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AP English Language and Composition Flashcards

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6744867641AbstractOpposed to concrete, not quantifiable0
6744867642Adjectivemodifies, alters, changes a noun1
6744867643Adverbmodifies, alters, changes a verb2
6744867644Aestheticthe study or philosophy of beauty in art, literature and nature3
6744867645Allegoryform of a metaphor, the meaning of a person, object, or action resides outside the story, the concrete is within the story4
6744867646Alliterationrepetition of initial consonant sounds5
6744867647Allusionan indirect reference, often to another text or a historic event6
6744867648Ambiguityhaving more than one meaning, used in verbal, written, and nonverbal communication7
6744867649Anachronismout of time, placing something in a time where it does not belong8
6744867650Analogythe comparison of two things alike in some respects9
6744867651Analysisto separate into parts for inspection and evaluation10
6744867652Anaphorathe repetition of words at the beginning of successive clauses11
6744867653Anecdotea short narrative detailing the particulars of an event12
6744867654Annotationexplanatory or critical notes added to a text13
6744867655Antagonistthe force against the protagonist: a person, nature, or the person's psyche14
6744867656Antecedentthe noun to which the pronoun refers15
6744867657Antimetabolethe repetition of words in an inverted order to sharpen a contrast: "eat to live; live to eat"16
6744867658Antiheroa protagonist who is particularly graceless, inept, stupid, or dishonest17
6744867659Antithesisfigure of speech, using strongly contrasting words, clauses, sentences or ideas18
6744867660Aphorisma brief statement of general truth or wisdom: "Imitation is suicide."19
6744867661Apologya written or spoken defense20
6744867662Appositivea word or phrase that renames a nearby noun or pronoun21
6744867663Archaic Dictionthe use of words common to an earlier time period; antiquated language22
6744867664Archetypea recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology23
6744867665Argumenta statement put forth and supported by evidence24
6744867666Aristotelian (rhetorical) trianglea diagram that represents a rhetorical situation as the relationship among the speaker, the subject, and the audience25
6744867667Artificial Settingman made settings26
6744867668Assertionan emphatic statement; a declaration.27
6744867669Assumptiona belief or statement taken for granted without proof28
6744867670Asyndetonleaving out conjunctions between words, phrases, clauses29
6744867671Attitudethe author's or speaker's feelings toward the subject, attend to distance when discussing attitude30
6744867672Audiencethe intended recipents for a speaker or writer's message31
6744867673Authoritya reliable, respected source - someone with knowledge32
6744867674Begging the Questiona fallacy in reasoning which omits the minor premise and goes directly to the conclusion33
6744867675Biasprejudice or predisposition toward one side of a subject or issue34
6744867676Bildungsromana coming of age novel, the story of a person's development35
6744867677Canonan accepted list of literary works commonly taught in schools and universities36
6744867678Carpe Diemliterally "Seize the day," a philosophy of living for the day and not thinking of tomorrow37
6744867679Catharsisa moral and spiritual cleansing you receive when watching a protagonist overcome great odds to survive38
6744867680Charactera person described as an individual with reference to characterization39
6744867681Characterizationthe creation and development of an imaginary person who seems life‐like40
6744867682Chronologicalin the order of time41
6744867683Claiman assertion, usually supported by evidence42
6744867684Clauseany combination of subject and verb which makes a complete sentence, Independent/dependent43
6744867685Colloquialinformal conversation, it differs in grammar, vocabulary, syntax, imagery, or connotation--can also vary based on location44
6744867686Common GroundShared beliefs, values, or positions45
6744867687Conceita type of metaphor that is strikingly odd and thoughtful. Ex: Love compared to a motorcycle46
6744867688Concessiona reluctant acknowledgment or yielding47
6744867689Concreteopposite of abstract, tangible, quantifiable48
6744867690Concrete Detaildetails used in a persuasive paper which attempt to convince the reader: proof or evidence49
6744867691Confidant (male)/ Confidante (female)A person who partakes little in the action, is very close to the protagonist, and hears all of the intimate secrets of the protagonist50
6744867692ConflictA disagreement or challenge--usually presented to the protagonist of a story51
6744867693Connotationthat which is implied by a word, as opposed to the word's literal meaning52
6744867694Contextwords, events, or circumstances that help determine meaning53
6744867695Controlling Imagean image or metaphor which runs throughout the work54
