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273170717Antibody functionsNeutralization - Blocked sites, can't cause injury Agglutination - Clumping - IgM Precipation - Complement bonding, settle out of solution Opsonization - Abs coat foreign antigen to promote phag Complement fixation + Activation - lysis
273170718PhagocyteEngulfs into a phagosome - adds lysosome - phagolysosome
273170719Macrophage-Can be activated -Have antigen fragments for T-cell interactions
273170720Fixed Macrophage-Kupffer Cells - Liver, break down RBCs -Alveolar Macrophages - pulmonary macrophage
273170721Neutrophil/EosinophilDiapedesis - Increased leukocyte movement towards damage site Chemotaxis - movement toward/away from chemicals Neutrophil - produce H2O2 and bleach, self-destructive Eosinophil - self-destructive, parasite phagocyte, weak
273706105Mast cellAllergy association Release histamines
273706106Natural killer cellLarge lymphocyte referred to as a Third Population Cell (TPC) Detect surface protein change, lyse cell Innate immunity vs. tumors and virus cells Use Perforin to destroy cells
273706107InflammationPrevents spread of damaging agent Hyperemia - increased blood flow Edema - accumulation of fluids under the skin Histamines released Defensins - broad spectrum antibiotics
273706108LeukocytosisLeukocyte mobilization, increased WBC count
273706109MarginationInjured cells - chemical release - bone marrow released neutrophils neutrophils line capillaries - innate response a.k.a. Pavementing
273706110DiapedesisIncreased leukocyte movement towards damage site
273706111ChemotaxisMovement away from chemicals/ to chemicals Monocytes follow neutrophils
273706112InterferonReleased in response to pathogen presence Used for communication between immune cells Upregulation of MHC's Causes release of PKR
273706113Protein Kinase RPKR inhibits viral replication
273706114AbscessCollagen fibers enclose a sac of Neutrophils/Dead pathogens/ tissue cells = PUS
273706115Antimicrobial ProteinsIFN - Interferon - Communication, release of PKR, upreg MHC PKR - Protein Kinase R - inhibits viral replication
273774712Complement proteinsPlasma proteins attach - increase inflammation and promote lysis
273774713Classical pathwayAb binds and exposes C region C3 is cleaved into C3a + C3b C3b causes insertion of membrane attack complex (MAC) MAC causes a lesion, then lysis Calls macrophages - opsonization (Complement) Humoral immunity - Ab usage
273774714MACMembrane attack complex Complement pathways
273774715CReactive complement protein, formed in the liver in repsonse to CI binding results in C3, increases deposition of C3 in bact wall
273774716Alternate PathwayComplement does not require Ab MAC formed by other substances Nonspecific response
273774717Specific Bodily DefensesSpecificity - eliminates targets by producing spec. lymph/Ab Diversity - can recognize millions of antigens Self/Nonself recognition - Autoimmune Diseases Memory
273774718IgM / IgDIgM - Agglutination, also antigen receptors on B-cells IgD - antigen receptor on B-cell, unknown usage
273774719IgA / IgEIgA - found in secretions - milk/tears IgE - activation of mast cells, parasite protection
273774720IgGPrimary circulating antibody
273774721MHC1 - found on all nucleated cells, aside from RBCs Cytotoxic T cell 2 - macrophages and B lymphocytes also foreign antigens Helper T cell
273774722Helper T cellCD4 receptor Recognize MHC 2 Attach to a foreign antigen on a macrophage
273774723Adaptive Immune SystemID - kill, remember
273774724Cytotoxic T cellCD8 receptor Recognize MHC 1 Directly attaches to the targeted cell Needs IL2 to attack
273774725B cellHumoral Immunity Produced in the bone marrow or Bursa of Fabricious
273774726T cellCell-mediated immunity Produced in the Thymus
273774727T-cell selectionIn contact with self MHC in the Thymus, if they recognize it - retained, if not Apoptosis
273774728ApoptosisProgrammed cell death
