290355529 | Active Site | The site on an enzyme to which the substrate binds | |
290355530 | Allosteric Site | The site on an enzyme to which molecules bind; may change the shape of the enzyme | |
290355531 | Enzyme | A protein that act as a catalyst, changing the rate of a reaction | |
290355532 | Substrate | The substance on which an enzyme acts | |
290355533 | Denaturation | Process in which a protein unravels due to excessive heat or change in pH | |
290355534 | Amine | Functional group that consists of a nitrogen bonded to two hydrogen atoms | |
290355535 | Amino Acid | The building block of proteins | |
290355536 | Glycogen | A storage polysaccharide found in the liver and muscles of animals. | |
290355537 | Nucleic Acid | A polymer that serves as a blueprint for building proteins | |
290355538 | Monosaccharide | The building block of carbohydrates | |
290573886 | Buffer | A substance that minimizes the changes in pH | |
290573887 | Carbohydrate | A family of compounds including sugars and starches | |
290573888 | Carboxyl | A functional group consisting of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom | |
290573889 | Cholesterol | A steroid found in animal cells that acts as a precursor to other important steroids | |
290573890 | Lipid | A family of compounds including fats and steroids that are insoluble in water | |
290573891 | Catabolic Pathway | A metabolic pathway that releases energy by breaking down molecules | |
290573892 | Dehydration Synthesis | A chemical reaction in which two molecules bond to each other with the removal of water. | |
290573893 | Hydrolysis | Process that splits molecules by the addition of water | |
290573894 | Homeostasis | The steady-state physiological condition of the body | |
290573895 | Feedback Inhibition | A method of metabolic control in which the end-product acts as an inhibitor to an enzyme within that pathway | |
290573896 | Cohesion | The attraction of like molecules | |
290573897 | Polar Molecule | A molecule with opposite charges on opposite sides | |
290573898 | Polymer | A large molecule consisting of many identical building blocks bonded together | |
290573899 | Protein | A macromolecule built from the bonding of amino acids. | |
290573900 | Phosphate Group | A functional group important in energy transfer | |
290573901 | Competitive Inhibitor | A substance that reduces the activity of an enzyme by entering the active site in place of the substrate whose structure it mimics | |
290573902 | Noncompetitive Inhibitor | A substance that reduces the activity of an enzyme by binding to an allosteric site and changing the shape of the enzyme so it no longer fits with its substrate | |
290573903 | Induced Fit | The change in shape of the active site of an enzyme so that it binds better to the substrate | |
290573904 | Negative Feedback | The primary mechanism of homeostasis whereby a change triggers a response to counteract the change | |
290573905 | Hydrogen Bond | A weak chemical attraction formed when the positive end of one molecule is attracted to the negative end of another molecule | |
290573906 | Endergonic Reaction | A non-spontaneous reaction in which energy is absorbed from the surroundings | |
290573907 | Exergonic Reaction | A spontaneous reaction in which there is a net release of free energy | |
290573908 | Free Energy | The amount of energy available to do work and power anabolic reactions | |
290573909 | Entropy | A quantitative measurement of disorder | |
290573910 | Macromolecule | Includes carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids | |
290573911 | Monomer | The subunit that serves as a building block for a polymer | |
290573912 | Nucleotide | The building block of a nucleic acid | |
290573913 | Polypeptide | A polymer of many amino acids linked together | |
290573914 | Polysaccharide | A polymer consisting of hundreds of glucose molecules bonded together | |
290573915 | Primary Structure | Level of protein formation that refers to the specific amino acid sequence | |
290573916 | Quaternary Structure | The particular shape of a complex protein, defined by a characteristic 3-D arrangement of subunits, each a polypeptide | |
290573917 | Saturated Fatty Acid | A fatty acid in which all carbons in the hydrophobic tail are connected by single bonds, thus maximizing the number of hydrogens that can be held | |
290573918 | Secondary Structure | The coiling or folding of a polypeptide backbone due to hydrogen bond formation | |
290573919 | Tertiary Structure | Irregular contortions of a protein molecule due to interactions of side chains involved in hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds & disulfide bridges | |
290573920 | Unsaturated Fatty Acid | A fatty acid containing one or more double bonds between the carbons in the hydrophobic tail, thus reducing the number of hydrogens that can be held | |
290573921 | Aposmatic Coloration | Bright oranges and reds that signal a warning to predators | |
290573922 | Batesian Mimicry | A type of mimicry in which a harmless species looks like a different species that is poisonous or harmful to predators | |
290573923 | Mullerian Mimicry | A mutual mimicry by two unpalatable species | |
