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Dating and School.....

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MotherFirefly's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

I'm a Senior, I've been dating a boy (junior) for almost two years...(three days ago was 1 yr 11 ms and 1 day, I know we're queer)

We're both in the top (not top 10 more like top 20) of our classes, dating isn't so difficult...we see each other between 1 or 2 classes a day, and lunch is usually devoted a couple of times a week. Because we're both big on school, we each understand that the other needs study time. Dating shouldn't be hectic. Who really studies on Friday nights? If your gf/bf really does, arrange a late movie (or something of the sort). It doesn't get distracting if you don't do the whole 2 hours on the phone every night deal. Know your limits and boundaries, get a schedule worked out, and everything works out fine.

We typically try to go on one "awesome" or "out there" date every month, from paintballing to video game lock-ins to extreme go-karting, just change it up a bit every once in a while. And girls, don't expect guys to pay for everything, Dad's tend to be understanding and will lend you a hand and don't be afraid to buy the popcorn!

When it comes to school, limit the time and just keep each other aware of your schedule, if your snappy because you're stressed out because of a test, yoy bf/gf will know before getting upset with you first.

It took me a couple of trial and errors, but really it just takes some communication skills/work ethic/ and a genuine attraction for it all to mix well.


adrio's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

Ummm...Im single so I'm not sure I can help you too much with your question since I don't have a boyfriend. When I did I spent most of my time w/ him at school because we both had such busy schedules outside of school. I've got so much homework after school that school really is mostly my social atmosphere for hanging out with guys. pathetic I know, but whatever. that probably didn't help much did it?...oh well...I try :)

PS: soozin, I also luz your sense of humor :)

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

That sounds kinda like what I did, adrio. No flaming passion, no big, expensive or special dates. just went to the movies and saw a little kid flick, and action/superhero flik (that was crap!) and a girl flik. *sigh* sometime my day will come *music starts to play. best friend gets disgusted look on her face, and punches her. Robin, you're getting melodramatic again. stop it. brandishes sword threatingly*

My life's weird.

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Your life seems no stranger than mine, although I'm not sure what that means...

Anyways, I think you just have to work it out with you bf/gf and find the best way to do things. Like just about everything, it's different for everyone.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

lostinhistory's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

silentdragonzx wrote:I'm not really an expert on this I just wanted to fill this Gap.....

So how do you people handle dating in school? :)
(High School to be more specific)

Hey why not I ask this question too...
How many people registered in this forum have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Dear silentdragonzx, I had a boyfriend, but we broke up. If you want the details read my thread, "Girlfriend, or Arm Candy?" But anyway, dating in high school can be stressful. Sometimes, the guy you like doesn't even know you exist, or already has a girlfriend. All I can say is be cool, and be yourself, eventually someone will think you're hot!;)

" Sometimes the best magic is courage," - Harry Potter

"The reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first," -Robert J. McKain

"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praise

bananasortacos's picture
Joined: Nov 2006

relationships in school are all about time managment

legally.blonde16's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

I'm in 11th and my boyfriend graduated last year, it was really sucky for me when we went to school together and I bet it was also crappy for him. It was horrible dealing with the petty girls who think they can steal him from you and the same with the guys. It seems as if there's always some big drama going on that you can't escape. But we made it by telling everyone one the deal right off. This was easy because I'm a straight shooter as it is.

TaNaTy_AnDraMeDA's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

i don't how that would feel, probably ever in my life. I am not that social, but i can definetly be. I guess it's that bad that i never had a boyfriend and i am a sophmore but school is hundred times more important. Yet sometimes it really hurts to see how everybody has somebody to themselves and i don't. Next week we are having a homecoming and i don't have any to go with at all, but i am the one who has to spend five hours decorating the whole thing. I am not emo or goth or anything of that sort. Does anyone have any advice for me? My theory would be i am scared to make any friends because they would leave me or betray me, or i am just scared that if i get friends i will stop studying and be less focused on school.

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

From your other posts, I would think that you're just more focused on school at the moment than most other people. I hardly know any sophmores that are thinking "what do I need now to get into a good college later?" It's not a bad thing, you just need to relax a bit and try and be a bit more open. Taking alot of AP classes is hard work, but if you find other people who want to work hard then they would help to keep you focused on school and you could have some fun too. After all "All work and no play something something something....." Yeah...I totally don't know the end of that, but it has something to do with going crazy or being boring. Anyways, you can start small and make something like a study group if you feel uncomfortable around people. Then from there you can start to hang out with people from the study group and others. If it's a trust thing...well, those are hard (been there done that). There will be those that leave you, and there will be those who try to take advantage of you, but there are also those that will stand by you and try to protect you. In high school especially people can do both as they are easily persuaded by things like peer pressure and the ignorance that comes with youth. And then if you go off to college, you might loose contact with people, even people who were your closest friends. That's just how life is - high school society and college society lend themselves to different things.

I think I got off-topic there....

Okay, getting yourself a boyfriend. If you want one there are different ways of going about it. The not recommended way is to say "I want a boyfriend because everyone else has one and I want one too!!!" Okay, don't get me wrong, this isn't always a bad thing, and we all want to feel like there's someone there who cares for us and loves us no matter what. But this attitude can sometimes lead to becoming stuck in a bad relationship, so you have to be careful. If you find you're not happy with the person you should NOT stay with them for the sake of being in a relationship. The better way (I think) is to say "I want someone who understands me and likes me for myself" Now, this is something easier said than done, I know. But what happens is that in high school people are still changing, still unsure of what they want to do in life, and are unsure of what they really want. This added to the pressure of school work and peers means that dating is complicated and relationships often aren't as rewarding as one would like since you're both still changing. The best advice I can give you is to take a chance on someone you think you'd like. If it doesn't work out, you can break up and move on with your life and try to find someone else. That's basically all we can do. I know it's hard, but you have to ease into relationships especially in high school, revealing a little more of your true self at a time especially if you have issues with trust. Just move at a pace that's comfortable for you and remember that a relationship is to benefit both people, not just one.

Wow..where did that all come from? Okay, enough therapist for today, I've got tests on friday o.0

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

TaNaTy_AnDraMeDA's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

Sakura i have the same exact feeling i am afraid and confused, but it is us who make decisions for ourselves maybe we can help each other. What we need to be is Brave and confident, studies are excellent but you got to be well rounded to survive and if we support each other i think it will be possible. I really know how you feel and that misery kills me. I also like this one guy who is in honors society and i volunteered with him once, but every time i like a guy i just give because i already got in my mind that nothing good will happen. To me it seems if so i will never have anyone and there is stuly no hope for me in love, but i still have faith that i can make some friends and that you are ever alone.


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