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Part-time jobs anyone?

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CVHS's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Part-time jobs anyone?

Hi everyone:D . I was wondering if anyone who is 15-16 has or had a job at that age and what was it. I am currently 15 years old and on November 8th I will be 16. I want a job because, like everyone else, I want things that I cant get from my parents or anyone else.

If anyone had a online job at 15-16 PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WHERE YOU FOUND IT! I've seen some online jobs where you take surveys but pay a $19.95 start-up fee which I am pretty sure is a scam. Others are where you are a "mystery shopper", im not too sure about that. But if anyone has had an online job that actually was true, please tell me what it is about and where you found it and how you received your money and all that other good stuff.

Thank you for taking your time to read this;)

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Do you just want to get an online job? Sometimes when you submit a resume, and you put down that as a previous job experience, busnisses aren't sure if that is valid or not (I heard this by word of mouth), so you might want to reconsider doing that...or not if you know more about it than me!
I've had a summer part-time job since I was 14, working first for a friend (scooping horse manure....not the best job, but it payed!), then eventually as a barista in a coffe/bagel/pastry shop. I'm 17 now.

Did that help at all?

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

CVHS's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

Yes it helped, guess I'll have to wait next year though, this year im taking a lot of classes that take up time. Next year, when all my high school grad requirments and 4-year college requirements are done and im a senior, Im thinking about just taking work experience (basically you find a job, and go to it). So basically, i'll be out of school a little earlier AND have money!

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

That's a GOOD combonation, in my opinion! :p

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

aino (not verified)
aino's picture

Hi there!!! I have a part time job right now... I'm doing some baby-sitter stuff... I really like it very much. Well, its a good thing that I like to take care babies and children... I have been baby-sitting a one-year old baby and his 2 year old brother...


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xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Yeah, that wouldn't work out too good for me...my parental/maternal instincts are about zilch. But that's neat you like doing it!

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

APUSH1989's picture
Joined: Sep 2006

I got my first job when I was 15. I worked at Dairy Queen. I was in charge of dipping dilly bars. That was pretty sweeet!!!

Effervescent's picture
Joined: Dec 2006

APUSH1989 wrote:I got my first job when I was 15. I worked at Dairy Queen. I was in charge of dipping dilly bars. That was pretty sweeet!!!

Is it true that you get an unlimited amount of free ice cream??

Er... ahem... * cough, cough * Anyways...

If you're just inquiring about online jobs, all I can say about that is that anything that asks you to pay anything is definitely a scam. Don't fall for it.

If you're just asking about 'jobs' in general, I'd say of course it's possible. My friend is 15 and she was hired immediately on the spot for a grocery store. If you can't seem to get in regular teen jobs like that for some reason, consider jobs like baby-sitting, lawn mowing, et cetera. Sure it's inconsistent but it earns you money and if you do your job well, possibly a long-term customer. :D

( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
* current

APUSH1989's picture
Joined: Sep 2006

Actually it wasn't unlimited. We only got ice cream after close on the days that we worked. We got whatever we wanted other than that. It was okay except for the fact that it catches up to you in the end.

What's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Do NOT go for an "online job" for your first job. Go to some place where you are going to get experience in the work environment. I'm 18, 19 in May, and I still work at McDonalds. I started working when I turned 16. It may get a lot of stuff for being "McDonalds" but, trust me, it is an excellent first job. It will get you used to teamwork and doing your part and getting use to, what can deffiently be, a stressful enviorment. In addition, it will also help you with your people skills and keeping your cool. Deffiently pluses for later in life.

Also, they tend to be very flexible about your schedule. For example, I am in college now and if I wanted to come home this weekend and work, I could seriously call Friday Night and tell them I'm in town and that I want to work and they'll put me on the schedule.

Also, I am a Zone Manager and being considered for shift management at my McDonalds. This helps a lot with getting used to a leadership position.

With that said, sometimes it doesn't seem worth it for the min. wage pay, but in a job later on, it'll be the same way.

whsbandgeek2009's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

I'm 16, had my first job last summer at an Autism Clinic, where i basicly helped to teach the kids for their summer camp, which was amazing. Now i have a part time job at Food Lion and when summer comes around, i'll be doing both jobs. I'll give you the advice i recieved from family and friends, and that is get a real work experiance now while ur still at home and learn how to manage your time and money, and that will help you later in life so you are more prepard=]. Hope this helps.


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