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AP Human Geography- Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture Flashcards

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489100778According to Chapter One culture includes... 3 Geographers search for where __________ of each occurvalues material artifacts political institutions distributions0
489100779Chapter 4 deals with the material artifacts of culture. What does this include? 2 What is an example of each?Daily life materials food leisure activities art1
489100780What is the difference between habit and customA habit is performed by a particular person and a custom is performed by a group. A habit has not been widely accepted but a custom has2
489100781Repetitive act that a particular person formsHabit3
489100782Repetitive act by a groupCustom4
489100783What type of culture is practiced primarily by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated areas?Folk Culture5
489100784What type of culture is in large heterogenous societies that share certain habits despite differences?Popular Culture6
489100785What is the difference between folk culture and popular culture?Folk is practiced by a small group. Popular culture is practiced in large societies Folk happens a small scale7
489100786What is happening to folk culture because of popular culture?Globalization has increased dominance of popular culture over folk culture. Disappearing folk culture reduces local diversity.8
489100787Social customs originate at a ________.hearth9
489100788What are 4 folk customs hearths?Originate from anonymous hearths Unknown start dates Unidentified originators May have multiple originations10
489100789What are 6 Popular customs hearths?Most often product of an MDC Especially North America , Western Europe and Japan Example include popular music and food Arise from advances in technology and leisure time Mass production often tied to increased leisure time enjoyed in MDCs11
489100790Popular culture is often a product of a ______. Particularly what three continents? What are some examples?2MDC North America, Western Europe, and Japan music and food12
489100791What are the origins of folk music? It's purpose? Consists of?tell a story or convey information natural phenomenon13
489100792What are the origins of popular music?produced for the masses technology and leisure time14
489100793Who is popular music produced for? For people who have what 2 things? What is an example? and why did it change?the masses technology and leisure time Hip Hop originally a Folk Music style but becomes a popular music style change of topics to appeal to more people changes and evolves mass production15
490035746What is folk culture? How is it created? Who practices it? What is the source of folk culture?the localized lifestyle of a subsistence or inward looking culture. handed down through oral tradition with a strong sense of community. by small homogenous groups living in isolated rural areas. anonymous.16
509872605Anything created by humans which give information about the culture of its creatorArtifact17
509872606What represents the ideas and beliefs of a culture, for example religion, language, or law? "Beliefs, values, ideas"Mentifact18
509872607What represent the social structures of a culture, such as tribes or families? Nuclear vs. Extended familySociofact19
509872608What is popular culture?: Where is it found? Who is popular customs invented and associated with? What is popular culture based on?large heterogeneous societies with societies possessing modern communication systems rapid simultaneous global connections through communication technology20
509872609What is the difference between folk and popular culture?differences between folk and popular customs are associated with levels of development21
509872610During World War II what were diffused? How is folk and popular cultures diffused today?4sports music language food technology22
509872611How many Amish are there? # How many states are they found in?250,000 19 states23
509872612When was the Amish created? Who created the Amish?1600 J. Ammann24
509872613What are the 3 cities in which Amish started?Bern, Switzerland Alsace, France Palatinate, Germany25
509872614What were the two primary reasons the Amish migrated in Europe?Religious Freedom Land Availability26
509872615What part of America did the Swiss/German groups move to? What part did the French groups move to? Why were they predicted to migrate?Pennsylvania Ohio, Illinois, Iowa the availability of inexpensive land27
509872616Where have the Amish moved to in Kentucky? Why are they moving there? Amish communities are ___________from each other but share distinctive cultural traditions Why are the Amish leaving Ohio?Christian County Todd County land is 1/5 of normal price isolated to escape tourist28
509872617Sports begin as isolated folk customs but diffuse through _____________. Contemporary diffusion of sports shows spread of __________ culture.relocation popular29
511926797What 2 things make folk society particularly responsive to the environment?Limited technology agricultural economy30
511926798Folk society includes what 3 things?Farmers hand tool animal power31
511926799Influence of the physical environment includes what you...3 These are all influenced by...3eat wear live in climate soil vegetation32
511926800What are small gardens in Istanbul called? What do they do?Bostans grow different crops at different times to maximize crop yields33
512071671_______ preferences are adapted to the environment. What is an example of this?Food In Asia rice is grown in mild wet environments whereas wheat is grown in cold dry environments34
512071672What is a behavior restricted by social custom? People avoid certain food because of what associated with that food? What is the sum effects of the local environment on a particular food item?taboo negative associations terrior35