273774729B-cell selectionAnergy - lack of reaction by the body's defenses to foreign antigens Self-reactive B-cells are inactivated B-cells should not recognize MHC1, if they do, DIE
273774730Clonal DeletionWhen B/T cells are deactivated for expressing response to self-antigens
273774731Antigen-presenting cellCells which engulf antigens and present fragments on surface Dendritic cells Langerhans cells Macrophages Activated B-cells
273774732Dendritic CellFound in CT, secrete soluble proteins Antigen-presenting cell Activate T-cells
273774733Langerhans cellFound in skin epidermis Antigen-presenting cell
273774734MacrophageSecrete soluble proteins Antigen-presenting cell Activate T-cells
273774735Activated B-cellAntigen-presenting cell
273774736CAMCell adhesion molecules found on endothelial cells Cause lymphocytes to leave the system Used in margination to line the endothelial cells with neutrophils
273774737Humoral Immunity ResponseStep 1: Antigen binds to B-cell receptor, w/ help from macrophages and HT cells Step 2: Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells Ag binds to cells surface - internalized B cells grow and multiply (all identical) most progeny^ become Plasma cells and begin producing Ab
273881475Immunological Memory1: Prime immune response 3-6 day lag to produce plasma cells peaks at ~10 days 2. Secondary immune response peaks much quicker the second time
273881476Active acquired immunityPost-exposure Vaccinations
273881477Passive acquired immunityArtificial or natural transfer of immune system components from another individual Colostrum
273881478ImmunoglobulinsAntibodies Make up the gammaglobulin portion of blood soluble proteins interact w/ epitope on antigens
273881479EpitopeSmall, restricted site on an antigen Induces immune response through T cell or Ab binding
273881480Ab components (structure)4 polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bridge 2 light chains, 2 heavy Complement binding site Macrophage binding site Antigen binding site
273881481What kills the antigen?Nonspecific defenses and activated T-cells destroy antigens
273881482Monoclonal antibodiesFuse tumor cell and B lymphocytes to form Hybridomas Hybridomas - single type of antibody Can be used for - passive immunity, clinical testing, treating disease
273881483HybridomaMonoclonal antibody Tumor cell + B lymphocyte
273881484Cell-mediated responseINSIDE cell 2 major populations present: CD4 - Helper T cells (assist other T/B cells) CD8 - Cytotoxic T cells, destroy other cells
273881485T (DH)Delayed Hypersensitivity T cell
273881486T(S)Suppressor T cell Can help maintain tolerance to self-antigens Helps keep immune system in check
273881487Antigen recognitionT-cells NOT activated by free antigens MUST be antigenic epitopes on own body's cells MUST recognize foreign and self MHCs
273881488MHC 1Found on all nucleated cells CD8 recognize Endogenous antigens
273881489MHC 2Found on mature B cells, some T cells, and APCS (Antigen presenting cells) CD4 recognize Exogenous antigens - after broken down in a phagolysosome
273881490Helper T-cellsActivate B cells to secrete Ab Activate T cells Cytokines must be present to activate other lymphocytes
273881491MHC 2T(h) binding causes macrophages to release IKN-1 Helper T cells to release Interleukin-2 - causes T(h) to grow and divide IK2^ TH^ IK2 helps to mediate immune recognition
273881492Tumor necrosis factorT-cell produced cytokine that causes apoptosis
273881493IFNT-cell produced cytokine that enhances abilities of macrophages
273881494Interleukin-2Stimulates B-cells to produce Ab
273881495T-cell independent antigensCan stimulate B-cells w/o help from HT cells weak response
273881496T-cell dependent antigensRequire T-helper cells more potent than independent antigens
274013766Lethal hit sequence1. Cyt T cells release perforin and granzymes(cause apoptosis) - form lesion 2. w/ Ca present, perforin forms a transmembrane hole 3. Granzymes enter cell and degrade contents 4. Cyt T cells release lymphotoxin
274013767Other T cellsSuppressor T cells Gamma Delta T cells
