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(AP) Language Arts Flashcards

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4585099417alter-egocharacter that is used by the author to speak the author's own thought; when an author speaks directly to the audience through a character0
4790346225antecedentword, phrase, or clause referred y the pronoun1
4790356097classicismart or literature characterized by a realistic view of people and the world; sticks to traditional themes and structures2
4790360527comic reliefwhen a humorous scene is inserted into a serious story, in order to lighten the mood somewhat3
4790363236dictionword choice, particularly as an element of style4
4790368114vernacularlanguage or dialect of a particular country, regional clan or group, of simple plain everyday speech5
4790377143didacticterm used to describe fiction, nonfiction or poetry that teaches a specific lesson or moral or provides a model of correct behavior or thinking6
4790384433adagefolk saying with a lesson7
4790385247allegorystory, fictional, or non fictional, in which characters, things, and events represent qualities or concepts; meant to reveal an abstraction or a truth8
4790389767aphorismterse statement which expresses a general truth or moral principle; can be a memorable summation of the author's point9
4790393779ellipsisdeliberate omission of a word or phrase from prose done for effect by the author10
4790405260ellipsethree dots that indicate words have been left out of a quotation; can also be used to create suspense11
4790409437euphemismmore agreeable or less offensive substitute for generally unpleasant words or concepts; sometimes used for political correctness12
4790416164idioma common, often used expression that doesn't make sense if you take it literally13
4790418617metaphormaking an implied comparison, not using "like", "as", or other such words14
4790422284metonymyreplacing an actual word or idea, with a related word or concept15
4790426046synecdochekind of metonymy when a whole is represented by naming one of its parts, or vice versa16
4790428636simileusing words such as "like" or "as" to make a direct comparison between two very different things17
4790432647synesthesiadescription involving a "crossing of the senses"18
4790433832foreshadowingwhen an author gives hints about what will occur later in the story19
4790435250genremajor category in which a literary work fits20
4790436952gothicwriting characterized by gloom, mystery, fear and/or death21
4790441887invectivea long, emotionally violent, attack using strong, abusive language22
4790445113ironywhen the opposite of what you expect to happen does23
4790447104verbal ironywhen you say something and mean the opposite/ something different24
4790449671dramatic ironywhen the audience of a drama, play, movie, etc. knows something that the character doesn't an would be surprised to find out25
4790453231situational ironyfound in the plot (or story line) of a book, story, or a movie; sometimes it makes you laugh because it's funny how it turned out26
4790459299moodatmosphere created by the literature and accomplished through word choice ( diction)27
4790463745oxymoronwhen apparently contradictory terms are grouped together and suggest a paradox28
4790472938colloquialismcharacteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech29
4790477219figurative language/ figures of speechlanguage used to create a special effect or feeling; most commonly alliteration, hyperbole, metaphor, etc.30
4790481514motifa usually recurring salient thematic element especially a dominant idea or central theme31
4790485389allusiona reference that recalls another work, another time in history, another famous person, and so forth32
4790487848analogyterm that signifies a relational comparison of or similarity between two objects or ideas33
4795197227antithetical analogyrelationship comparison of two opposing ideas/ subjects34
4795208277denotationthe dictionary meaning of a word35
4795219344jargona pattern of speech and vocabulary associated with a particular group of people36
4795223322juxtapositionmaking one idea more dramatic by placing it next to the opposite37
4795227051personificationgiving human attributes to non-human things38
4795229067imageryany time one of the five senses (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory) is evoked by what you have read39
4802013566pacingspeed or tempo of an author's writing; point out where action/syntax begins to speed up, slow down, is interrupted, etc.40
4802013567paradoxSelf-contradictory statement, the underlying meaning of which is revealed only by careful scrutinity41
4818561026active voiceany sentence with an active verb42
4818563593ad hominemattack on the person rather than the issues at hand43
4818565871alliterationrepetition of a phonetic sound at the beginning of several words in a sentence44
4818570787anadiplosisthe last word of the clause begins the next clause45
4818582130apostropheprayer-like,this is a direct address to someone who is not present, to a deity or muse, or to some other power46
4818588697appositivenoun phrase, an appositive modifies the noun next to it47
4818592906argument from ignoranceargument stating that something i true because it has never been proven false48
4818595895asyndetondeliberate omission of conjunctions from a series of related independent clauses49
4818602887begging the questionargument occurs when the speaker states a claim that includes word or phrase that needs to be defined before the argument can proceed50
4818610196complex sentencesentence structure that is a combination of a dependent clause and an independent clause51
4818614474compound sentencesentence structure made up of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction52
4818617101compound-complex sentencecombination of a compound and a complex sentence53
4818618247connotationassociations or moods that accompany a word54
4818619914declarative sentencesbasic statement or an assertion and is the most common type of sentence55
4818620676dependent clauseclause contains a noun and a verb but is set up with a subordinate conjunction56
4818623278dialectregional speech pattern; the way people talk in different parts of the world57
4818624715ellipsisthree dots that indicate that words have being left out; can create suspense58
4818624716epanalepsisrepeats the opening word or phrase at the end of the sentence to emphasize a statement or idea59