290573924 | K-selection | The concept that in certain populations, life history is centered around producing relatively few offspring that have a good chance of survival | |
290573925 | r-selection | A concept that in certain populations, a high reproductive rate is the chief determinant of life history | |
290573926 | Primary Consumer | An herbivore; eats plants or algae | |
290573927 | Primary Succession | A type of succession that occurs in an area where there were originally no organisms | |
290573928 | Primary Producer | An autotroph, which collectively make up the trophic level of an ecosystem that ultimately supports all other levels | |
290573929 | Primary Productivity | The rate at which light energy and inorganic chemical energy is converted into the chemical energy of organic compounds by autotrophs | |
290573930 | Secondary Succession | A type of succession that occurs where an existing community has been severely cleared by some disturbance | |
290573931 | Autotroph | An organism that uses energy from the sun or other inorganic substances to make organic molecules from inorganic ones | |
290573932 | Heterotroph | An organism that obtains food by eating other organisms or their by-products | |
290573933 | Food Chain | The pathway along which food is transferred from trophic level to trophic level, beginning with producers | |
290573934 | Trophic Level | The division of species in an ecosystem on the basis of their main nutritional source | |
290573935 | Ecosystem | A level of ecological study that includes all the organisms in a given area as well as the abiotic factors with which they interact | |
290573936 | Biogeochemical Cycle | Various nutrient circuits which involves both biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems | |
290573937 | Ecological Succession | Transition in the species composition of a biological community often following a disturbance of the community | |
290573938 | Greenhouse Effect | The warming of planet Earth due to the atmospheric accumulation of carbon dioxide, which absorbs infrared radiation and slows down its escape from the Earth | |
290573939 | Exponential Population Growth | The increase of a population as it grows in an ideal, unlimited environment | |
290573940 | Logistic Population Growth | A model describing population growth that levels off as population size approaches carrying capacity. | |
290573941 | Biological Magnification | A trophic process in which retained substances become more concentrated with each link in the food chain | |
290573942 | Carrying Capacity | The maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources | |
290573943 | Competitive Exclusion Principle | The concept that when the populations of two species compete for the same limited resources, one population will use the resources more efficiently and have a reproductive advantage that will eventually lead to the elimination of the other populations | |
290573944 | Principle of Allocation | The concept that each organism has an energy budget for all of its maintenance and reproductive needs | |
290573945 | Resource Partitioning | The division of environmental resources by coexisting species such that the niche of each species differs by one or more significant factors | |
290573946 | Abiotic | The nonliving components of an ecosystem | |
290573947 | Biotic | The living components of an ecosystem | |
290573948 | Detritus | Dead organic matter | |
290573949 | Lichen | An organisms formed by the symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic alga(e) | |
290573950 | Transpiration | The evaporative water loss from a plant | |
290573951 | Commensalism | A relationship in which the symbiont benefits but the host is neither helped nor harmed | |
290573952 | Mutualism | A relationship in which the host and the symbiont both benefit | |
290573953 | Parasitism | A relationship in which the symbiont benefits at the expense of its host by either living in it or on it | |
290573954 | Symbiosis | An ecological relationship between organisms of two different species that live together in direct contact | |
290573955 | Food Web | The elaborate, interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem | |
290573956 | Density-Dependent Factor | Any factor influencing population regulation that has a greater impact as population density increases | |
290573957 | Density-Independent Factor | Any factor influencing population regulation that acts to reduce population by the same percentage regardless of size | |
290573958 | Nitorgen Fixation | The assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by certain prokaryotes into nitrogenous compounds that can be directly used by plants | |
290573959 | Secondary Consumer | A member of a trophic level consisting of carnivores that eat herbivores | |
290573960 | Tertiary Consumer | A member of a trophic level consisting of carnivores that eat mainly other carnivores | |
290573961 | Savanna | Tropical biome with scattered individual trees, large herbivores and three distinct seasons based primarily on rainfall, maintained by occasional fires & drought | |
290573962 | Taiga | A coniferous forest biome, characterized by considerable snow, harsh winters, short summers, and evergreen trees | |
290573963 | Temperate Deciduous Forest | A biome located at mid-latitudes where there is sufficient moisture to support the growth of large, broad-leaf trees | |
