I'm looking at getting a new beginner guitar and was hoping to get any tips. Right now I have a Yamaha classical guitar, but its wider neck is a bit too big for me. I'd like to find an acoustic that's around $100 and under. I found a Johnson guitar (model JG-100-R), but I'm not sure if it's any good. Also, I think it's a bit smaller than standard guitars-is that worth it? Opinions? Other guitars that are better?
Thanks in advance,
...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...
i don't know how successfull you will be at finding a guitar for that price but i can say that my brother has a 3/4 size guitar which was pretty cheap and although it is not of great quality it plays fairly well. also, it is very convinient because of it's size. i would not worry about how big the guitar is as long as it feels comfrotable to play.
if you do not play alot or if you are just starting i would also recomend looking into nylon strings instead of steel. they are alot softer on your fingers and easier to play.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
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Actually, there are plenty of guitars for that price, both used and new. Most of them are starter packs for beginners and stuff. I just need recommendations on brands and things like that.
I don't know if a 3/4 would be the right size for me, because it's really only the neck. I can't get my fingers to comfortably play the G chord (which spans the neck), but I also have trouble with my fingers touching the other strings when I play chords. But thanks!
...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...
any guitar will have a thinner neck than a classical guitar. personaly, i like Fenders. i have one electric and one accoustic. my brothers 3/4 guitar is also a Fender and the only reason i brought it up is because it is really easy to take places. as far as playing a G chord or touching other strings, more practice will fix that.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
Well, and I'm no expert, I don't think I can practice making my fingers reach without touching. It's almost physically impossible for me. :) Though I could stand corrected.
I'm looking at either an Ibanez or a Jasmine. (I can post the models if you want)
...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...
Hey. I just started learning guitar a month ago and I had a lot of trouble with the G chord too. I practiced a lot and now its like no problem. Perhaps it is physically impossible for you but I know some extremely small and large people who can play the guitar proficiently. Unless you have the money to spend, I would suggest giving it some more time before you buy another guitar. It'll be repetitive but once you get it, its second nature.
yeah, as someperson0529 said, that G-chord is a strech and most people have trouble with it when they start playing. i know i did. as far as spacific models go, i am no expert and will be of little help.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
Hmm, I guess it might be easier over time.
I'm actually planning on getting an acoustic guitar anyway (but I'd have to sell my current one). I got the classical guitar for Christmas but didn't have the heart to speak up and say that it was the wrong kind.
Thanks someperson!
...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...
I have an Epiphone SG, and an acoustic (not sure what model) I just started as well, and I'm learning how to play string 5 and 6 lmao.... I'm getting there.
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ha ha...you are the first person to talk on this thread in like 4 months. anyways, i've been playing for about a year and a half now (i have a fender strat, a fender accoustic, a takemini (SP?) accustic, and a fender 3/4 accoustic learning guitar). i love to talk guitar with people but it is hard to find people. if you have any questions about guitar i can try to help and if you just wanna talk about what your playing that's cool too. i am getting a video camera so hopefully i'll be on youtube sometime in the next month or two.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
I just took guitar last year but couldn't fit in my current schedule. :(