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40-41 Ap bio Vocab

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53684401Anatomythe study of the structure of an organism
53684402PhysiologyThe study of the functions of an organism
53684403tissuesan integrated group of cells with a common structure and function
53684404epithelial tissuesheets of tightly packed cells that line organs and body cavities
53684405connective tissueanimal tissue that functions mainly to bind and suport other tissues having a sparse population of cells scattered through an extracellular matrix
53684406nervous tissuetissue made up of neurons and supportive cells
53684407muscle tissuetissue consisting of long muscle cells that are capable of contracting when stimulated by nerve impulses
53684408organsa specialized center of body function composed of several different types
53684409organs systemsa group of organs that work together in performing vital body functions
53684410interstitial fluidthe internal environment of vertebrates consisting of the fluid filling the spaces between cells
53684411effectora muscle cell or gland cell that performs the body's response to stimuli responds to signals from the brain or other processing centers of the nervous system
53684412negative feedback systema primary mechanism of homeostasis physiological variable that is being monitored triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation
53684413endothermicdescribes a reaction that absorbs energy from the surroundings
53684414exothermicgives off heat
53684415metabolic raterate of energy expenditure by the body
53684416essential nutrientsa chemical element that is required for a plant to grow from a seed and complete the life cycle producing another generation of seeds
53684417essential amino acidslysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine, and histidine
53684418essential fatty acidsLinoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid
53684419vitaminsan organic molecule required in the diet in very small amount, they serve primarily as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes
53684420mineralsin nutrition a chemical element other than hydrogen oxygen or nitrogen that an organism requires for proper body function
53684421herbivorea heterotrphic animal that eats plants
53684422omnivorean animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
53684423carnivoreeats other animals
53684424ingestiona heterotrphic mode of nutrition in which other organisms or detritus are eaten whole or in pieces
53684425digestionthe process of breaking down food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb
53684426absorptionthe uptake of small nutrient molecules by an organisms own body the 3rd main stage of food processing following digestion
53684427enzymatic hydrolysisthe process in digestion that splits macromolecules from food by the enzymatic addition of water
53684428eliminationthe passing of undigested material out of the digestive compartment
53684429intracellular digestionthe joinging of food vacuoles and lysosomes to allow chemical digestion to occur within the cytoplasm of a cell
53684430extracellular digestionthe breakdown of food outside cells
53684431gastrovascular cavityan extensive pouch that serves as the site of extracellular digestion and a passageway to disperse materials throughout most of an animal's body
53684432alimentary canalsa digestive tract consisting of a tube running between a mouth and an anus
53684433salivary amylaseenzyme that hydrolyzes starch
53684434bolusa lubricated ball of chewed food
53684435pharynxan area in the vertebrate throat where air and food passage cross; in flat worms, the muscular tube that protrudes from the ventral side of the worm and ends in the mouth
53684436epiglottisa cartilaginous flap that blocks the top of the wind pipe, the glottis, durring swallowing, which prevents the entry of food or fluid into the respiratory system
53825299esophagusa channel that conducts food by peristalsis from the pharynx to the stomach
53825300peristalsisrhysthmic waves of contraction of smooth muscle that push food along the digestive tract
53825301gastric juicesa thin, clear, virtually colorless acidic fluid secreted by the stomach glands and active in promoting digestion.
53825302pepsinan enzyme that adds carbon dioxide to phosphoenolpyruvate to form okaloacetate, An enzyme present in gastric juice that begins the hydrolysis of proteins
53825303pepsinogenfirst secreted by specialized cells located in gastric pits of the stomach
53825304acid chymea mixture of recently swallowed food and gastric juice
53825305pyloric sphincterin the vertebrate digestive tract a muscular ring that regulates the passage of food out of the stomach and into the small intestine
53825306small intestinethe longest section of the almentary canal. it is the principal site of the enzymatic hydrolysis of food macromolecules and the absorption of nutrients
53825307duodenumthe first section of the small intestine where acid chyme from the stomach mixes with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and gland cells of the intestinal wall
53825308bilea mixture of substances that is produced in the liver stored in the gallbladder and acts as a detergent to aid in the digestion and absorption of fats
53825309carbohydratesa sugar or one of its dimmers or polymers
53825310pancreatic amylaseEnzyme that breaks down starch into disaccharides (Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose)
53825311trypsinan enzyme from the pancreas that digests proteins in the small intestine
53825312chymotrypsinan enzyme found in the duodenum. it is specific for peptide bonds adjacent to certain amino acids
53825313dipeptidasesan enzyme found attached to the intestinal lining. it splits small peptides
53825314carboxypeptidasean enzyme found within the small intestine that splits off one amino acid at a time beginning at the end of the polypeptide that has a free carboxyl group
53825315aminopeptidasean enzyme found within the small intestine that splits off one amino acid at a time beginning at the opposite end of the polypeptide containing a free carboxyl group
53825316nucleic acidsblueprint for proteins
53825317emulsificationthe process that keeps tiny fat droplets from coalescing
53825318lipasean enzyme that hydrolyzes fat molecules in the intestinal lumen
53825319villia fingerlike projection of the inner surface of the small intestine
53825320microvillione of many fine, fingerlike projections of the epithelial cells in the lumen of the small intestine that increase its surface area
53825321lacteala tiny lymph vessel extending into the core of an intestinal villus and serving as the destination for absorbed chylomicrons
53825322gastrina disgestive hormone secreted by the stomach that stimulates the secretion of gastric juices
53825323enterogastronesa category of hormones secreted by the wall of the duodenum
53825324secretionthe discharge of wastes from the blood into the filtrate from the nephron tubules in the kidney
53825325cholescystokina hormone released from the walls of the duodenum in response to the presence of amino acids or fatty acids
53825326large intestinethe last section of the digestive system, where water is absorbed from food and the remaining material is eliminated from the body
53825327colonthe tubular portion of the vertebrate alimentary tract between the small intestine and the anus, functions mainly in the water absorption and the formation of feces
53825328appendixa small fingerlike extension of the vertebrate cecum; contains a mass of white blood cells that contribute to immunity
53825329rectumthe terminal portion of the large intestine where the feces are stored until they are eliminated

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