274013768Suppressor T cellSuppress activity of T/B cells
274013769Gamma Delta T cellsFound in Intestine Triggered when their T-cell antigen receptors are activated Similar to NK cells
274013770Autoimmune DiseasesLupus/Rheumatoid Arthritis Insulin-dependent diabetes Rheumatic fever Graves disease MS
274013771Allergy types1. Hypersensitivities (Anaphylaxis) 2. Cytotoxic reaction 3. Immune complex hypersensitivity disease 4. Cell-mediated immune pathology
274013772AnaphylaxisType 1 allergic reaction First contact with allergen, no reaction IgE mediated allergy Mast cell and Basophil activation Histamines, Prostaglandins, etc. released
274013773Symptoms of allergiesRespiratory - Bronchial spasms, laryngeal edema GI - nausea, Diarrhea, cramps, vomiting Circ system - intestinal, hepatic vasodilation, hypotension (low BP) Skin - hives Treatment: Epinephrine to open bronchii
274013774Lupus/ Rheumatoid ArthritisSystemic, constant inflammation of various parts of the body
274013775Graves DiseaseThyroid problems, autoantibodies
274013776Rheumatic FeverAntibody cross-reactivity (heart, skin, joints, brain)
274013777MSImmune system attacks the myelin sheathes around axons
274013778Insulin-dependent diabetesImmune cells vs. pancreas
274013779Type 2 allergic reactionCytotoxic reaction Ab binds to antigens on body cells and stims phagocytosis and complement-mediated lysis ex. mismatched blood transfusions
274035757Immune complex hypersensitivity diseaseType 3 allergic reaction long term antigen exposure and response Ab-antigen complexes accumulate- stim. intense inflammation Activate complement cascade - attract neutrophils - lysosomal enzyme release varied symptoms
274035758Cell-mediated Immune PathologyType 4 allergic reaction Persistent activation of cell-mediated immunity Extensive cytotoxicity Granuloma formation Contact hypersensitivity (Poison oak, ivy)
274035759GranulomaA collection of immune cells that have "walled off," a foreign substance or antigen
274035760Blood group immunologyType A blood has A antigens B has B antigens and AntiA antigens Type O has neither A nor B antigens
274035761Rh factorRh negative mother can develop antibodies against Rh positive fetus
274035762Tissue graftsMHC responsible for tissue rejection Cause cell-mediated immune response
274809706Splanchnica.k.a. visceral
274809707Hepatic portal circulationBlood flow directed to the liver
2748097084 layers of GI tract1. Mucosa (3 sublayers) 2. Submucosa - Peyer's patches, Brunner's glands 3. Muscularis Externa - circ musc layer, sphincters, long mus 4. Serosa - (visceral peritoneum)
274809709Mucosa (3 sublayers)1. Epithelium - goblet cells, simp, colum epithelial 2. Lamina Propria - loose areolar CT, contains (MALT) 3. Musculara mucosa - sm. muscle, mucosa movement
274809710MALTMucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
274809711SubmucosaDense CT
274809712Muscularis externaCircular muscle layer, sphincters, longitudinal muscle
274809713SerosaVisceral peritoneum
274809714Nerve plexusesSubmucosal NP - controls activity of glands and sm. musc Myenteric plexus - b/w circ and long muscle Enteric nervous system
274809715Buccal cavityMouth
274809716NasopharynxSoft palate closes ____ when swallowing
274809717TongueTaste buds Serous/mucous glands Forms bolus
274809718Extrinsic Salivary glandsParotid- near ear, biggest Submandibular Sublingual
274809719Stomach regions (4)Cardiac Fundus Corpus Pylorus
274809720Pyloric region componentsPyloric antrum Pyloric canal Pyloric sphincter
274809721Obliques (stomach)Muscle fibers in stomach Circular longitudinal transverse
274809722Enteroendocrine cellsProduce - serotonin gastrin histamine endorphins
274809723DuodenumHepatopancreatic ampulla - Common bile duct + panc duct HPA - empties into sphincter of oddi
274809724Sphincter of OddiControls the release of bile into the duodenum Hepatopancreatic ampulla empties into ____
274809725IleumSlows food due to increased % of segmental contractions
