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AP Biology Immune System Flashcards

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9948899680First Line of DefenseNonspecific barrier to keep out pathogens ex: skin, stomach acid, mucous membrane, cilia0
9948899681Second Line of DefenseNonspecific defense and inflammatory response initiated by chemical signals to attack and isolate invading pathogens1
9948899682Inflammatory ResponseVasodilation, phagocytosis, and increase in body temperature2
9948899683Histamineschemical signals that trigger vasodilation, increasing blood supply to area3
9948899684PhagocytesWhite blood cells that engulf invading pathogens e.g., neutrophils, macrophages4
9948899685Chemokineschemical signals secreted by blood vessel cells that attract more white blood cells (phagocytes) to the area5
9948899686Specific immunityB and T cells; humoral and cell-mediated response6
9948899687Adaptive immunitySpecific immunity7
9948899688LymphocyteWhite blood cell8
9948899689B CellsHumoral response by producing antibodies; activated by T cells or free antigens9
9948899690T CellsCell-mediated response, stimulating by APCs10
9948899691Helper T CellSet off an alarm to the immune system that pathogens have broken through the body's line of defense; binds to class II MHC11
9948899692Cytotoxic T CellKills body cells that have been infected with pathogens; stimulated by antigens and helper T-cells12
9948899693MacrophagesAPC that engulfs large numbers of pathogens; presents antigen to activate T cells13
9948899694MHC Imolecules found on every body cell that presents antigen; signals cytotoxic T to destroy14
9948899695MHC IImolecules found on macrophages, B cells, and activated T cells; signal helper T cells15
9948899696Memory CellsResponsible for lifelong immunity by storing copy B and T cells to more quickly fight secondary infection16
9948899697AntibodyY-shaped protein with variable antigen bind region; slows pathogens to facilitate destruction17
9948899698AntigenIdentifying marker on the outside of a pathogen18
9948899699Passive ImmunityTemporary immunity where antibodies are transferred from another animal ex: mother transfers some of her antibodies to her nursing child19
9948899700HIVA retrovirus that attacks helper T cells20
9948899701Autoimmune diseaseA mistake in the immune system where the body does not properly distinguish self from nonself21
9948899702AllergyHypersensitive immune response to certain substances that causes that release of histamine22

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