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Ap Gov Court Cases

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164232111Barron v. BaltimoreThe Supreme Court determined that the Bill of Rights restricted the national government, no the state gov
164232112Gitlow v. New YorkCreated the "Bad Tendency" doctrine which stated that speech could be restricted even if it only has a tendency to lead to illegal action.
164232113New York Times v. SullivanIt is not libel if a newspaper prints an article that turns out to be false, but was thought to be true at the time of publication
164232114Schenck v. United StatesSpeech which evokes a clear & present danger is not permissible
164232115Maubury v. MadisonEstablished Judicial Review
164232116Griswold v. Connecticutestablished the right to privacy; amendments like the 3rd 4th and 9th all cast "penumbras and emanations".
164232117Roe v. Wadeestablished national abortion guidelines by extended the inferred right of privacy from Griswold.
164232118Mapp v. Ohioextended the exclusionary rule to the states
164232119Gideon v. WainwrightAll state governments must provide an attorney in all cases for those who cannot afford one.
164232120Engel v. Vitaleprohibited state-sponsored recitation of prayer in public schools
164232121Lemon v. KurtzmanState laws intending to give money to religious schools or causes has to meet the qualifications called the Lemon Test.
164232122Clinton v. New YorkBanned the presidential use of a line item veto as a violation of legislative powers
164232123Bush v. GoreFlorida recount in 2000 election was ruled to be a violation of the 14th amendments equal protection clause
164232124Shaw v. RenoRace cannot be the sole or predominant factor in redrawing legislative district boundaries
164232125Buckely v. ValeoThe court ruled that giving money to a political campaign was a form of free speech and threw out some stringent federal regulations on fund raising and election spending.
164232126Smith v. AllwrightThe denying of African Americans the right to vote in a primary election was found to be a violation of the 15th amendment
164232127U.S. v. NixonCourt allowed for executive privilege but they forbid its use in criminal cases.
164232128McCullough v. MarylandEstablished a precedent of federal courts using judicial review to strike down Congressional legislation.
164232129U of Cali v. BakkeWhite applicant rejected admission because they wanted more diversity.
164232130Atkins v. Virginiathe U.S. lined up with most other nations by forbidding the execution of the mentally retarded.
164232131Webster v. Reproductive Health ServicesDid not overturn Roe v. Wade, but gave states more power to regulate abortion.
164232132Epperson v. ArkansasIn line with the establishment clause, prohibited states from banning the teaching of evolution in public schools.
164232133Miranda v. ArizonaAll defendants must be informed all their rights
164232134Gibbons v. Ogdenincreased federal power over interstate commerce by implying that anything concerning interstate trade could possibly be controlled by federal government.
164232135Baker v. Carrcase that est. one man one vote. this decision created guidelines for drawing up congresional districts and guaranteed a more equitable system of representation to the citizens of each state
164232136INS v. LopezMexican citizens were deported. the arrest was illegal. 4th amendment and exclusionary rule is not viable in a deportation hearing because they are not citizens. It was a civil proceeding, not a criminal one.
164232137Board v. Pottawatomie2002 school board right to collect drug
164232138Zelman v. Simmons-HarrisThe 2002 Supreme Court decision that upheld a state providing families with vouchers that could be used to pay for tuition at religious schools.
164232139Ashcroft v. ACLU1999- Child pornography protection v. free seech was created as Congress' attempt to criminalize Internet pornography/obscenity. COPA too broad and violates 1st amendment
164232140Plessy v. Fergusonestablished Separate but Equal

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