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12912654351heart12cm long 9cm wide sternum to the vertebral column0
12912772154mediastinumextends from the sternum to the vertebral column, from the first rib, and between the lungs1
12912810260apexformed by the tip of the left ventricle and rests on the diaphragm2
12912854049base of heartopposite of apex and is its posterior aspect. formed by atria and left atrium3
12912959049anterior surfacedeep into sternum and ribs4
12912972507inferior surfacebetween the apex and right surface and rests mostly on the diaphragm5
12912979640right surfacefaces the right lung and extends from the inferior surface to the base6
12912986205left surfacefaces the left lung and extends from the base to the apex7
12912988442pericardiummembrane that surrounds and protects the heart8
12912992581fibrous pericardiumcomposed of tough, inelastic, dense irregular connective tissue prevents overstitching of the heart, provides protection, and anchors heart in mediastinum9
12913026409serous pericardiumthinner, more delicate membrane that forms a double layer around the heart10
12913036871parietal layer of serous pericardiumfused to fibrous pericardium11
12913048174visceral layer of serous pericardiumalso called epicardium-adheres to tightly to the surface of the heart12
12913064411pericardial fluidthin film lubricating serous fluid-slippery secretion of pericardial cells reduces friction as heart moves13
12913079848pericardial cavitythe space that contains the few milliliters of pericardial fluid14
129130886323 layers of the heartepicardium, myocardium, endocardium15
12913095385epicardium (external layer)composed of two tissue layers 1. visceral layer of serous pericardium 2. fibrous elastic and adipose tissue smooth, slippery texture to the outer heart contains blood vessels, lymphatics, and vessels that supply to myocardium16
12913263771myocardium (middle layer)responsible of pumping action of the heart-composed of cardiac muscle tissue-swirl diagionally, striated, involuntary makes up 95% of heart wall17
12913312671endocardium (innermost layer)thin layer of endothelium overlying a thin layer of connective tissue provide smooth lining for the chamber of the heart and cover the valves of the heart minimizes surface friction as blood passes through the heart continuous with the endothelial lining of the large blood vessels attached to the heart18
12913495273endocarditisinflammation of the endocardium involving the heart valves-caused by bacteria19
12913517139atriathe two upper chambers of the heart receive blood from blood vessels returning blood to the heart-veins20
12913520303Ventriclesthe two lower chambers of the heart eject blood from the heart into blood vessels-arteries21
12913595155auriclewrinkled pouch-like structure increases capacity to the atrium so it can hold a greater volume of blood22
12913611249sulciseries of grooves contain coronary blood vessels and a variable amount of fat each sulcus marks the external boundary between 2 chambers of the heart23
12913640304coronary sulcusencircles most of the heart and marks the external boundary between the superior atria and and inferior ventricles24
12913665244anterior ventricular sulcusshallow groove on the anterior surface of the heart that marks the external boundary between the right and left ventricles on the anterior side of heart25
12913757796right atriumright surface of the heart and receives blood from 3 veins: superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus inside posterior wall-smooth outside posterior wall- rough due to pectinate muscles-muscular ridges26
12913686444posterior interventricular sulcusmarks the external boundary between ventricles on the posterior side of the heart27
12913862401interatrial septumbetween right and left atrium- thin partition28
12916263244fossa ovalisoval depression on interatrial septum remnant of foramen ovale-an opening in the interatrial septum of the fetal heart that closes after birth29
12916304241tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)consists of 3 cusps or leaflets composed of dense connective tissue covered by endocardium30
12916318767right ventricleforms most of the anterior surface of the heart31
12916334440trabecular carneaeseries of ridges formed by raised bundles of cardiac muscle fibers32
12916348098chordaetendon like chords- connect cusps of tricuspid valve33
12916366319papillary musclescone-shaped trabeculae carneae34
12916372086interventricular septumseparates right from left ventricle35
12916383202pulmonary valveblood passes through to pulmonary trunk from the right ventricle36
12916396017left atriumforms base of heart receives blood from the lungs through pulmonary veins smooth posterior wall37
12916415935bicuspid valve (left atrioventricular)two cusps, two-sided38
12916419599left ventriclethickest chamber of the heart forms apex of the heart contain trabeculae carneae and chordae tendonae39
12916431294aortic valveThe semilunar valve separating the aorta from the left ventricle that prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle.40
12916442846ligamentum arteriosumconnects arch of aorta and pulmonary trunk41

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