6744867696Coordinationgrammatical equivalence between parts of a sentence, often through a coordinating conjunction such as and, or but55
6744867697Counterargumenta challenge to a position; an opposing argument56
6744867698Credibleworthy of belief; trustworthy57
6744867699CrisisThe point of the highest clash58
6744867700Criticismanalysis, study, and evaluation of individual works of literature59
6744867701Cumulative Sentencean independent clause followed by subordinate clauses or phrases that supply additional detail60
6744867702Declarative Sentencea sentence that makes a statement61
6744867703Deductivereasoning from the general of the specific62
6744867704Denotationthe literal meaning of a word; its dictionary definition63
6744867705Descriptive DetailDetails in an essay which use sensory description (the five senses) therefore you analyze these descriptions by each sense.64
6744867706Detailspecifically described items placed in a work for effect and meaning65
6744867707Deus Ex Machinaliterally "God in the machine," this is a Greek idea from when the gods would come on stage to rescue the hero, now it applies to anytime the hero is saved by a miraculous or improbable event66
6744867708Devicesspeech, syntax, diction. These stylistic elements collectively produce and effect67
6744867709Dictionword choice68
6744867710Didactica "teaching" type of tone, usually lesson‐like or boring in nature69
6744867711Digressioninsertion of material not closely related to the work or subject70
6744867712Dilemma2 choices - both bad, or 2 choices either one producing a bad outcome71
6744867713Doppelgangerliterally "double goer," a mysterious twin or double fighting against your good work72
6744867714Dystopia"bad place" An imaginary world which was constructed to be perfect yet failed. Present tendencies are carried out to their intensely unpleasant end.73
6744867715Elegiacmournful over what has passed or been lost; often used to describe tone74
6744867716Ellipsis/Ellipsethe omission of one or more words75
6744867717Epigrama brief witty statement76
6744867718Epiphanya sudden understanding or realization which prior to this was thought of or understood77
6744867719Ethosthe character of the writer reflected in the speech or writings78
6744867720Euphemisma device where being indirect replaces directness to avoid unpleasantness79
6744867721Explication of textexplanation of a text's meaning through an analysis of all of its constituent parts, including the literary devices used; also close reading80
6744867722Expositorya mode of writing which is used to explain something81
6744867723Fantasya genre--usually the breaking away from reality82
6744867724Figurative languagethe use of tropes or figures of speech; going beyond literal meaning to achieve literary effect83
6744867725Figure of Speechuses of language which depart from customary construction. Metaphors, similes, personfication, hyperboles, etc.84
6744867726Fragmenta word, phrase, or clause that does not form a full sentence85
6744867727Generic Conventionsfrom "genre" or type, each type of writing editorial, biography, narrative, persuasive, etc.; uses particular conventions. The persuasive mode of writing uses the technique of syllogism to prove a point86
6744867728GenreA particular type or category of writing; tragedy, comedy, epic, short story, historical fiction, didactic, etc.87
6744867729Hamartiafrom Greek and translated in the New Testament as "sin" literally it means an error, mistake, frailty, or misstep. This will cause the protagonist's downfall88
6744867730Hyperboleto overstate an issue, exaggeration89
6744867731Imageryliterally, the collection of images within a work. Specifically, descriptive details which use figures of speech to explain a concept, person, or thing.90
6744867732Imperative sentencea sentence that requests or commands91
6744867733In Medias Resmeaning "in the midst of things," this is starting a story in the middle of the action -- the first part will be revealed later.92
6744867734Independent Clausea sentence which stands alone93
6744867735Dependent clausea sentence which needs to be joined with another sentence in order to make sense94
6744867736Inductivereasoning from the specific to the general95
6744867737Inferenceto conclude by reason an idea, attitude, tone which is not directly stated by the author96
6744867738Invectivea violent verbal attack97
6744867739Inversiona sentence in which the verb precedes the subject98
6744867740Ironya recognition of reality different from the appearance.99
6744867741Irony (verbal)the actual intent is the opposite of what is said, something like sarcasm but not as harsh.100
6744867742Juxtapositionplacement of two things side by side for emphasis101
6744867743Kitsch"gaudy trash"-- shallow flashy art designed to have a mass appeal102
6744867744Languagethe style of the sentence and vocabulary used in conversation and written communication. Slang, formal, parental, didactic, common, etc.103
6744867745Linking Verba being verb (is, are, was, were, have been, had been, has been, will have been) which joins a subject to a predicate nominative or predicate adjective.104
