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AP Gov Linkage Institutions I

Mr. Shumpert's AP Government

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97877817public opinionwhat the public thinks about an issue at any point in time
97877818public opinion pollssurveys with samples of citizens used to estimate the beliefs of the population
97877819straw pollsunscientific polls used to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues
97877820political socializationprocess of determining political values
97877821Christian coalitioncreated by Pat Robertson; conservative religious group in the 90s that attracted an enormous media attention and became a large force in many elections
97877822random samplingmethod that gives each person in a group an equal chance of being selected
97877823quota samplingnonrandom sampling method in which "quotas" for certain sample characteristics are established to increase representativeness of sample
97877824stratified samplinga kind of random sampling; population is divided into regions and random samples are taken of each
97877825push pollspolls for the sole purpose of creating bias through the question wording
97877826tracking pollspolls following a candidate's campaign to chart support
97877827exit pollspolls conducted on election day
97877828sampling errora measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll
97877829rational-choice theoryparties select widely favored policies to ensure votes
97877830Duverger's Lawvoters don't want to waste their votes on third parties that def. won't win so they vote for one of the main two
97877831linkage institutionthe means by which individuals express preferences regarding the development of public policy
97877832coalitiongroup of interests/organizations that join forces to elect public officials
97877833national party platforma statement of the philosophy and policy goals of a party; usually stated at nat. convention
97877834party erahistorical period in which a majority of citizens shift to cling to the party in power;have only been 6
97877835critical electionelection showing sharp changes in the existing patterns of party loyalty
97877836party realignment"electoral earthquake" where party's majority domination is replaced with another's; rare, usually associated with a crisis or trauma
97877837FederalistsHamilton; formed out of want of a federally created national bank
97877838Democratic-RepublicansMadison and Jefferson; formed against Federalists and against a national bank
97877839Jacksonian democracycreated Democratic party through state/local committees and held first national party convention in 1832; expansion of more political rights to white adult males
97877840Whig Partyfractitious party created by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, and held together by a hate of Andrew Jackson
97877841Republican Partyformed in 1854 as antislavery party that appealed to the North's business interests
978778421860 electionwon by Abraham Lincoln which lead to the Civil War
97893162Thomas Nastcartoonist that created ass and elephant symbols
97893177Gilded Agea period that appeared great but had numerous hidden problems
97893178political machineparty organization that recruits people through tangible incentives; lots of control over member activity
97893179patronagegranting favors in return for political support; part of Spoils System
978931801896 electionwon by Republicans, who had maintained an industrial agenda while Democrats adapted an agrarial one from the Populist party
97893187direct primary systemrequires members of the political party to elect a candidate for office
97893188civil service lawsslowly ended patronage in the federal government; merit system
97893189New Deal coalitionformed after New Deal and kept Democrats in power for 30 years
97893192party dealignmentvoters are now fairly divided between D, R, and I; issue-oriented politics is causing parties to split
97893195national conventionthe meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and write the party's platform.
97893196think tanksinstitutional collection of policy-oriented researchers who are sources of policy ideas
97893199Howard Deanfirst major candidate to raise a massive amount of money through the internet
97893200party identificationonly need to claim to be a member of a party; no enforceable obligations
97893201ticket splitvoting for different candidates in different parties for different offices in the same election
97893202Third Partyismparties usually formed when major parties have alienated groups or supressed issues; created due to/by sectionalism, economic protests, issues, and ideologies
97893203Dixiecratslead by Strom Thurmond; formed by southern Democrats against Harry Truman; sectionalism
97893204Populist Partylead by William Jennings Bryan; formed by mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies; economic protests
97893205Socialist partyknown for/lead by Eugene Debs; ideology
97893208Bull Moose partycreated by Theodore Roosevelt aka the Progressive Party
97893209American Independent partylead by George Wallace; wanted to continue black segregation