290573964 | Tropical Rain Forest | The most complex of all communities; harbors more species of plants than all other terrestrial biomes combined | |
290573965 | Tundra | A biome at the extreme limits of plant growth; at northernmost limits and high altitudes, where plant forms are limited to low shrubby or mat-like vegetation | |
290573966 | Classical Conditioning | A type of learning where a normally irrelevant stimulus is associated with a fixed behavioral response | |
290573967 | Operant Conditioning | A type of learning that directly affects behavior in a natural context; associating a behavior with a reward or punishment | |
290573968 | Habituation | A type of learning involving a loss of sensitivity to unimportant stimuli, allowing an animal to conserve time and energy | |
290573969 | Fixed Action Pattern | A highly stereotypical behavior that is innate and must be carried to completion once initiated | |
290573970 | Imprinting | A type of learned behavior with a significant innate component, acquired during a limited critical period | |
290573971 | Insight Learning | The ability of an animal to perform a correct or appropriate behavior on the first attempt in a situation with which it has had no prior experience | |
290573972 | Altruistic Behavior | The aiding of another individual at one's own risk or expense | |
290573973 | Agonistic Behavior | A type of behavior involving a contest of some kind that determines which competitor gains access to some resource such as food or mate | |
290573974 | Sign Stimulus | An external sensory stimulus that triggers a fixed action pattern | |
290573975 | Taxis | A movement toward or away from a stimulus | |
290573976 | Cell Wall | Protective layer found in plant, fungal, some bacterial and protist cells | |
290573977 | Plasma Membrane | Surrounds all cells and controls what substances move in and out | |
290573978 | Centriole | Found in animal cells; involved in cell division | |
290573979 | Chloroplast | Captures light energy from the sun for the process of photosynthesis | |
290573980 | Mitochondrion | Burns glucose and oxygen to produce ATP for cellular energy | |
290573981 | Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum | Functions to detoxify poisons and synthesize more membrane | |
290573982 | Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum | Studded with ribosomes that help with protein synthesis | |
290573983 | Golgi Apparatus | Organelle that modifies, stores, and routes products | |
290573984 | Lysosome | Contains hydrolytic enzymes for digesting various molecules in eukaryotic cells | |
290573985 | Vacoule | A membrane-bound sac used for storage | |
290573986 | Eukaryotic Cell | Has a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles present in protists, plants, animals, and fungi | |
290573987 | Prokaryotic Cell | Lacks membrane-bound nucleus or organelles; present Bacteria and Archea | |
290573988 | Flagellum | Long appendage used for locomotion | |
290573989 | Ribosome | Site of protein synthesis | |
290573990 | Nucleus | Chromosome-containing organelle of a eukaryotic cell | |
290573991 | Microfilament | A solid rod of actin protein; makes up part of the cytoskeleton and causes cell contraction | |
290573992 | Microtubule | Hollow rod of protein found in cilia, flagella, and the cytoskeleton | |
290573993 | Organelle | Specialized structures suspended in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells | |
290573994 | Fluid Mosaic Model | Cell membrane structure with a phospholipid bilayer with scattered proteins throughout | |
290573995 | Selective Permeability | Property of membranes that allow some things through but not others. | |
290573996 | Plasmolysis | When the plasma membrane shrivels away from the cell wall due to a loss of water to a hypertonic environment | |
290573997 | Plasmodesma | Open channel in the cell walls of plants that connect adjacent cells | |
290573998 | Gap Junction | Intercellular junction in animal cells that allows the passage of material between cells | |
290573999 | Nucleolus | Functions in the formation of ribosomes | |
290574000 | Intermediate Filament | A component of the cytoskeleton that includes protein rods of middle sizes | |
290574001 | Active Transport | Movement across a semi-permeable membrane against its concentration gradient | |
290574002 | Pinocytosis | Process where fluids and dissolved substances are brought into a cell | |
290574003 | Phagocytosis | Process where large molecules are brought into a cell | |
290574004 | Exocytosis | Cellular secretion of macromolecules by the fusion of vesicles with the cell membrane | |
290574005 | Osmosis | The diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane | |
290574006 | Chemiosmosis | Production of ATP using the energy of hydrogen-ion gradeints across membranes to phosphorylate ADP | |
290574007 | Diffusion | Movement of molecules from a high concentration to a lower concentration | |
290574008 | Endocytosis | Cellular uptake of macromolecules | |
290574009 | Facilitated Diffusion | Movement of molecules down the concentration gradient with the help of carrier proteins | |
290574010 | Passive Transport | Movement of substances across a biological membrane with the concentration gradient | |
