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§upa - Jeopardy Terms - 1 - Prehistoric Flashcards

List of Jeopardy Terms for AP World History

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9354581PrehistoryPeriod of the human past before writing was invented in 3000 B.C.E.0
9354582HistoryThe story of the human past1
9354583WritingDevelopment that separates prehistory from recorded history2
9354584LegendsFolktales that explain the past3
9354585CultureThe way of life of a people4
9354586PopulationThe number of people who live in a given area5
9354587HistorianPerson who studies the human past6
9354588GeographyThe study of people, their environments, and their resources7
9354589GeologistScientist who studies the Earth8
9354590ArchaeologistScientist who studies the remains of ancient peoples and civilizations9
9354591CivilizationSociety centered around cities10
9354592ArtifactAny surviving object made by early people11
9354593Ice AgePeriod when the northern continents were buried under ice and snow12
9354594B.C.Before the birth of Christ13
9354595A.D.Anno Domini, the years after the birth of Christ14
9354596Stone AgeFirst period of human history15
9354597Common EraWhat C.E. stands for16
9354598Before Common EraWhat B.C.E. stands for17
9354599GlaciersHuge, slowly moving masses of ice and snow18
9354600EonExceptionally long period of time19
9354601EraPeriod of time figured from some particular date20
9354602AfricaContinent where the earliest humanlike remains have been found21
9354603NeanderthalMuscular prehistoric people who were not ancestors of modern humans22
9354604Cro-MagnonPrehistoric people who closely remembered modern humans23
9354605PostureCharacteristic that allowed humans to use their hands freely24
9354606LanguageSkill that allowed humans to pass along knowledge25
9354607Large BrainCharacteristic that allowed humans to store and use more information than animals26
9354608Heavy JawOne of the facial characteristics that made a Neanderthal different from a Cro-Magnon27
9354609Homo Habilis"Skillful Human"28
9354610Homo Erectus"Upright Human"29
9354611Homo Sapien"Wise Human"30
9354612Hunting and GatheringEarliest Paleolithic ways of getting food31
9354613ToolA shaped stone32
9354614Animal SkinEarliest clothing material33
9354615FireResource used both for cooking and as a weapon34
9354616CavesNeanderthal shelters35
9354617MammothHuge wooly creature; often hunted36
9354618BurialHow Neanderthals disposed of their dead37
9354619Cave PaintingsPrehistoric wall art38
9354620Farming and HerdingNeolithic ways of seuring food39
9354621VillagesNew, Neolithic living arrangement40
9354622PotteryNeolithic invention used for cooking and food storage41
9354623ClothNeolithic clothing material42
9354624ClanLarge, extended kinship unit43
9354625ExcavationDigging into the earth to find ancient remains44
9354626DecipherTo decode an ancient language45
9354627ResearchCareful hunting for facts or evidence46
9354628TheoryIdea about how something happened47
9354629To DateTo determine how old a historical find is48
9354630PhilologistScientist who studies languages and written records49
9354631AnthropologistScientist who studies the origin and development of human beings50
9354632PatrilinealTerm for father-related society51
9354633MatrilinealTerm for mother-related society52
9354634PaleontologistScientist who studies fossilized remains of early life53
9354635Paleolithic AgeOld Stone Age54
9354636Neolithic AgeNew Stone Age55
9354637MilleniumPeriod of 1000 years56
9354638Tree RingsThese were formerly used to date archaeological sites57
9354639C-14Radioactive elements used to date ancient objects58
9354640Neolithic RevolutionThe shift from food hunting and gathering to food producing59
93546413000 B.C.E.When the Stone Age ended60
93546428000 B.C.E.When the Neolithic Age began61
93546432.5 million - 8000 B.C.E.Years of the Paleolithic Age62
93546448000 B.C.E.When the last Ice Age ended63
9354645Java ManPrehistoric dweller on a Southeast Asian Island64
9354646Peking ManPrehistoric dweller of China65
9354647100000 years agoWhen Homo Sapiens emerged66
935464840000 years agoWhen Cro-Magnon people emerged67
9354649SkinThe color of this depended on the climate where people lived68
9354650AboriginesPeople who have lived in Australia since prehistoric times69
9354651LucyA 3.5 million-year-old female humanlike skeleton found in Ethiopia70
9354652NeanderRiver in western Germany where Neanderthal remains were first found71
9354653HominidsTerm for creatures that walk upright72
9354654MetalNeolithic material that began to replace stone73
9354655WheelNeolithic invention that was the basis of transportation74
9354656LoomNeolithic invention that was a machine to weave cloth75
9354657Straw or DungMaterial mixed with clay to produce pottery76
9354658NomadsPeople who wandered from place to place, as Old Stone Age people did77
9354659ObsidianHardened lava from volcanoes; used as mirrors78
9354660ChippingMethods of shaping stone in the Old Stone Age79
9354661GrindingMethod of shaping stone in the New Stone Age80
9354662Life after DeathNeanderthal religious belief about death81
9354663DogFirst domesticated animal82
9354664PastoralismMobile way of life that depended on large herds of livestock83

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