4818626534epistropheending of a series of lines, phrases, clause, or sentences with the same word or words60
4818626535etymologystudy of the origin of words and their historical uses61
4818627628euphenismto use a safer or nicer word for something that others find inappropriate or unappealing62
4818628858false analogyan argument using an inappropriate metaphor63
4818628859false dilemmasuggestion is made in the argument that the problem or debate only has two solutions64
4818630444gerundverb ending in "ing" that serves as a noun65
4818630445hyperbolean exaggeration66
4818633874imperative sentencea command67
4818634857independent clauseclause that can stand alone as a sentence68
4818634858inductiveform of logical argumentation that requires the use of examples69
4818636086infinitivethe word "to" plus a verb, usually functioning as a noun and often as a predicate in a sentence70
4818640358loose sentenceindependent clause followed by all sorts of debris, usually dependent clauses71
4818641922malapropismword play in which one word is mistakenly substituted for another that sounds similar72
4818644234parallel syntax (parallelism)pattern of language that creates a rhythm of petition often combined with some other language of repetition73
4818645362participlea verbal (expressing action or state of being) that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed74
4818646291passive voicesomething happens to someone75
4818646332periodic sentencesentence with several dependent clauses that precede the independent clause76
4818650941poisoning the wella person or character is introduced with language that suggests that he is not at all reliable before the listener/reader knows anything about him77
4818650942predicateformal term for the verb that conveys the meaning or carries the action of the sentence78
4818652383predicate adjectivean adjective that follows a linking verb and modifies the subject of the sentence79
4818653781predicate nominatea noun or pronoun that uses a linking verb to unite, describe, or rename the noun in the subject of the sentence80
4818653782red herringan argument that distracts the reader by raising issues irrelevant to the case81
4818655033rhetorical questionquestion whose answer is assumed; designed to force the reader to respond in a predetermined manner82
4818656308rhetorical shiftoccurs when the author of an essay significantly alters his or her diction, syntax, or both83
4818656309simple sentenceindependent clause; has subject and a verb84
4818658203slippery lopefallacy of argumentation argues that one thing inevitably leads to another85
4818659188straw manoccurs when a person engaging in an argument defines his opponent's position when the opponent is not present and defines it a matter that is easy to attack86
4818660944subordinate conjunctionconjunction that makes an independent clause into a dependent clause87
4818660945synthesisto unite or synthesize a variety of sources to achieve a common end88
4818662221tricolonsentence with three equally distinct and equally long parts(separated by commas rather than colons)89
4818663799zeugmaminor device in which two or more elements in a sentence are tied together by the same verb or noun90
4819209933anaphorarepetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or lines91
4819209934ambiguitystatement with two or more meanings that may seem to exclude one another in the context92
4819212017anecdotea usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident93
4819212018concessionAccepting at least part or all of an apposing viewpoint; helps make stronger argument94
4819212091syllogismPrimary premise, leads to the second premise, and from those two you deduce a conclusion95
4819213955enthymemeSpeaker gives primary premise and assumes that the audience will supply the missing knowledge in order to reach the conclusion96
4819213956abstractionan idea disassociated from any specific instance; expresses a quality apart from an object97
4819213983aesthetica guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty and taste; artistic sensibility98
4819215501ambiguosa word, phrase, or sentence whose meaning can be interpreted in more than one way99
4819215502appositive assonancethe repetition of vowel sound but not consonant sounds100
4819216989atmospheremood or pervasive feeling insinuated by a literary work101
4819219229bildungsromanthis genre of literature denotes the story of a single individual's growth and development within the context of a defined social order102
4819221998cacophonyharsh, discordant sounds103
4819221999concreteIdentifies things perceived through the senses (touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste), such as soft, stench, red, loud, or bitter104
4819225907elegiacTone; of, or relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past105
4819226878epigrapha quotation set at the beginning of a literary work or one of it's divisions to suggest its theme106
4819226879euphonySoothing pleasant sounds107
4819229939generalizationIdea or statement that emphasizes the general characteristics rather than the specific details of a subject108
4819229940idiolectOwn personal language, the words they choose and any other features that characterize their speech and writing109
4819229941idiomaticOf or pertaining to, or confirming to, the mode of expression peculiar to a language; use of figures of speech110
4819231201inflectionChange of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice111
4819234833picaresque novelAn episodic often autobiographical novel about a rogue or picaro ( a person of love status) wandering and living off his wits112
4819236493portmanteauCombination of two or more words to make a new word113
4819237524rhetorical situationThe triangle created by the speaker/writer, the audience, and the occasion; affects what is said or written114
4819238871schemesFigures of speech in which word order is altered from the usual or expected115
4819238872semanticsStudy of the larger system of meaning created by words116
4819240279stream of consciousnessTechnique that records the thoughts and feeling of a character without regard to logical argument or narrative sequence; reflects all the forces, internal and external, affecting the character's psyche at the moment117
4819241454symbolA person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else118
