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AP Bio - Plants

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236111117Auxin - Ra plant hormone that promotes root formation and bud growth
236111118Gibberillins - Ra naturally occurring plant hormone that causes dramatic cell elongation and helps break dormancy in seeds
236111119Ethylene - Rhormone that promotes leaf abscission and fruit ripening
236129901Roots - Mportions of the plant that are below the ground
236129902shoots - Mportions of the plant that are above the ground
236129903Ground tissue - Mtissue found between the dermal and vascular systems.
236129904collenchyma cells - Mlive cells that provide flexible and mechanical support - often found in stems and leaves
236129905parenchyma cells - Mcells that have many functions in ground tissue and are the most prominent of the ground tissue
236129906mesophyll cells - Mparenchyma cells that are found in the leaves of plants and allow CO2 and O2 to diffuse through intercellular spaces
236129907sclerenchyma cells - Mcells that protect seeds and support the plant
236129908vascular tissue - M/None of the three types of plant tissue, consists of the xylem and phloem
236129909xylem - M/Nsupports the plant and provides transport of water and minerals from the soil. These cells are dead
236129910vessel elements - M/Nxylem cells that carry water more efficiently because of their structure
236129911tracheid cells - M/Nxylem cells that carry water, but not efficiently
236129912phloem - M/Nplant structure that carry sugars throughout the plant
236129913sieve-tube members -M/Nmature phloem cells (and are alive)
236460779Dermal tissue -Mtissue the provides the protective outer coating for plants
236460780guard cells-Mcells the control the opening and closing of stomata
236460781stomata-Mpores on the leaves of plants that allow CO2 to come in and allow water and O2 to leave
236460782Roots -M/Npart of the plant that absorb minerals and water in the soil
236460783root hairs - Mtiny hair-like extensions that increase the surface area of the root allowing it to absorbs more water and nurtients
236460784dicot - Mangiosperm with two cotyledons inside its seed, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and vascular bundles in rings
236460785monocot - Mangiosperm whose seeds have one cotyledon
236460786taproot - Mroots that are one thick root with very little division into small branches
236460787fibrous root - Mroots that have shallow entry into the ground and provide a strong anchor
236460788endodermis - Ma cylinder of cells that form the casparian strip, which water proofs the plant and keeps water loss at a minimum
236460789casparian strip - Mcylinder of cells in the endodermis that controls water loss
236460790Vascular cylinder - Mmade from pericycle
241753528pericycle - MThe outermost layer of the vascular cylinder of a root, where lateral roots originate.
241753529meristemic cells - Mcells that allow a plant to grow as long as they live
241753530apical meristem - Mactively dividing cells that leads to an increase in plant length
241753531primary growth - Man increase in the length of a plant; caused by cells of the apical meristem
241753532lateral meristems - Mcells that extend all the way through the plant and lead to an increase in width of the plant
241753533Secondary growth - Mgrowth in the width of the plant; caused by the lateral meristem
241753534Root cap - Mprotective structure that keeps roots from being damaged during push through the soil
241753535Zone of cell division - Msection of root where cells are actively dividing
241753536zone of elongation - Msection of the root where cells absorb water and increase in length to make the plant taller
241753537Zone of maturation - Msection of the root past the zone of elongation where cells differentiate to their finalized form (phloem, xylem, parenchyma, epidermal, etc)
241753538shoots - Mpart of the plant that is above ground
241753539cuticle - Mwaxy covering of the leaf which functions to decrease transpiration rate
243581463palisade mesophyll - MArea of leaf that contains many chloroplast and where most photosynthesis will take place
243581464spongy mesophyll - MLoosely arranged photosynthetic cells located below the palisade mesophyll cells in a leaf; provide CO2 for photosynthesis
243581465Stomata - Mpores on the leaves through which CO2 comes in, and O2 (and sometimes water) exit
243581466guard cells - MThe two cells that flank the stomatal pore and regulate the opening and closing of the pore.
243581467cutin - Mwaxy covering around the stem that provides protection
243581468vascular cambium - Mlateral meristematic tissue that produces vascular tissues and increases the thickness of the stem over time; also gives rise to the secondary xylem and phloem
243581469cork cambium - MA cylinder of meristematic tissue in plants that produces cork cells to replace the epidermis during secondary growth
243581470abscisic acid -RA plant hormone that brings about dormancy in buds, mantains dormancy in seeds, and brings about stomatal closing, among other effects.
243581471Auxin -Rsubstance produced in the tip of a seedling that stimulates cell elongation and has important roles in phototropism and gravitropism
243581472cytokinins -RStimulates cell division, leaf enlargement, and growth of lateral buds. Causes dormant seeds to sprout.
243581473ethylene -Rhormone that promotes leaf abscission and fruit ripening
243581474gibberellins -Rhormone that causes growth: promote seed and bud germination, stem elongation, and leaf growth; stimulate flowering and development of fruit; affect root growth and differentiation
243581475tropism -RA growth response of a plant toward or away from a stimulus
243581476gravitropism -Rresponse of a plant to the force of gravity; influenced by auxin and gibberellins
243581477phototropism -RPlant growth in response to light; influenced by auxin
243581478thigmotropism - Rplant growth in response to touch
243581479coleoptile -RThe covering of the young shoot of the embryo of a grass seed.
243581480circadian rhythm - Ra daily cycle of activity observed in many living organisms
243581481photoperiodism -Ra plant's response to seasonal changes in length of night and day
243581482florigen -RA flowering signal, not yet chemically identified, that may be a hormone or may be a change in relative concentrations of multiple hormones.
243581483phytochrome -RA plant pigment that controls the photoperiodic response
243581484root pressure- NThe upward push of xylem sap in the vascular tissue of roots.
243581485capillary action -Na phenomenon associated with surface tension and resulting in the elevation or depression of liquids in capillaries
243581486cohesion-theory -Ntheory that explains how the physical properties of water allow it to move through the xylem of plants; state that as H20 evaporates from open stomata, water is pulled up capillaries to replace what was lost
243581487translocation -Nthe transport of dissolved material within a plant

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