My first AP class. Would it be hard? Would I pass or fail? What would the homework be like? Those were some of the many thoughts running through my head. But now, after a long year, it’s over because it’s summer time. I’ve taken the class, I’ve taken the AP test, and I’ve also learned that I’ve taken a great opportunity.
Now, before I started my AP European history class, I thought it wouldn’t be as challenging as everyone made it out to be. My reasoning for this went along the lines of, if I got accepted into this class (each student who desired to take this course had to answer a few questions concerning various historical topics), then well, I could probably function fine in this course. Of course that was before all the demanding homework assignments, essays, quizzes, tests which consisted of both DBQ’s and Free Responses.
Now of course there were times and moments where I really, really wished I hadn’t stayed in the class. I think everyone feels that once in awhile. I think it’s also good for you to feel that in your AP class, because then it probably means that your being challenged and gaining a lot of useful information. I also went through the moments where I was actually kind of glad I stayed. Sure I’m not a huge history buff but I did find topics that I liked and I learned a lot of important ideas for which I can use in any other history classes I might take. Also I can definitely say it made me think about why people did what they did back then and why certain things are the way they are now in our world.
So the advice I guess the advice I would give any student willing to take an AP class would be the following:
• Be organized. Sure you’ve probably heard that a million times before but in my AP course experiences, I’ve always gotten a lot of hand outs and had to take a lot of notes. So a binder, a folder, and highlighters always came in handy for me. They will most definitely help you too.
• Be realistic about time management. If you’re anything like me, this tip will be very useful. So basically don’t tell yourself you’re going to read the entire chapter and answer all the focus questions in one night if you know deep down in your hear you can’t. It’s great to set high expectations for yourself but if it’s something you realistically know you can’t do then don’t do it! So instead of trying to be superman or woman, divide up your work. Plan ahead and do a little bit every night. Of course sometimes you might get too busy and you will have to drink a couple red bulls and stay up most of the night finishing that paper on socialism or the black plague, but if you plan ahead that might be something you only do once. Also don’t forget that your teacher might not be your best friend but they do want you to succeed. So don’t be afraid to ask for an extension or help on an assignment.
• Take good notes! Trust me on this one. Just because you can make out what your notes mean when you write them but you have even a sing shred of doubt you might not understand them at a later time, then just do it right the first time. Write them so that at any given time you will be able to understand them. Notes are important and a great resource to study off, but only if you understand them.
• Finally, read. While reading history books over the weekend and during breaks isn’t what I exactly call riveting, it helps a lot. It keeps you on top of what you’re talking about at school, it might help you understand topics you’ve already covered in class better, and it’ll help when you get to the end of the year and it’s time to take the AP test.
I guess the best thing to remember when taking any AP course is to always try your best and don’t give up. Cheesy as that may sound, it’s the truth.