290574011 | Endosymbionic Theory | A hypothesis about the origin of eukaryotic cells; idea that prokaryotic cells lived inside larger cells | |
290574012 | Proton Pump | Active transport that forces H+ ions out of a cell and generating a membrane potential because of the movement | |
290574013 | Sodium-Potassium Pump | Special transport using proteins to move Na+ ions out of a cell and K+ ions in, against their concentration gradients | |
290574014 | Phospholipid | Molecules that make up the cell membrane consisting of a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails | |
290649215 | Hydrophobic | Water-fearing | |
290649216 | Hydrophilic | Water-loving | |
290649217 | Hypertonic Solution | A solution with a greater concentration of solute than another | |
290649218 | Hypotonic Solution | A solution with a lesser concentration of solute than another | |
290649219 | Acetyl CoA | The entry compound for the Krebs Cycle in cellular respiration | |
290649220 | Rubisco | Enzyme that catalyzes the addition of CO2 to RuBP in the Calvin Cycle | |
290649221 | Photon | A burst of light energy | |
290649222 | Chlorophyll | A green pigment that absorbs light energy for the light reactions of photosynthesis | |
290649223 | ATP | Its energy is used to drive endergonic reactions when its terminal phosphate is hydrolyzed | |
290649224 | C3 Plant | A plant that the prefaces the Calvin cycle with reactions that incorporate CO2 into organic material by forming a three-carbon molecule as the first stable intermediate | |
290649225 | C4 Plant | A plant that prefaces the Calvin cycle with reactions that incorporate CO2 into four-carbon compounds | |
290649226 | CAM Plant | A plant that uses an adaptation for photosynthesis in dry conditions where carbon dioxide enters open stomata at night | |
290649227 | Stroma | The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the grana and involved in the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis | |
290649228 | Thylakoid | Flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast used to convert light energy to chemical energy for photosynthesis | |
290649229 | Aerobic | Containing oxygen; a cellular process that required oxygen | |
290649230 | Anaerobic | Referring to an organism or cellular process that lacks oxygen | |
290649231 | Photorespiration | A metabolic pathway that consumes oxygen, releases carbon dioxide but generates no ATP | |
290649232 | Stoma | A microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in the epidermis of leaves & stems that allow gas exchange | |
290649233 | Turgid | Firm as a result of the entry of water from a hypotonic environment | |
290649234 | Calvin Cycle | The second stage of photosynthesis involved in fixing CO2 and reducing it into glucose | |
290649235 | Krebs Cycle | Process that completes the breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide also producing NADH and FADH2 | |
290649236 | Light Reactions | The step of photosynthesis that occurs on the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast and converts solar energy to ATP and NADPH | |
290649237 | Glycolysis | Process that is the starting point of fermentation and aerobic respiration; splits glucose & form pyruvate | |
290649238 | Oxidative Phosphorylation | The production of ATP using energy derived from the redox reactions of an electron transport chain | |
290649239 | Cellular Respiration | The most efficient catabolic pathway for the production of ATP using oxygen in the process | |
290649240 | Cyclic Electron Flow | A route of electron flow during the light reactions of photosynthesis that involves only Photosystem I and produces ATP but not NADPH or oxygen | |
290649241 | Noncyclic Electron Flow | Route of electrons that involves both photosystems and produces ATP, NADPH, and oxygen | |
290649242 | Electron Transport Chain | A sequence of electron-carrier molecules that shuttle electrons during redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP | |
290649243 | Fermentation | A catabolic process that makes only a limited amount of ATP from glucose without using oxygen | |
290649244 | Noncyclic Phosphorylation | The production of ATP by electron flow through the electron transport chain in photosynthesis | |
290649245 | Photophosphorylation | The process of generating ATP by means of a proton-motive force generated by the thylakoid membrane during the light reaction of photosynthesis | |
290649246 | Photosynthesis | The conversion of light energy to chemical energy that is stored in glucose | |
290649247 | Photosystem | The light harvesting unit in photosynthesis containing a reaction-center of chlorophyll a and the primary electron acceptor | |
290649248 | Substrate Level Phosphorylation | The formation of ATP by directly transferring a phosphate group to ADP from an intermediate substrate in catabolism | |
290649249 | Turgor Pressure | An instrument that measures the proportions of light of different wavelengths absorbed and transmitted by a pigment solution | |
290649250 | Spectrophotometer | An instrument that measures the proportions of light of different wavelengths absorbed and transmitted by a pigment solution |
AP Biology Semester 1 Vocabulary
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