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AP Language Latin Terms Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
6393917106post hoc ergo propter hocafter this, therefore because of this0
6393917995ad hominemto a man (personal attack)1
6393919556de factoby deed2
6393919557ipso factoby the fact itself3
6393922029non compos mentisnot in control of the mind4
6393923825non sequiturit does not follow5
6393949216amicus curiaefriend of the court6
6393950188affidavithe asserted7
6393950189bona fidegood faith8
6393951255in absenciain the absence of9
6393951256in camerain the chamber10
6393952130in loco parentisin the place of the parent11
6393953021modus operandimethod of operating12
6393954102nolo contendereI do not wish to contest13
6393983814alma maternourishing mother14
6393985301caveat emptorlet the buyer beware15
6393986457circa (c.)around16
6393987268curriculum vitaecourse of life (resume)17
6393988569deus ex machinagod from the machine (artificial or contrived solution)18
6393990829dramatis personaepeople (masks) of the drama / cast19
6393991914mea culpathrough my fault20

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