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AP Bio Unit 4 Flashcards

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15831774282Types of cell communicationAutocrine, Juxtacrine, Paracrine, Endocrine0
15831787876Autocrinewithin the same cell1
15831793171Juxtocrinebetween touching cells2
15831798699Paracrinebetween nearby cells3
15831810553Endocrinebetween distant cells through the bloodstream4
158318539213 parts of signal transduction pathwayreception, transduction, response5
15831949375Reception (signal transduction pathway)Ligand binds to receptor protein6
15831958162Transduction (signal transduction pathway)the signal travels through the cell to the response site. Amplification and phosphorylation happen here7
15832016946response (signal transduction pathway)the cell carries out the action sent by the ligands8
15832051216Signal amplificationturns one signal molecule into multiple second messenger molecules9
15832072735Ligandmolecule that binds to a specific receptor10
15832084855protein kinaseenzyme that transfers phosphate groups from ATP to a protein11
15832203597Hox genesgenes that control where body parts should go12
15832253343Cell division is controlled by...checkpoints at G1, G2, and M13
15832261656Phases of the cell cycleG1, S, G2, M14
15832264138G1The cell increases in size and duplicates organelles15
15832273132G2DNA replication is checked for errors and corrected16
15832278444S- phasecell duplicates DNA17
15832281663G0cell is no longer dividing18
15832295497what phase is the picture inprophase19
15832306051what phase is the picture inmetaphase20
15832312504what phase is the picture inAnaphase21
15832319229what phase is the picture intelophase22
15832326792cytokinesis in plantsrebuild the cell wall (partially finished wall is called the cell plate)23
15832338501cytokinesis in animalspinch in the cell membrane creating a cleavage furrow until the membrane meets and separates the cell24
15832345836cytokinesiscytoplasm dividing25
15832355519Stages of mitosisprophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase (PMAT)26
15832358461Prophase definitionnucleus vanishes, chromosomes form, spindle sets up27
15832366123Metaphase definitionchromsomes move to the middle of the cell28
15832370111Anaphase definitionchromosomes split into 2 separate chromosomes and move to opposite sides of the cell29
15832382399Telophase definitionnucleus reappears, spindle fibers disassemble, chromosomes unwind30
15832404811Chromatinthe form of DNA when it is not dividing31
15832406753Chromosomethe form of DNA when it is dividing32
15832410087Histoneprotein that DNA wraps around33
15832416925Sister chromatidcopies of chromosomes34
15832424180centromereRegion of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach35
15832427108Centrioles"tow truck" that uses spindles to pull chromatids apart to opposite poles36
15832441223Sex chromosomeschromosomes that determind the sex of an organelle37
15832448315Autosomesnon-sex chromosomes38
15832450996Diploidcells with 2 sets of chromosomes39
15832454868Haploidcell with only 1 set of chromosomes40
15832463118p53tumor suppressor gene41
15832466109why is the p53 gene important?it blocks the cell cycle if DNA is damaged42
15832480714Apoptosiscell death43
15832487249A p53 mutation..can cause cancer because replicated DNA is damaged44
15832505360Ploidyhow many sets of chromosomes you have45
15832512953What is the longest phase of the cell cycle?prophase46
15832522108How many total chromosomes do humans have?4647
15833972023positive feedback loopmoves the system away from homeostasis48
15833977907negative feedback loopcounteracts changes of various properties to keep the system at homeostasis49

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