512071673What is a reflection of cultural heritage, current fashion, function, and the physical environment? What are the 2 most common building materials? Minor differences in the _______ can produce very different house styles.Housing wood and brick environment36
512071674What is raising animals to move to new pastures called? What is moving because they need to move herds based on season?pastoralism transhumance37
512071675What are the 4 different types of housing in China?Kashgar Turpan Dunhuang Yinchuan38
512071676Isolation Promotes Cultural Diversity Unique folk customs develop through what? Folk customs can _____ _______ from one place to anotherthrough centuries of relative isolation from customs practiced by other groups vary widely39
512071677Himalayan Art: Even though the 4 cultural regions are all in the Himalayan Region they each have ________ views on the environment. What are the 4 different religions in this region? All four are relatively close but _________ keep them isolated from one anotherdistinctive Buddhist Hindus Muslim Animist mountains40
512071678Himalayan Art: What part of the Himalayas are the Buddhists in? Hindus? Muslims? Animists?North South West Southeast41
512071679Himalayan Art: What does Buddhist art portray? Hindus? Muslims? Animist?Idealized figures- some figures are scary looking reflect harsh environment daily life, deity in daily life-art reflects harsh environment no animate objects in art- do not depict harsh environment art represents religion-not local environment42
512071680Himalayan Art: What do Buddhist art and Hindus art have in common? What do Muslim art and Animist art have in common?depicts harsh environment doesn't depict harsh environment43
512071681Beliefs and Folk House Forms: Forms of ______ houses may come from religious values or customary beliefs. What are spaces called when they have a religious value?folk Sacred Space44
512071682What are 5 examples of sacred space?In Java front doors face south In Fiji/China east wall is sacred In Madagascar main door faces west and important guests enter north and are seated on north wall In Lao beds arranged perpendicular to ridgepole and children who build a home next to parents sleep with their heads pointing to parents feet. In Thailand people sleep with heads facing eat and no staircases can face west45
512071683Folk Housing: As settlers moved ______ their housing showed the distinctive _____ culture traditions You could tell where settlers were _______ or ___________from looking at their style of house.west folk from descended46
512071684What type of folk house was from the Lower Chesapeake? Name 4 characteristics of that house.Tidewater Style Steep roofs 2 chimneys southeast coastal areas brick foundations or raised on piers in wet areas47
512071685What type of folk house was from the Middle Atlantic? Name 3 characteristics of the house. Where did the style move?I house 2 stories gables most popular style in eastern US Ohio valley and Appalachia48
512071686What type of folk houses are from New England? Name 4 types. Where did they move to?Saltbox Two Chimney Cape Cod Front Gable and Wing moved westward to the great lakes49
512071687What 3 places does popular culture flourish? People in MDCs have the ________+_________+__________=popular culturewhere people have sufficient income sufficient leisure time acquire the elements of and make use of popular culture money time inclination50
512071688Spatial distribution of wine shows what? 3that environment, food customs, and cultural elements play a role in distribution51
512071689In MDCs clothing often reflects what 2 things? Name example of each.Occupation lawyers factory workers Income fashion, functionality52
512071690What is it called when more people dress the same worldwide less cultural uniqueness?globalization53
512071691Popular Housing Folk housing is based on ________. Popular housing is based on _______. What are the 2 eras of popular housing? When did they happen?function fashion Modern 1945-1960 Neo-Eclectic post 196054
512071692What era is the Minimal Traditional in? Name 4 characteristics of it.Modern late 1940s and 1950s simliar to Tudor style one story modest/few details55
513364424What era is the Ranch in? Name 5 characteristics of it.modern Replaced minimal traditional in 1950s one story long side parallel to street larger lot size needed garage56
513364425What era is the split level in? Name 5 characteristics of it.Modern 1950s-1970s variant of ranch lower level consisted of family room living areas lower level bedrooms upper level57
513364426What era is the Contemporary in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Modern 1950s to 1970s architect designed flat or pitched roofs58
513364427What era is the Shed in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Modern popular in late 1960s high pitched shed roofs appearance of geometric forms59
513364428Name 2 characteristics of the Neo-Eclectic era.Began in late 1960s surpassed modern style homes in 1970s60
513364429What era is the Mansard in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Neo Eclectic 1st popular neo eclectic style shingled covered 2nd story walls sloped inward and merged with roofline61
513364430What era is the Neo-Tudor in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Neo Eclectic 1970s dominant steep pitched front facing gables half timbered detail62
513364431What era is the Neo-French in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Neo Eclectic late 70s early 80s dormer windows with rounded tops high hipped roofs63
513364432What era is the Neo Colonial in? Name 3 characteristics of it.Neo Eclectic Adaptation of English colonial houses continuously popular since 1950s but never dominant large great room replaces family room64
513364433What are 2 reasons why television is significant in popular culture?most popular leisure time most common method of diffusing popular culture65