6744867746Logosa Greek term that means "word"; an appeal to logic; one of Aristotle's three rhetorical appeals105
6744867747Mechanicsany form of sentence regulation which aides in interpretation; period, comma, hyphen, question mark, italics, capitalization, etc.106
6744867748Metaphorsaying one thing in terms of something else107
6744867749Metonomyfigure of speech. The substitution of the name of an object with a word closely associated with it. Ex. The White House for the presidency, the crown for the royal family or the queen.108
6744867750Microcosm"small world" representing an entire idea through a small situation or conflict109
6744867751Modifiera word, phrase, or clause that qualifies or describes another word, phrase, or clause110
6744867752Motifa simple device that serves as a basis for an expanded narrative, it is a recurring feature in the work111
6744867753Narrative Devicesthe ordering of events, withholding information until a climactic moment, and all tools the storyteller uses to progress the story line112
6744867754Narrative TechniqueThe "style" of the story, concentrate on the writer's order of events and details113
6744867755Natural Settinga setting that is produced through nature including weather and light/darkness114
6744867756Nominalizatonturning a verb or adjective into a noun115
6744867757Nounany name of a person, place, thing, or idea116
6744867758Objectivea tone of fairness and even discussion of a subject, it usually suggests that there is distance between the author and the subject being discussed. Be careful, this tone can also be cold and impersonal.117
6744867759Occasionan aspect of context; the clause or reason for writing118
6744867760Omniscient narratoran all knowing, usually third‐person narrator119
6744867761Oxymorona self‐contradictory combination or words.120
6744867762Paradoxa statement that seems to be contradictory or absurd, however it is found to be true121
6744867763Parallelismthe coordination of sentence syntax, word order, and ideas. It is used for effect and emphasis122
6744867764Parodya writing which imitates another serious piece and pokes fun at the original.123
6744867765Pathosa Greek term that refers to suffering but has come to be associated with broader appeals to emotion; one of Aristotle's three rhetorical appeals124
6744867766Pedanticbookish and scholarly in tone, often boring and dull due to little interest on the part of the listener125
6744867767Periodic Sentencea sentence not grammatically complete until the end. It has the dependent clause at the beginning and ends with the independent clause126
6744867768Personathe speaker, voice, or character assumed by the author of a piece of writing127
6744867769Personificationhuman‐like qualities are given to inanimate objects128
6744867770Persuasive Devicesdevices used in the writing mode of persuasion; strong connotations, order of intensity from lesser to greater, the logic of the argument129
6744867771Plagiarismliterary theft -- using someone's ideas and style and passing the off as your own.130
6744867772Plotthe framework upon which a story is placed; chronological, flashback, in medias res, or others. Once the story is finished a definite beginning, middle, and end can be found.131
6744867773Point of Viewpoint from which an author presents a story. It can be close, distant, within a character, or others.132
6744867774Polemican argument against an idea, usually regarding philosophy, politics, or religion133
6744867775Polysyndetonthe deliberate use of a series of conjunctions134
6744867776Predicatethe part of the sentence beginning with the verb or the first verb in a verb phrase135
6744867777Predicate Adjectivean adjective in the predicate which modifies the subject of the sentence, the predicate adjective must follow a linking verb, and "tall" is an adjective modifying the subject "She".136
6744867778Predicate Nominativea noun in the predicate which renames the subject, It must follow a linking verb. Ex. He is President. "President" renames the subject.137
6744867779Premise; major, minortwo parts of a syllogism: the concluding sentence of a syllogism takes its predicate from the major premise. Major premise: All mammals are warm‐blooded. Minor premise: All horses are mammals. Conclusion: All horses are warm‐blooded.138
6744867780Pronouna word which takes the place of a noun to prevent repetition or to act as the subject of a clause.139
6744867781PropagandaA negative term for writing designed to sway opinion rather than present information140
6744867782Protagonistthe main character of a work who has some type of contest; mental, spiritual, physical, natural; to complete141
6744867783Purposespeaker's intention or objective in a speech or piece of writing142
6744867784Realismbeing as close to reality as possible. Realistic works depict the reality of the harsh world and the effect upon the luckless protagonist.143
6744867785Refuteto discredit an argument, particularly a counterargument144