274809726Plicae circularesMucosal folds in the SI
274809727Brush borderMicrovilli found in SI + kidney
274809728Central lactealFound in villi in SI absorbs broken down fats
274809729Crypts of LieberkuhnIn folds of SI contain Paneth Cells - antimicrobial secretions - lysozyme
274809730Paneth cellFound in SI in Crypts of Lieberkuhn secrete antimicrobial compounds - lysozyme
274809731SubmucosaPeyer's patches - macrophages located in SI Brunner's glands - secrete mucous
274809732Liver lobuleFunctional unit of the liver
274809733Portal triadHepatic artery Hepatic portal vein Bile duct
274809734Hepatic platesProcess nutrients Store fat-soluble vitamins Detoxify
274809735Hepatitis / CirrhosisLiver infection / scarring of the liver
274809736Cystic ductGall bladder empties bile into the GI via ___
274809737Pancreatic functionAcini cells located in Pancreas secrete zymogens - enzyme precursor CCK stimulates enzyme release
274809738ZymogenInactive enzyme precursor, activated by HCL in lysosomes: pepsinogen trypsinogen
274844807Large Intestine (parts)Ascending Descending Transverse Sigmoid colon
274844808HaustraSegments on LI no villi or plicae circulares
274844809AppendixMALT component
274844810GI tract motilityPrehension Mastication Deglutition Egestion Regurgitation
274844811Deglutition / EgestionSwallowing / Pooping
274844812Caudoesophageal sphincterVomiting reflex
274844813Receptive relaxationStomach Nitric Oxide - plays a part Enterogastric reflex - holds food, slows perist. low pH = diarrhea Enterogastrone reflex - senses 12-18carbons, releases Cholecystokinin to help digest
274844814Enterogastric reflexSlows peristalsis Can be caused by low pH = diarrhea
274844815Enterogastrone reflexSenses 12-18 carbons, releases Cholecystokinin to help digest
274844816Electrical activity in GI tractTwo types: slow waves, spike
274844817Cells of Cajalpacemaker cells in longitudinal sm. muscle creates the basal contraction rate
274844818Intracellular vs. Extracellular pHIntra: 6.5 Extra: .8 caused by HCl from parietal cells
274844819Chief cellspepsinogen (zymogen) ^ + HCl = pepsin
274844820Gastric secretion phasesCephalic: neural via the vagus nerve Gastric: Gastrin release Intestinal: Secretin can cause pepsinogen secretion Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) stops acid release
274844821CholecystokininHelps to digest 12-18carbons stimulates enzyme release from pancreas controls bile release
274844822Buffers in GI tractBicarbonate balances H+ loss stimulated by secretin
274844823BileControlled by Cholecystokinin CCK
274844824Carbohydrate (Dig/Abs)Monosaccarides are absorbed Starch digestion begins in mouth w/ amylase Pancreatic amylase 90% absorbed in first 2/3 of tract Glucose and galactose coupled with Na+ Atransport Mucosal digestion: Dextrinase, glucoamylase, maltase, etc.
274844825AmylaseStarch digestion
274844826What is coupled with Na+ transport in the GI tract?Glucose + Galactose
274844827Protein (Dig/Abs)Pepsin helps break down protein (Pepsin is inactivated in the Duodenum) Pepsin cleaves proteins between tyrosine | phenylalanine Brush border enzymes and pancreatic enzymes create small, ABSORBABLE, peptides, AAs, di-tri peptides ^^ absorbed like sugars In young animals - prior to closure of enterocytes can absorb proteins (Abs!) through colostrum
274844828Enterocytea.k.a. Intestinal absorptive cell Stay open for a short time in newborns - absorb proteins (Abs!) Colostrum absorb monoglycerides in lipid digestion
274844829Lipid (Dig/Abs)SI: sole site of digestion Bile salts emulsify fat Lipase breaks tri into monoglycerides enterocytes absorb monos and reesterify them into tri Chylomicrons transport fats around the body (thru lymph sys)
274844830Bile saltsfound in SI emulsify fats
274844831Chylomicronring structure that moves fats around the body through the lymphatic system
274844832Nucleic Acid (Dig/Abs)Ribonuclease and Deoxynuclease Absorbed in SI
274844833Ribonuclease / DeoxyribonucleaseBreak down their respective nucleic acids