513364434TV developed simultaneously in what 6 countries?UK France Germany Japan Soviet Union US66
513364435Diffusion of TV: In the early years almost all broadcasting originated where? In _____, US had __% of world's 37 million TV. ___ TV sets per 1000 people in US. In _____, US had more TVs per capita than everyone except who? In _____, All ________ equal with ____s, What rate was increasing?US 1954 86% 200 1970 Canada 2005 MDCs LDCs ownership rate67
513364436Diffusion of Internet: Same pattern as TV but what? In ______, __ million users worldwide; 23 million in US. In ______, US usage went up from _% to __% in 2000. Total users increased to what? In ______, world usage went up to ___ billion. & US usage was at 74%.much faster rate 1995 40 2000 9 44 361 million 2008 1.668
513364437Diffusion of Facebook. Name 4 facts about it.founded in 2004 2009- 200 million users US leads in usage becoming a leading agent of diffusion69
513364438Popular Culture-Threat to Folk Culture: As incomes rise in LDCs people become more likely to purchase what? Loss of folk culture is seen as the 1st step to losing what? If popular culture generally originates in Western MDCs then an adoption of this culture leads to a dominance of what?popular culture items societies traditional values western perspectives70
513364439Loss of Traditional Values Change from traditional material culture to popular material culture is the precursor to what? Why would a leader in an LDC wear a business suit?3adoption of different values power good relations with the west leader could be viewed as sell out71
513364440Clothing and Women: Popular cultural clothing might threaten the culture of what? Common in ______ culture. The contact with popular culture has had some negative effects like what?subservience of women to men folk prostitution72
513364441Threat of Foreign Media Influence: LDC leadership might see a dominance of _______ _________ as a threat to their leadership.popular culture73
513364442Western Control of Media: What 3 MDCs dominate TV industry in LDCs? Who do they dominate? American TV presents American beliefs and social forms: including 4US dominates Latin America UK dominates Africa Japan dominates South Asia and East Asia upward social mobility freedom of women glorification of youth stylized violence74
513746444What are 2 examples of sanitizing TV? In countries where sanitizing TV is popular what 4 things do they emphasize and avoid?In Asia there is no MTV or censor objectionable video In the Middle East there is no porky pig emphasizes family values and avoids controversial cultural, economic, and political issues75
513746445Media/News Ownership Who owns US TV stations? How do they make profit Who owns TV stations in LDCs? Government ownership means government control of what? Which would do what? In many LDC countries what is the only reliable news?privately owned and government licensed advertisements government information censored biased unreliable information British Broadcasting Cooperation76
513746446Lack of Sufficient Funds and Media/News Outlets No money= no what? LDCs must do what because of this? What are the two places LDCs buy their news? How do LDC countries feel about these media outlets? Why do they feel this way?no private ownership of media buy media Associated Press Reuters do not provide accurate fair balanced views of LDCs focus on bad77
513746447Technology and Diffusion of Media/News 50 years ago LDCs were not concerned about the outside influence of media/news outlets...why? How has technology changed this? How do governments prevent this? What are 3 examples of countries?limited distance of television signals satellites and internet governments may ban or limit satellites China Singapore Saudi Arabia78
513746448What forms of communication technology threaten government control of media? Often governments are forced to set what? This means they can what? & that leads to what?All controls on media accessibility to control the flow of information can control info to increased resistance of population79
513746449What culture is less likely to be influenced by the environment? What culture leads to a uniformity of landscape?popular popular80
513746450What does popular culture do to the environment? It can be _______ rather than springing forth from it.modify or control the environment imposed81
513746451What is the loss of uniqueness in a cultural landscape- one place looks like the next called?placelessness82
513908622Uniform Landscapes The distribution of popular culture around the world tends to produce more what? In fact, promoters of popular culture want a uniform culture appearance to what? The diffusion of what is a good example of uniformity? The success of fast food restaurants depends on what?uniform landscapes generate product recognition and greater consumption fast food restaurants large scale mobility83
513908623Uniformity Uniformity in the appearance of the landscape is promoted by a wide variety of what? These structures are designed so that both local residents and visitors what? Diffusion of popular culture across earth is _____________ to products that originate in North America. What is an example of this?other popular structures immediately recognize the purpose of the building not confined Japanese automobiles and electronics84
513908624Environmental Problems with Cultural Globalization What are the two problems with popular culture is creating?Accelerated resource use through accelerated consumption pollution85
513908625Environmental Problems with Cultural Globalization Diffusion of some popular customs increases demand for what? Increased demand for some products can strain the capacity of what? With a large percentage of the worlds population undernourished, some question what? ____ lbs of _______ for 2.2 lbs of beefraw materials of the environment inefficient use of grain to feed animals for eventual human consumption 22 grain86

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