97893210Reform Partylead by Ross Perot; focuses on national government reform, fiscal responsibility, and political accountability
97893211proportional representationvoting system that appoints legislative seats according to the percentage won by a certain party; England, not US
97958513winner-take-all systemsystem used in US instead of proportional representation; reason third parties never win
97958514Responsible Party modelsystem in which parties adopt a platform of principles, recruit candidates and direct campaigns based on the platform, and hold their elected officials responsible for enacting it
97958515mandatea command for elective officials to carry out their platforms as indicated by the electorate's votes
97958516electoratecitizens eligible to vote (voters)
97958517prospective judgmenta voter's evaluation of a candidate/campaign based on their promises
97958518retrospective judgmenta voter's evaluation of an incumbent's performance; judges past actions
97958519closed primaryprimary in which only voters registered with the party may vote
97958520open primaryprimary in which voters may choose which party's primary they wish to vote in
97958521crossover votingwhen a voter identifying with one party votes at the other party's primary
97958522raidingwhen a voter crossover votes to sabotage the other party by choosing a candidate that would be easy to beat
97958523runoff primary"sudden death round" when no candidate has majority
97958524blanket primaryall parties have candidates on the same ballot; illegal
97958525initiativecitizens can propose legislation and submit it to the electorate for a vote
97958526propositiona proposed legislation (?)
97958527referendumthe state legislature submits a proposed legislation to the electorate for approval
9795852912th amendmentthe seperation of the president and vice president onto two different ballots on same party ticket
97958530butterfly ballotpaper ballot with holes to push in
97958531chada small piece of paper that pops out when a hole is punched in a card
97958532winner-take-all primarycandidate who wins most votes in a state gets all of the states delegates
97989164proportional representation primaryan election in which each candidate is awarded delegates in proportion to the number of votes cast
97989165caucusprivate meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or policy
97989166frontloadingfirst states to hold primaries basically determine the winners
97989167superdelegatedelegate slot to democratic national convention reserved for an elected primary official
97989168Electoral Collegerepresentatives of each state who cast final ballots in presidential election
97989169reapportionmentchange of representation of states in electoral college every 10 years
97989170secular realignmentgradual rearrangement of party coalitions based more on demographic shifts than political shocks
97989171gerrymanderinglegislative process of the majority party trying to reach the max number of representatives in the state by redrawing districts
97989172motor-voter billlegislation allowing citizens to register to vote as they apply for a driver's license or other state benefit
97989173regional primary systemelectoral college reform option; country divided into 4 regions that would rotate when it comes to who holds primaries first
97989174voter canvassprocess by which a campaign reaches individual voters
97989175inoculation adcounters anticipated attack before it happens
97989176spinperception of an issue
97989177federal election campaign actcreated FEC; provides public funding for pres primaries & general elections, limits campaign contributions to $1000 per candidate, and requires disclosure
97989178Buckley v Valeochallenged FECA and resulted in allowing unlimited spending under freedom of speech
97989179soft moneyvirtually unregulated money funneled through state/local parties spent on candidates behalf
97989180public fundsonly used for president but have spending limits
97989181matching fundsfunds that will be supplied in an amount matching the funds available from other sources
97989182PACsover 4,000 in country; can spend $5,000 per candidate; contributions go to congressional campaigns and have to report to FEC
97989183hard moneylegally specified contributions that are regulated by the FEC to a party or candidate
97989184express advocacyendorsement of or attack on candidate ad
97989185issue advocacyad about issues
97989186campaign finance reformMcCain-Feingold Act; increased the amount individuals could give to candidates to $2000; barred groups from running ads within 60 days of a general election if they refer to a federal candidate
97989187McConnell v FECupheld ban on soft money
97989188527spolitical organizations not regulated by the FEC or other elections commission, and are not subject to the same contribution limits as PACs
98189969political partygroup seeking control of government by gaining office
98189970issue-oriented politicsreason for declining party loyalty; parties split

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