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AP Biology Midterm Review Flashcards

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12278886088dehydration synthesisA chemical reaction in which two molecules are bonded together with the removal of a water molecule.0
12278886090membrane bound organellesspecialized structures found in eukaryotic cells that allow for compartmentalization and increased efficiency1
12278886091primary structurelinear chain of amino acids connect by peptide bonds2
12278886094Homologous Structures-represent variations on a structural theme that was present in a common ancestor3
12278886095secondary structureRegions of repetitive coiling or folding of the polypeptide backbone of a protein due to hydrogen bonding between constituents of the backbone4
12278886096Convergent Evolution-independent evolution of similar features in different lineages -ex: marsupials and sugar glider (same environment) -can occur when similar environmental pressures and natural selection exists5
12278886097Analogous-species share features b/c of convergent evolution, share similar function but not common ancesty6
12278886111Genetic Variation-differences among individuals in the composition of their genes or other DNA sequences7
12278886112Population-group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed creating fertile offspring8
12278886113Gene Pool-all copies of every type of allele at every locus in all members of the population9
12278886114Hardy-Weinberg Conditions-no mutations -random mating -no natural selection -very large population size -no gene flow10
12278886115Genetic Drift-chance events can alter allele allele frequencies to fluctuate from one generation to another (especially in one generation to another)11
12278886116Founder Effect-when few individuals become isolated from a larger population this smaller group may make a new population whose gene pool differs from the source population12
12278886117Bottleneck Effect-a severe drop in population results in the over or under representation of certain alleles.13
12278886118Gene Flow-transfer of allele into or out of a population from the movement of fertile individuals or their gametes14
12278886122Directional Selection-conditions father shifting traits to one extreme15
12278886123Disruptive Selection-conditions favor individuals at both extremes of a phenotypic range16
12278886124Stabilizing Selection-reduces variation and gets rid of extreme phenotypes in the population17
12278886125Sexual Selection-form of natural selection in which individuals with certain inherited characteristics are more likely than others to obtain maits18
12278886126Sexual Dismorphism-difference in secondary sexual characteristics between males and females of the same species19
12278886133Reproductive Isolation-existance of biological barriers that impede members of two species from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring20
12278886135Prezygotic Barriers-block fertilization from occuring21
12278886136Postzygotic Barriers-contribute to reproductive isolation after the hybrid zygote is formed22
12278886137Prezygotic Barrier Examples1. Habtitat Isolation 2. Temporal Isolation (nocturnal) 3. Behavior Isolation (courtship rituals) 4. Mechanical Isolation (snail shells) 5. Genetic Isolation (sperm can't survive in reproductive tract) HTBMG23
12278886139Allopatric Speciation + Evidence-gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations -ex: snapping shrimp 30 species off the isthmus of panama24
12278886140Sympatric Speciation-speciation occurs in populations that live in the same geographic area25
12278886149EndosymbiosisA process in which a unicellular organism (the "host") engulfs another cell, which lives within the host cell and ultimately becomes an organelle in the host cell; also refers to the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids were formerly small prokaryotes that began living within larger cells.26
12293651038Ribosomesproduces proteins like enzymes27
12293694267plasma membranelocation of cell respiration in prokaryotic organisms28
12293712381saturated fatty acidmonomer of lipids; a long-chain hydrocarbon with single covalent bonds in the carbon chain; the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon skeleton is maximized29
12293732678surface area to volume ratioa variable that decreases as cells grow, so that it sets a limit to the size of cells.30
12293739356active transportEnergy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference31
12293744875OsmosisDiffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane32
12293749110Calvin Cyclea biochemical pathway of photosynthesis in which carbon dioxide is converted into G3P using ATP & NADPH33
12293754430Krebs cyclesecond stage of cellular respiration, in which pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions34
12293764488denatured proteinspolypeptide whose structures' shapes are changed by high heat or extreme pH35
12293779222Photosystem IIOne of two light-capturing units in a chloroplast's thylakoid membrane that releases oxygen36
12293817604Golgi apparatusA system of membranes that modifies and packages proteins for export by the cell37
12293835100CAM plantsplants close their stomata during the day, collect CO2 at night, and store the CO2 in the form of acids until it is needed during the day for photosynthesis38
12293835101C4 plantsA plant in which the Calvin cycle is preceded by reactions that incorporate CO2 into a four-carbon compound, the end product of which supplies CO2 for the Calvin cycle.39
12293844684RNA world hypothesishypothesis that RNA served as the genetic information of early life40
12293867009ChemiosmosisA process for synthesizing ATP using the energy of an electrochemical gradient and the ATP synthase enzyme.41
12293879767NADH and FADH2Carries electrons from the citric acid cycle to the ETC42
12293886456Glycolysisthe breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.43
12293891422unsaturated fatty acidmonomer of lipids that possesses one or more double bonds between the carbons in the hydrocarbon tail. typically liquid at room temperature44
12293908166signal transduction cascadeA set of chemical reactions during cell communication that amplifies the signal45
12293939015Hypotonicwhen comparing two solutions, the solution with the lesser concentration of solutes46
12293942281Hypertonicwhen comparing two solutions, the solution with the greater concentration of solutes47
12293946208PhotorespirationA metabolic pathway that consumes oxygen, releases carbon dioxide, generates no ATP, and decreases photosynthetic output; generally occurs on hot, dry, bright days, when stomata close and the oxygen concentration in the leaf exceeds that of carbon dioxide.48
122939755842pqfrequency of heterozygous genotype49
12293975585p2frequency of homozygous dominant50
12293978191q2frequency of homozygous recessive51

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