6744867786Repetitionword, sound, phrase, idea; used for emphasis. An excellent technique in persuasive speeches. Always pay attention to repetition in writing. The author is trying to tell you something.145
6744867787Resource of Languagean author's use of diction, syntax, sentence structure, and figures of speech to produce an effect146
6744867788Rhetoricthe art of persuasion and employing the devices to persuade. Persuasion extends to the construction of a work so that you believe it to be true even though it is fiction.147
6744867789Rhetorical Questiona question used by the speaker or writer to achieve an awareness in the listener or reader. No reply to the question is expected.148
6744867790Rhetorical Shiftchanging from one tone, attitude, or distance to another, Look for little words like but, however, even though, although, yet, etc..149
6744867791Rhetorical Structureto analyze, study, and evaluate this, you must examine\nimages, details and arguments.150
6744867792Sarcasma bitter expression of disapproval, sometimes intended to be harsh and hurtful, levels of intensity exist151
6744867793Satirea way or writing or speaking which censures things, activities, persons, or ideas; it is accomplished with humor and wit.152
6744867794Schemea pattern of words or sentence construction used for rhetorical effect153
6744867795Sentence Structureanalyzing sentence structure asks that you look at sentence length; simple, compound, complex; unusual phrases, repetition, altered word order.154
6744867796Similea comparison of two things using "like" or "as"155
6744867797Simple Sentencea sentence containing subject and verb with little else in the subject or predicate156
6744867798Spatialthe distance between characters, ideas, and things within the story. Careful, a character can be close physically to a person, but emotionally distant.157
6744867799Stylistic Deviceswhen analyzing stylistic devices the reader must find the best combination of the elements of language to discuss: tone, syntax, attitude, figures of speech, repetition, in tone especially connotations158
6744867800Subjectiveexpressing in a personal manner your convictions, beliefs, and ideas; when this subjective response occurs it is likely to be emotional.159
6744867801Subordinate clausecreated by a subordination conjunction, a clause that modifies an\nindependent clause160
6744867802Subplota secondary story within a story,161
6744867803Syllogisma formula for presenting a logical argument. Ex. Assertion, Proof, Commentary or Major Premise, Minor Premise, Conclusion162
6744867804Symbola thing that in and of itself it stands for something else. All symbols have vehicle and tenor.163
6744867805Synopsisa summary of the main points of a story or essay164
6744867806Syntaxthe physical arrangement of words in a sentence.165
6744867807Synthesisthe joining of two or more ideas, arguments, abstracts to create a new idea, argument, or product166
6744867808Tenor and Vehicleterms used when referring to a symbol: vehicle is the physical thing or person; the tenor is the abstraction.167
6744867809Themethe central idea of a story or essay.168
6744867810Thesisthe attitude or position taken by the speaker or writer.169
6744867811Topic Sentencea sentence, most often appearing at the beginning of a paragraph, that announces the paragraph's idea and often unites it with the work's thesis.170
6744867812Transcendentalreliance upon conscience and intuition, a form of idealism, romanticism171
6744867813Transitiona body or phrase that links different ideas172
6744867814Tropeartful diction; the use of language in a non-literal way; also called a figure of speech173
6744867815Understatementan actual statement which false under the magnitude of the actual event.174
6744867816Utopiaa perfect world175
6744867817Verbthe word in the sentence which gives action or being to the subject.176
6744867818Witintellectual humor177
6744867819Zeugmaa construction in which one word (usually a verb) modifies or governs - often in different, sometimes incongruent ways - two or more words in a sentence178
6744867820Clichean expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect179
6744867821Complex Sentencea sentence that includes one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.180
6744867822Dialect:a term that applies to particular speech patterns, or it's characteristic to a particular group of the language speakers.181
6744867823Synecdoche:a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special182
6744867824Idiom:an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements183
6744867825Jargon:terminology which is especially defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, group, or event184
6744867826Litotes:understatement, for intensification, by denying the contrary of the thing being affirmed185
6744867827Mood:the atmosphere created by the setting, and actions of people and characters in it. It also relates to how the reader emotionally responds to the text186
6744867828Tone:literary technique which encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work187

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