274844834Vitamins (Dig/Abs)Fat soluble vitamins - absorbed in SI along w/ fats Water soluble vitamins - absorbed in SI (B12 vitamin requires intrinsic factor, absorbed in ileum)
274844835B12 vitaminWater-soluble vitamin, requires intrinsic factor absorbed in ileum
274888332Oxidation- reduction reactionsCrucial in metabolic processes
274888333Oxidation (Nut/Met)Yields ATP
274888334OxidaseCatalyzes the transfer of Oxygen
274888335DehydrogenaseRemoval of H+, leaving CO2
274888336Coenzymes of oxidationH+ acceptors NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) FAD (flavine adenine dinucleotide)
274888337NAD+ / FADOxidation coenzymes
274888338ATP synthesisUses cellular respiration energy for: substrate level phosphorylation or oxidative phosphorylation
274888339Substrate level phosphorylationOccurs in cytoplasm and mitochondrial matrix Phosphate goes from substrate -> ADP
274888340Oxidative phosphorylationMore important than sub phos chemiosmotic process H+ pumped into intermembrane mitoch space
274888341Carbohydrate -> ___Glucose Entry into cell via fac. diff. modulated by insulin trapped within cell by hexokinase irreversible reaction^, helps maintain glucose gradient
274888342Oxidation of glucose via -> ___Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain and oxidative phosphorylation
274888343Glycolysis10 steps glucose -> 2 pyruvic acid molecules Yields 2 ATP/glucose occurs in cytosol ANAEROBIC
274927533Critical Glycolysis enzymesHexokinase - traps glucose in cell Phosphofructokinase - (PFK) - catalyzes the rate-determining reaction. ATP inhibits, AMP stims lactate dehydrogenase - oxidizes NAD+, so glycolysis can continue. MUST HAVE if no oxygen present
274927534PFKPhosphofructokinase - catalyzes the rate of glycolysis ATP inhibits AMP stimulates
274927535Glycolysis equationGlucose + 2NAD+ + 2ADP + 2Pi <-> 2NADH + 2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2H2O + 4H+
274927536Metabolism in the LiverIn absence of Oxygen, lactic acid -> glucose -Energy source -Stored as glycogen ^ a.k.a. glycogenesis / glycogenolysis
274927537Lactic acidConverted to glucose in the absence of oxygen
274927538GluconeogenesisGlucose synthesis from other nutrient sources - Propionic acid synthesized into glucose in ruminants
274927539Propionic acidSynthesized into glucose in ruminants
274927540Krebs cycleOxidation Decarboxylation - pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction w/ coA to form Actetyl coenzymeA *essentially Pyruvate -> ACOa -> ATP
274927541Electric Transport ChainAerobic respiration H combined with O2 ^ energy used to phosphorylate ADP cristae - electron transporters molecules involved: Flavoprotein (FMN) Coenzyme Q cytochromes NADH, FADH2 -> reduced to oxidized form -> highly exergonic
274927542CristaeElectron transporters for E. Transport Chain
274927543ATP harvestto pyruvate -> 2 ATP pyruvate through Krebs cycle -> 2ATP E transport chain -> 34 ATP
274927544Glycogenesis + GlycogenolysisWhen sufficient energy is reached energy - fat Glucose-6-P + mutase -> Glucose 1-P
274927545MutaseEnzyme required for glycogenesis Glucose-6-P + mutase -> Glucose 1-P
274927546GluconeogenesisForming sugar from non-carb sources
274927547Lipid MetabolismOxidation of glycerol and fatty acids - 1 glycerol converted to 18ATP Beta Oxidation: fatty acids -> 2-carbon acetic acid fragments (beta carbon is oxidized) Acetic acid fuses to CoenzymeA -> Krebs Cycle
274927548Lipogenesis and LipolysisTriglyceride synthesis occurs when ATP and glucose levels are high AcetylCoA molecules condensed to form fatty acids Glyceraldehyde phosphate converted to form glycerol
274927549LipolysisBreaking stored fats into glycerol and fatty acids Liver, card muscle, resting skel muscle, prefer fat Before kreb cycle -> AcetylCoA combines w/ oxaloacetate insufficient oxaloacetyl CoA -> ketone bodies (ketogenesis)
274927550KetogenesisFatty acid breaks down to form Ketone bodies when oxaloacetylCoA is short
274927551Renal sinusRenal pelvis, calyces, Bvessels, nerves, fat
