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AP lang week 7

Terms : Hide Images
39259430Crasscrude, coarse
39259432oglelook at or stare flirtatiously
39259433serriedpacked close
39259435obliviontotal forgetfulness
39259436consummateperfect and complete in every respect
39259437fractiouseasily irritated or annoyed
39259438euphonyany agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds
39259440querulousconstantly complaining
39259441cumbrousdifficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
39259442dauntcause to lose courage
39259443censureblame, official rebuke
39259447deridetreat or speak of with contempt
39259448celibatean unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity
39259449miscreanta person without moral scruples; villain
39259450mephiticof noxious stench from atmospheric pollution
39259451garlandflower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes
39259452decorumpropriety in manners and conduct
39259453perspicuous(of language) transparently clear
39259454stagnantnot growing or changing
39259455conjecturereasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence
39259456rebutprove to be false or incorrect
39259457platitudeexcessive, a trite or obvious remark
39259458inordinatebeyond normal limits
39259459censorforbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)
39259460disparatefundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
39259461pivotalbeing of crucial importance
39259462tautologicalrepetition of same sense in different words
39259463distraughtdeeply agitated especially from emotion
39259464inundatefill or cover completely, usually with water
39259465scintillateto sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually
39259466hoodwinkconceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end
39259467seemlyaccording with custom or propriety
39259468deploreto feel or express regret or disapproval
39259469reproveto find fault with, scold, rebuke
39259470wilymarked by skill in deception
39259471saccharineoverly sweet
39259472fecklessnot fit to assume responsibility
39259473fallacya misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
39259474curtailplace restrictions on
39259475salienthaving a quality that thrusts itself into attention
39259476martinetsomeone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms
39259477provocativeserving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate
39259478proscribecommand against
39259479presentimenta feeling of evil to come
39260926volatileliable to lead to sudden change or violence
39260927emolumentcompensation received by virtue of holding an office or having employment (usually in the form of wages or fees)
39260928temerityfearless daring
39260929peripheralon or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary
39260930ostensibleappearing as such but not necessarily so
39260931disparageexpress a negative opinion of
39260932charlatann. an impostor, a quack; someone who pretends to have knowledge or skills that he doesn't really possess
39260933virulentextremely poisonous or injurious
39260934impugnattack as false or wrong
39260935condolencean expression of sympathy with another's grief

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