It's senior year and you need letters of recommendations from teachers but you don't exactly know how to ask. Here are the Do's and Dont's when it comes time to requesting them.
- Ask politely after class or before class if your early, tell the teacher your current/past average for that class and that you would really appreciate it if they could.
- If you are not comfortable speaking with your teachers, you can always write a letter and leave it in there mailbox, however, when you ask in person it is more genuine.
- If you can print out all activities/extra-curriculars/community service you have done and print it out for the people you are going to ask, it will make the job a lot easier for them. Also, including a list of your grades will assure a better recommendation.
- Ask teachers that will write a very good recommendation, not a teacher who will write a quick, "crappy" one.
- Also, ask teachers that know you well.
- Do NOT go back and ask a teacher you had freshman year and probably forgot your name UNLESS you've visited/ kept in touch with them. They probably will not know much to write.
- Don't wait last minute to ask because most teachers are very busy and need at least 2 weeks, so try to request as early as possible.
- "Early bird catches the worm": Very true. If you ask after all your friends, your teacher might tell you that he/she is already writing a lot of them and "might" write you one if he/she gets a chance. Trust me, I have been given that excuse, and I did not receive a recommendation.
- Do not go to a teacher in who's class your average was not so great. Even if they liked you, it would be very difficult for them to put good, true facts on it.
Don't be scared to ask teachers, they expect students to ask them, especially teachers who teach juniors and seniors. They are very well prepared and have done them several times, it's okay if a teacher rejects the request. In most instances, if you are a good student they won't have a problem writing one for you.