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AP Biology Chemistry of Life Flashcards

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14537643609acidmolecule that donates hydrogen ions and increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution0
14537643610adhesionattraction between water molecules and other molecules1
14537643659anionnegative ion that is formed by an atom gaining one or more electrons2
14537643660atomthe smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element3
14537643611atomic masscalculated mean of the mass number for an element's isotopes4
14537643612atomic numbertotal number of protons in an atom5
14537643613basemolecule that donates hydroxide ions or otherwise binds excess hydrogen ions and decreases the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution6
14537643614buffersubstance that prevents a change in pH by absorbing or releasing hydrogen or hydroxide ions7
14537643615calorieamount of heat required to change the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius8
14537643616capillary actionoccurs because water molecules are attracted to charges on the inner surfaces of narrow tubular structures such as glass tubes, drawing the water molecules to the sides of the tubes9
14537643617cationpositive ion that is formed by an atom losing one or more electrons10
14537643618chemical bondinteraction between two or more of the same or different atoms that results in the formation of molecules11
14537643619chemical reactionprocess leading to the rearrangement of atoms in molecules12
14537643620cohesionintermolecular forces between water molecules caused by the polar nature of water; responsible for surface tension13
14537643621compoundsubstance composed of molecules consisting of atoms of at least two different elements14
14537643661covalent bondtype of strong bond formed between two atoms of the same or different elements; forms when electrons are shared between atoms15
14537643622dissociationrelease of an ion from a molecule such that the original molecule now consists of an ion and the charged remains of the original, such as when water dissociates into H+ and OH-16
14537643623electronnegatively charged subatomic particle that resides outside of the nucleus in the electron orbital; lacks functional mass and has a negative charge of -1 unit17
14537643624electron orbitalhow electrons are spatially distributed surrounding the nucleus; the area where an electron is most likely to be found18
14537643625electron transfermovement of electrons from one element to another; important in creation of ionic bonds19
14537643626electronegativityability of some elements to attract electrons (often of hydrogen atoms), acquiring partial negative charges in molecules and creating partial positive charges on the hydrogen atoms20
14537643627elementone of 118 unique substances that cannot be broken down into smaller substances; each element has unique properties and a specified number of protons21
14537643628equilibriumsteady state of relative reactant and product concentration in reversible chemical reactions in a closed system22
14537643629functional groupgroup of atoms that provides or imparts a specific function to a carbon skeleton23
14537643630hydrogen bondweak bond between slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms and slightly negatively charged atoms in other molecules24
14537643631hydrophilicdescribes ions or polar molecules that interact well with other polar molecules such as water25
14537643632hydrophobicdescribes uncharged non-polar molecules that do not interact well with polar molecules such as water26
14537643633ionatom or chemical group that does not contain equal numbers of protons and electrons27
14537643634ionic bondchemical bond that forms between ions with opposite charges (cations and anions)28
14537643635isotopeone or more forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons29
14537643636mass numbertotal number of protons and neutrons in an atom30
14537643637matteranything that has mass and occupies space31
14537643638moleculetwo or more atoms chemically bonded together32
14537643639neutronuncharged particle that resides in the nucleus of an atom; has a mass of one amu33
14537643640nonpolar covalent bondtype of covalent bond that forms between atoms when electrons are shared equally between them34
14537643641nucleuscore of an atom; contains protons and neutrons35
14537643642octet rulerule that atoms are most stable when they hold eight electrons in their outermost shells36
14537643643orbitalregion surrounding the nucleus; contains electrons37
14537643644organic moleculeany molecule containing carbon (except carbon dioxide)38
14537643645pH scalescale ranging from zero to 14 that is inversely proportional to the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution39
14537643646polar covalent bondtype of covalent bond that forms as a result of unequal sharing of electrons, resulting in the creation of slightly positive and slightly negative charged regions of the molecule40
14537643647productmolecule found on the right side of a chemical equation41
14537643648protonpositively charged particle that resides in the nucleus of an atom; has a mass of one amu and a charge of +142
14537643649radioisotopeisotope that emits radiation composed of subatomic particles to form more stable elements43
14537643650reactantmolecule found on the left side of a chemical equation44
14537643651solventsubstance capable of dissolving another substance45
14537643652specific heat capacitythe amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb or lose to change its temperature by one degree Celsius46
14537643653sphere of hydrationwhen polar water molecules surround charged or polar molecules thus keeping them dissolved and in solution47
14537643654surface tensiontension at the surface of a body of liquid that prevents the molecules from separating; created by the attractive cohesive forces between the molecules of the liquid48
14537643655valence shelloutermost shell of an atom49
14537643656van der Waals interactionvery weak interaction between molecules due to temporary charges attracting atoms that are very close together50

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