are not completely selfish and are willing to give back the community that has given so much to you. Independent volunteering at soup kitchens and homeless feedings are also great options that display a sympathetic heart to those less fortunate.

Going back to my previous point, establishing an organization or an event is a fantastic thing to add to your resume. Planning blood drives, health fairs, and tutoring centers are some of the infinite possibilities that you could endeavor to accomplish.

Athletic activities that you enjoy ensure instant success. Finding something that you enjoy is a very valuable treasure because dedication will result in prosperity. As the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” Academic competitions are another option to those that do not like wild sports. Math competitions, science bowls, debate tournaments, and academic decathlon are all rigorous activities that prove one’s intelligence. Art in the form of dance or sculptures are an excellent median to express one’s self.

In conclusion, in order to achieve success with extra-curricular activities one must find something that interests them and stick to it. If you do something just for college and not for yourself, your hatred and apathetic attitude will become apparent and success will never occur.

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