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AP Biology Chapter 35 Flashcards

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13673147034Root systemthe system of plants beneath the soil0
13673147035Shoot systemthe system of plants above the soil1
13673153943Whats the functions of rootsanchors plant absorbs minerals and water stores carbohydrates2
13673158348Define the primary root and what it branches tofirst root to emerge' braces to form lateral roots3
13673161129Define taprootlarge singular roots w small ones coming off it4
13673172835define fibrous rootsThey branch to such an extent that no single roots grows larger than the other. Helps topsoil from being washed away. Ex.) Grass bunch of lateral roots5
13673175380define adventitious rootsRoots that are produced on the internodes or other parts of plant organs (stems and leaves).6
13673179502Define root hairsways of increasing surface area for absorption7
13673147036Mycorrhizaesymbiotic relationships that form between fungi and plants8
13673147037Stemseries of nodes (where leaves attach) and internodes9
13673190194Define apical budtop bud where shoot is growing10
13673147039Axillary buda bud that develops in the axil of a leaf of a plant11
13673147040Leaveswhere the plant exchanges gases with the atmosphere and collects sunlight to manufacture food with the help of water and minerals collected through the root12
13673197528What do leaves usually have?-blade -petiole joins leaf to node of stem13
13673204407Define monocotparallel veins14
13673222523What do non-woody plants haveepidermis with a non waxy non-waxy15
13673226026woody plants haveperiderm that turns into bark16
13673231440What do guard cells do?open and close stomata17
13673207572Define Eudicotsbranching veins18
13673147041Dermal tissueoutermost layer of plants that protect it from damage and water loss19
13673147042Vascular tissueconduct materials throughout the plant made up of xylem and phloem20
13673147043Xylemcarry water and dissolve minerals from the root up to the leaves21
13673147044Phloemtransports food from the leaves to the rest of the plant22
13673147045Ground tissuecarry out photosynthesis and store leftover food23
13673236412define a pithground tissue internal to vascular tissue24
13673237793define a cortexground tissue to external to the vascular tissue25
13673147046Parenchyma cells"visceral flesh" cells that make up the dermal tissue; most abundant; thin and flexible and perform various functions thinner walls but larger vacuoles26
13673147047Collenchyma cellselongated cells with thicker cell walls that help hold up the plant body where you find growth in the plant27
13673147048Sclerenchyma cellshave SUPER thick cell walls made from lignin (a SUPER-strong polymer) rigid lignizides dead cells28
13673262211Define tracheidsa type of water-conducting cell in the xylem that lacks perforations in the cell wall. and is dead29
13673266087what are the water conducting cells of xylemtracheids and vessel elements30
13673268399What are vessel elements?Large, elongated pipes31
13673147049thickIn warm, wet years the sclerenchyma cells grow _______32
13673147050thinIn cold, dry years the sclerenchyma cells grow _______33
13673147051Xylem cellstracheids and vessel elements34
13673147052Tracheidsare elongated cells in the xylem of vascular plants that serve in the transport of water and mineral salts35
13673147053Phloem cellscomposed of various specialized cells called sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres, and phloem parenchyma cells36
13673147054Sieve-tube elementshelp the phloem to absorb water from a nearby xylem to form a sugary sap to transport the sugar37
13673147055Companion cellsclosely associated sieve elements; appears to regulate the activity of the adjacent sieve element and to take part in loading and unloading sugar into the sieve element38
13673278980Define meristemPlant tissue that allows plants to continue dividing where most of the upwards and growth of a plant happens39
13673284134apical meristemtops of roots and shoots make plant longer aka primary growth40
13673291393lateral meristemsA meristem that thickens the roots and shoots of woody plants. The vascular cambium and cork cambium are lateral meristems. aka secondary growth41
13673294023define vascular cambiumlateral meristems makes more vascular tissue only think that can increase secondary vascular tissue42
13673300326Define cork cambiumlateral meristems adds more dermal tissue43
13673310047Define protodermone of the primary meristems that produce mature plant tissue produces dermal tissue44
13673319012Define ground meristemone of the primary meristems that produce mature plant tissue produces ground tissue45
13673147056Vesselstransport water and nutrients but are shorter than tracheids so they are connected into long tubes46
13673335336Define root capwhat covers and protected apical meristem47
13673351827What are the 3 zones of being behind a root tipzone of division zone of elongation zone of differentiation/Manhattan48
13673364210axillary buds do whatform along the shoot but can be released from apical dominant49
13673375695Define leaf primordiacomes from lateral/axillary buds50
13673381625define mesophyll and what happens in itgoing tissue of a leaf where happens51
13673393519Where does secondary growth occur?lateral meristems: vascular cambium and cork cambium adds circumference52
13673433124Define plasticityhow effective a plant is by its environment during its development53
13673439999Define cell elongationmakes plants bigger individual cells get bigger54
13673442926Define polarity which leads to whatthe property of having opposite poles plants having shoot and root end55
13673465740what restricts cells from elongating?microfibils56
13673469253Define pattern formationthe plant putting specific parts in certain locations different proteins develop as plant cells differentiate57
13673477314cell differentiation is determined by what?position on the organism58
13673485163what are the different phase changes of plants?juvenile, adult vegetative and adult reproductive59
13673491237what is gonna be the main thing changing morphologically in plants?shoot system60
13673498371define floral meristem identity genesthe transition from vegetative growth to flowering is based on this61
13673505684define organ identity geneshomeotic genes for plants regulate development of floral pattern62
13673513724Define the ABC hypothesiswhere you can a have A activity, B activity, AB and AC activity (the letters being different genes that are turned off or on by the environment)63

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