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AP Euro: Renaissance

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210346886Jacob Burckhardt1860 historian, thought Ren. was perfection of individual and birthplace of modern world
210346887Hanseatic Leaguecities in N. Europe, had monopoly on European trade until 15th cen.
210346888Italian City-Statesruled by wealthy families, controlled land around them
210346889House of Medicifamily was primary bank of pope, controlled some trade until expelled by the French in 1494
210346890Cosimo d'Medicitook over Florence, oldest Medici
210346891Isabella d'Este"First Lady of the World", educated ruling lady
210346892Castiglionewrote "Book of the Courtier", thought nobles were bad
210346893Machiavelliexiled politician who thought leaders should be cruel and ruthless
210346894Humanismbased on classic literature, study of liberal arts and ideal person
210346895Secularismmovement away from the church, worldliness
210346896Individualismbased on human potential and perfecting oneself
210346897L'uomo Universalethe idea of a Ren. man, someone of varied learning
210346898Petrarchsearched for classic manuscripts, thought people should put intellect over friends, father of humanism
210346899Bruniemphasis on ancient Greece and idealization of Cicero, humanist politician
210346900"Oration on the Dignity of Man"by Mirandola, humans have potential to be both bad and good
210346901Peace of Loditreaty made by Italian city-states
210346902Masacciomade frescoes in Brancacci chapel, laws of perspective, realistic, math in art
210346903Johannes Gutenbergeinvented printing press, which spread Ren. ideas
210346904Movable Typespread Ren. and reformation ideas through Europe quickly
210346905Lorenzo the Magnificentpart of Medici family, ruled Florence during Ren.
210346906Patronagepaid for art to be made, determined subject of art
210346907Botticellimade classic art centered around Greek/Roman mythology
210346908Donatelloclassic artist, made bronze David (first nude, symbol of victory)
210346909Brunelleschiclassical architect, combined math with art
210346910Leonardo da Vinciartist who cut up dead bodies to see how they worked, also a classic Ren. man
210346911Raphaelartist who made lots of Madonnas, good perspective and realism
210346912Michelangeloartist who focused on idealism of human, big David (perfection of body)
210346913Northern Renaissanceconcentrated on details rather than perspective in art, happened because of printing press
210346914Jan van Eyckused oil paints, focused on religious feelings in art
210346915Albrecht Durercombined N. Ren. and Italian Ren. style in art
210346916New Monarchiestried to get rid of nobles' power and create strong central gov.
210346917Louis XIlimited power of parliament, persecuted nobles and tried to take their power (Spider King)
210346918War of the RosesEnglish civil war between Lancaster and York, Tudors got control as result of it
210346919Henry VIImarried a York after war of Roses, made nobles get rid of their armies, made commoners have a place in gov.
210346920Ferdinand and Isabellamade a parliament, persecuted Muslims/Jews
210346921Spanish Inquisitionwhen the authenticity of the Jews who converted to Christianity was questioned
210346922Holy Roman Empirewasn't successful in centralizing gov. during New Monarchies, too many people against church
210346923Hapsburgscontrolled Holy Roman Empire, used smart marriages instead of wars to gain power
210346924Ivan IIImade Moscow its own state, cut ties with Mongols after gaining power
210346925Heresythought church should reform, church officials were thought to be corrupt
210346926Jan Huswas killed for Heresy, started a war with Holy Roman Empire
210346927John Wycliffestarted Lollardy, thought Popes shouldn't have so much power and the Bible should be in every language
210346928Pope Julius IIPope unliked by some because he was so involved with war
210346929Pope Leonepotistic Pope who was a Medici

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