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AP La salud AP

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226332658El alientobreath
226332659El antibióticoantiobiotics
226332660La aspirinaaspirin
226332661El bigotemustache, pelo que nace sobre el labio superior
226332662El cabellohair (on head)
226332663Las caderasHips
226332664El cáncercancer
226332665La cara / el rostroface
226332666El catarrocold
226332667Las cejaseyebrows
226332668La cinturawaist
226332669La columna vertebralspine
226332670El cuelloneck
226332671La curacure
226332672El curanderohealer
226332673Los dedosfingers
226332674El dolorpain
226332675La enfermedadillness
226332676La espaldaback
226332677El examen físicophysical exam
226332678La fiebrefever
226332679La frenteforehead
226332680La gargantathe throat
226332681Los hombrosshoulders
226332682La inyeccióninjection, shot
226332683La lenguatongue
226332684La mejillacheek
226332685La muñecawrist
226332686Las nalgasButtocks
226332687Los oídosears, inner ears
226332688Las orejasears
226332689Los párpadoseyelids
226332690Las pastillaspills
226332691Las píldoraspills
226332692El pechochest
226332693El piefoot
226332694La piernaleg
226332695El pelohair (skin)
226332696La radiografíax-ray
226332697La recetaprescription
226332698El régimen / la dietadiet
226332699El remedioremedy
226332700El resfriadocold
226332701La rodillaknee
226332702La saludhealth
226332703El talónheel (of foot)
226332704La temperaturatemperature
226332705El tobilloankle
226332706El torsotorso
226332707El yeso/La escayolacast
226332708Atender/Asistirto attend
226332709Auscultar al corazónto listen to the heart
226332710Bostezarto yawn
226332711Cuidarto care for
226332712Dolerto ache, to hurt
226332713Hacer ejercicioto exercise
226332714Empeorarto get worse
226332715Enfermarseto get sick
226332716Estornudarto sneeze
226332717Fallecerto die
226332718Fracturarto break, fracture
226332719Lastimarseto get hurt
226332720Mantenerse en formato keep in shape
226332721Mejorarseto get better
226332722Morirto die
226332723Operarto operate
226332724Padecerto suffer
226332725Ponerseto become (involuntarily)
226332726Recuperarto recuperate
226332727Respirarto breathe
226332728Romper(se)to break (an arm,etc)
226332729Sentirseto feel
226332730Sufrirto suffer
226332731Toserto cough
226332737Estar rototo be broken
226332739guardar camato stay in bed
226332740las pestañaseyelashes

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