4819241455tropesFigures of speech in which meaning is altered from the usual or expected119
4819242797witMessage whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter120
4822258791DidacticTone; instructional, designed to teach an ethical, moral, or religious lesson121
4822285444Alter-egoCharacter that is used by the author to speak the author's own thoughts122
4822286629AutecedentWord, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun123
4822286630DictionWord choice124
4822294382VernacularLanguage or dialect of a particular country, regional clan or group; plain everyday speech125
4822294383AdageA folk saying with a lesson126
4822298477AllegoryA story fictional or nonfictional, in which character, things, and events represent qualities or concepts127
4822298478AphorismBrief statement of an opinion or elemental truth128
4822300160EuphemismMore agreeable or less offensive substitute for generally unpleasant words or concepts129
4822300161IdiomCommon, often used expression that doesn't make sense if you take it literally130
4822300162MetaphorAn implied comparison131
4822301581MetonymyReplacing an actual word or idea, with a related word or concept132
4822301582SynecdocheWhen a whole is represented by naming one of it's parts, or vice versa133
4822301583SimileUsing words such as "like" or "as" to make a direct comparison between two very different things134
4822304734SynesthesiaA description involving a "crossing of the senses"135
4822304735InvectiveA long, emotionally violent, attack using strong, abusive language136
4822306297IronyWhen the opposite of what you expect to happen does137
4822306522Verbal ironyWhen you day something and mean the opposite/something different138
4822308133Dramatic ironyWhen the audience knows something that the character doesn't139
4822308134Situational ironyMakes you laugh because it's funny how it turns out140
4822308135MoodAtmosphere created by the literature and accomplished through word choice141
4822309196OxymoronContradictory terms are grouped together and suggest a paradox142
4822310628ChiasmusWhen the same words are used twice in succession but the second time the order changes ( ABBA )143
4822310629antithesisTwo opposite of contrasting words, phrases, or clauses, or even ideas, with parallel structure144
4822312909OnomatopoeiaThe use of a word which imitates or suggest the sound that the thing makes145
4822312953PolysyndetonWhen a writer creates a list of times which are all separated by conjunctions146
4822314163PunWhen a word that has two or more meanings is used in a humorous way147
4822314233RomanticismArt or literature characterized by an idealistic, perhaps unrealistic view of people and the word, and an emphasis on nature148
4822316170SatireWork that reveals a critical attitude toward some element of life to a humorous effect; targets human vices and follies, or social institutions and conventions149
4822316171Appositivea word or group of words placed besides a noun or noun substitute to supplement its meaning150
4822319847Clausegrammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb151
4822321055Periodic sentencewhen the main idea is not completed until the end of the sentence152
4822322242Syntaxgrammatical arrangement of words153
4822322243Thesissentence or groups of sentences that directly expresses the author's opinion, purpose, meaning or proposition154
4822322316Tonewriter's attitude towards his subject matter revealed through diction, figurative language and organization155
4822323700Litotesparticular form of understatement generated by denying the opposite of the statement which otherwise would be used156
4822324654Argumentpiece of reasoning with one or more premises and a conclusion157
4822324655Premisesstatements offered as reasons to support a conclusion158
4822325974Ethosconvinced by the credibility of the author159
4822325975Pathospersuading by appealing to the reader's emotions160
4822325976Logospersuading by the use of reasoning, using true premises and valid arguments161
4822329507Concessionaccepting at least part or all of an opposing view; makes it seem like you are ready to see both sides of the argument which also makes your argument better at the same time162
4822329508Conditional statementan if-then statement and consists of two parts, an antecedent and a consequent163
4822330720Contradictiona contradiction occurs when one asserts two mutually exclusive propositions,164
4822330721Counter exampleexample that runs counter to (opposes) a generalization, thus falsifying it165
4822332260Deductive argumentan argument in which it is thought that the premises provide a guarantee of the truth of the conclusion166
4822332261Fallacyattractive but unreliable piece of reasoning167
4822334930Appeal to emotionattempt to replace a logical argument with an appeal to the audience's emotions168
4822333838Appeal to authoritybecause somebody famous has an idea, the idea must b right169
4822333839Appeal to the bandwagonpopularity170
4822334931Bad analogyclaiming that two situations are highly similar, when they arent171
4822336166Cliche thinkingusing as evidence a well-known saying, as if it is proven or as if it has no exceptions172
4822337321Hasty generalizationa generalization based on too little or unrepresentative data173
4822336167False causeassuming that because two things happen, the first one caused the other one174
4822340406Inductive argumentargument in which it is thought that the premises provide reasons supporting the probably truth of the conclusion175
4822340407Sound argumenttrue, valid argument176
4822339358Valid argumentargument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises177
4824308897prepositional phrasebegins with a preposition and contains an object; function is to supply additional detail178
4824313213subordinate clausecontains a subject and a verb yet will not function as a complete thought179
4824317599adverb claudeclause the modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb180
4824320071noun clauseclause that functions as a subject, an appositive, a predicate noun, a direct object, an indirect object , or an object of a proposition181
4824325089elliptical clausepart of a clause that may be left out when its meaning can be clearly understood from the context of the sentence182
4826060363adjective clauseclause that modifies a noun or pronoun183

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