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27 & 28 Vocab

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three domains
most prokaryotes possess a cell wall that contains _____
____ bacteria have simpler walls with more peptidoglycans
____ bacteria have walls that are structurally more complex
prokaryotes use appendages called ____ to adhere to touch other or to surrounding surfaces
About half of the prokaryotes are ____
Whiplike appendages that make prokaryotes motile
small, circular, independent pieces of DNA
prokaryotes reproduce through an asexual process called ___
prokaryote takes up genes from its environment
genes are directly transferred from one prokaryote to another
viruses transfer genes between prokaryotes
the major source of genetic variation in prokaryotes
photosynthetic, and they use the power of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds
use carbon dioxide as their source of carbon, but they get energy from oxidizing inorganic substances
use light to make ATP but must obtain their carbon from an outside source already fixed in organic compounds
get both carbon and energy from organic compounds
decomposer that absorbs nutrients from dead organic matter, most important are cyanobacteria
absorb nutrients from the body fluids of living hosts
some prokaryotes can use atmospheric nitrogen as a direct source of nitrogen in a process called ______
cannot grow without oxygen
Use oxygen if it is available; when oxygen is not available, they undergo fermentation
most known prokaryotes are _____
first prokaryotes that were classified in domain Archaea; live in extreme environments such as gysers
use carbon dioxide to oxidize H2 and produce methane as a waste product
Lives in saline environments (highly concentrated with salt)
lives in very hot environments
the first step in the cycling of essential elements through the environment
meaning that they form relationships with other species
In symbiotic relationships, where one organism is significantly larger than the other, the larger one is called _____
in which both symbiotic organisms benefit
in which one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed
in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other
the simplest but most diverse of all eukaryotes
Flagellated protozoan; has two nuclei and multiple flagella (Lack plastids, mitchondria lacks DNA)
Flagellated protozoan; moves by means of flagella and an undulating part of the plasma membrane, is symbiotic (Lack plastids, mitchondria lacks DNA)
flagellated protozoan; human pathogens that are transmitted by insects (life-cycles involve more than one host), is from the family of kinetoplastids
Flagellated protozoan; have one or two flagella that emerge from a pocket at one end of the cell, store the glucose polymer paramylon
flagellated protozoan; have a single, large mitochondrion that contains an organized mass of DNA called a kinetoplast, marine ecosystems
Aveolate; use cilia to move and feed, have a macronuclei and micronuclei (functions during conjugation)
Aveolate; aquatic photoautotrophs and heterotrophs, reinforced by internal plates of cellulose and have two flagella that make them spin as they move through the water
Aveolate; apex contains a complex of organelles specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues, life cycles include asexual and sexual stages as well as multiple hosts
group of protists classified by tail
group of protists classified by membrane-bound sacs under the plasma membrane
group of protists classified by "hairy" flagellum paired with a "smooth" flagellum
stramenopile; have filaments (hyphae) that facilitate nutrient uptake, Are decomposers or parasites (closely related to fungi and caused the potato famine in Ireland)
stramenopile; unicellular algae with a unique two-part, glass-like wall of hydrated silica
stramenopile; typically biflagellated, with both flagella attached near one end of the cell, have yellow and brown carotenoids
stramenopile; multicellular, largest and most complex algae
ameobozoan; commonly unicellular, in soil as well as freshwater and marine environments
ameobozoan; parasites of vertebrates and some invertebrates
ameobozoan; ____ slime mold, brightly pigmented, usually yellow or orange, form a plasmodium at one point in the life cycle which contains many diploid nuclei
group classified by amoeba that have lobe-shaped pseudopodia, very much like fungi
group classified by amoeba that have threadlike pseudopodia
ameobozoan; _____ slime mold, form multicellular aggregates in which the cells remain separated by their membrane
Cercozoan; multichambered shells called tests, Pseudopodia extend through the pores in the test
Cercozoan; marine protists whose tests are fused into one delicate piece which is generally made of silica, pseudopodia, known as axopodia, radiate from the central body
have an accessory pigment called phycoerythrin, most abundant algae in costal waters of the tropics
closely related to plants, named for their green-grass chloroplasts
green algae; live in fresh water, although many are marine, have complex life cycles
green algae; live completely submerged in the water

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