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304245738What was the "Columbian Exchange?"The transfer of peoples, animals, plants and diseases between the New and Old World.0
304245739How did disease affect the Amerindian peoples during the early colonial period?It devastated the indigenous population and caused dramatic population changes.1
304245740What was the most deadly of the epidemics in the Americas?Smallpox2
304245742What impact did the horse have on the Americas?It increased the efficiency of hunters and the military capacity of warriors on the plains.3
304245743By the end of the sixteenth century, what country occupied mist if the Brazilian coast?Portugal4
304245745The Council of the Indies was created for what purpose?To supervise all government, ecclesiastical, and commercial activity in the Spanish colonies5
304245746Why did the highest-ranking Spanish officials in the colonies enjoy broad power?because of their distance from Spain6
304245747The Viceroyalty of New Spain in 1535 encompassed what areas?Mexico, the Southwest of what is now the United States, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean.7
304245748The most important agent for transmitting European beliefs, language, and culture in Spanish America and Brazil was what?the Catholic Church8
304245749The most influential defender of Amerindians in the early colonial period was who?Bartolome De Las Casas9
304337138Which of the following became the richest institution of the Spanish colonies?the Church10
304337139The economic development of the colonies in Mexico and Peru was dominated by who?silver rhining11
304337140What was an encomienda?A grant of authority over a population of AMerindians in the Spanish colonies. It provided the grant holder with a supply of cheap labor and periodic payments of goods y the Amerindians. It obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians.12
304337141The forced labor system where the male Amerindian slaves was eventually superseded by who?Mita13
304337142Seventeenth-century sugar plantations of Brazil depended on what type of labor force?slaves14
304337143In Brazil, the economic importance of Amerindian slaves was eventually superseded by who?African slaves15
304337144The Spanish attempted to protect and control trade to the colonies by doing what?They gave monopoly trade rights.16
304337145Spain's lesser nobles were called?Hidalgos17
304337146Amerindian- born Spanish whites were called?Creoles18
304337147How did the slaves express their resistance to their colonisl masters in Latin America?in many formas including sabotage, malingering, running away, and rebellion19
304337148Slaves could be manumitted by?purchasing their freedom or giving birth to a child of the master, or being that child20
304337149The castas of Latin America included mixed race peoples such as?Mestizos and Mulattos21
304337150How did the English and French American colonies differ from the Spanish and Portuguese American colonies?They didn't have the large, expensive colonial bureaucracies, and private companies and individual proprietors played a large role.22
304337151The early English effort to found a colony in the Americas produced?more failures than successes23
304337152Which form of complementary labor was added ot the English colonies in the America?indentured servants24
304337153In Virginia, colonial government consisted of which offices or people?A crown-appointed governor and his council, as well as the House of Burgesses25
304337154How did the Amerindian population react to the colonial economy?They joined in the trade of furs and skins and became very dependent on the Europeans for firearms, metal tools, textiles, and alcohol.26
304337155What was the valuable plant used to produce dye?Indigo27
304337156The largest slave revolt that took place in 1739 in South Carolina was called what?The Stono Rebellion28
304337157The two groups of Protestant dissenters that colonized New England were who?The Pilgrims and the Puritans29
304337158How were the Massachusetts colonies different from the Chesapeake and South Carolina colonies?Most newcomers came with their families. Also, the economy was not based on agriculture due to poor soils.30
304337159Who first settled the Middle Atlantic region?The Dutch31
304337160Compare the French settlements in America to the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?The French were committed to missionary activity among Amerindian peoples and emphasized the extraction of natural resources32
304337161The leaders of French expansion, the coureurs de bois, were who?Young Frenchmen/ the runners of the woods33
304337162The Amerindian enemies of the French were who?Iroquois Confederacy34
304337163What was the French and Indian War, how did it progress and were the results?It was a series of wars fought by Frnace and England. It eventually turned into the seven- years war. The French lost Quebec city, the capital, and lost the war.35
304337164Why was Tupac Amaru II important?The leader of one of the greatest rebellions.36
304337165The English Navigations Act sought to do what?severely limit colonial trading and production that competed directly with English manufacturers.37

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