2749275523 external kidney layersRenal capsule Adipose capsule Renal fascia
2749275533 internal kidney layersCortex Medulla Pelvis
274927554Afferent vs. Efferent ArteriolesAfferent -> to kidneys Efferent -> from
274927555Peritubular capillariesSupply blood to the nephron via the PCT and DCT
274927556Vasa RectaCapillary beds that reside in the medulla (branch of the Efferent arterioles) parallel to the loop of henle
274927557Nephron(85% in cortex) Glomerulus and Renal tubule Renal corpuscle: Glomerulus + Bowman's capsule
274927558Bowman's capsuleEncloses glomerulus First step of filtration
274927559PodocytePart of nephron long extensions, cover glomerulus capillaries
274927560ReninIncreases H2O and NaCl absorption in the kidneys
274927561Juxtaglomerular apparatusDCT lies against arterioles (Aff and Eff)
274927562Juxtaglomerular cellEnlarged, sm. muscle, line arterioles mechanoreceptors secrete renin near Macula Densa cells (osmoreceptors)
274927563Macula Densa cellOsmoreceptor lie near juxtaglomerular cells
274927564Kidney physiology1% BW - 20-25% Oxygen usage
274927565Net Filtration PressureGlomerular hydrostatic pressure: main driving force ^ opposed by colloid osmotic pressure and capsular hydrostatic pressure
274927566Glomerular hydrostatic pressureMain driving force of net filtration
274927567Kidney filtration pressuresGlomerular hydrostatic vs. Colloid osmotic Capsular hydrostatic
274927568Glomerular filtration rateDirectly proportional to NFP (normally constant)
274927569Renal Auto-regulationKept constant by altering Afferent/Efferent arteriole tones
274927570Sympathetic control of filtrationConstriction of afferent arterioles affects FR Causes JG cells to secrete renin Low BP -> upregulation of renin
274927571Other factors controlling GFRVasodilation: NO, PG, Kallikrein releases bradykinin Vasoconstriction: endothelin, TXA2
274927572Sodium ReabsorptionPassive into cell (carrier-mediated, fac. diffusion) Passively enters peritubular capillarise
274927573Water ReabsorptionNa+ and Cl- entering cells causes water to enter into tubule cell.
274927574Solvent dragWhen water moves, it drags solutes into tubules
274927575Secondary Active TransportNa+ - K+ pump creates gradient - helps transport glucose, AAs, lactate, vitamins
274938474PCTMost active reabsorption site glucose, lactate, AAs 65% of Na+ is cotransported with^ H2O, HCO3, Cl-, K+ absorbed URIC ACID absorbed
274938475Loop of HenleWater can leave Descending, but NOT Ascending limb. Na+, water, Cl-, K+ absorbed in thin segment Thick is impermeable to water and urea Reabsorbs K+, Cl-, Na+ More dilute Ascending
274938476Thick segment (LoH)impermeable to water and urea reabsorbs K+, Cl-, and Na+
274938477Thin segment (LoH)Water can leave Descending, NOT ascending limb.
274938478DCTabsorbs NA+, Cl-, H20 secretes K+ and H+ absorption of H2O reliant on Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) absorption of Na+ controlled by Aldosterone
274938479ADHAntidiuretic hormone regulates absorption of H2O in DCT
274938480Aldosteroneregulates absorption of Na+ Due to: low BP, low plasma Na+, inc K+ Increases Na+ absorption FROM DCT
274938481ANPAtrial natriuretic peptide High BP causes release Decreases Na+ absorption from DCT
274938482Parathyroid hormoneRegulates Ca++ absorption
274938483Collecting DuctPermeable to water, not NaCl Loses water to hyperosmotic interstitial fluid Bottom of duct is permeable to urea
274938484Tubular secretionH, K, ammonium, creatinine
274938485Urine concentration regulationOsmotic concentration from cortex to medulla ^^^inc Loop of Henle <> Vasa Recta countercurrent systems
274938486Renal clearanceVol of plasma from which a particular substance is completely cleared by kidneys
274938487InulinDetermines GFR not reabsorbed or secreted RC rate inulin = GFR RC value for inulin< insulin, then it is reabsorbed
274938488AlkalosisGreater than 7.45 pH
274938489AcidosisLess than 7.35 pH

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