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AP Language; Lesson 9 Flashcards

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5946760059Aesthetic(adj/n)concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty0
5946760060Brevity(n) concise and exact use of words in writing or speech; shortness of time1
5946760061Concur(v) be of the same opinion; agree2
5946760062Crucial(adj) of great importance3
5946760063Decorum(n) behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety; ettequite4
5946760064Demonstrative(adj) (of a person) tending to show feelings, especially of affection, openly5
5946760065Devolve(v) (of duties or responsibility) pass to a body or person at a lower level6
5946760066Dilemma(n) a difficult situation or problem7
5946760067Disconsolate(adj) without consolation or comfort; unhappy8
5946760068Epigram(n) a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way9
5946760069Fastidious(adj) very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail10
5946760070Immaterial(adj) unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant11
5946760071Imposition(n) a thing that is imposed, in particular an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden12
5946760072Impromptu(adj & adv) done without being planned, organized, or rehearse13
5946760073Infuse(v) fill; pervade14
5946760074Insatiable(adj) (of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy15
5946760075Quaff(v) drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily16
5946760076Requisition(n) an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials17
5946760077Strapping(adj) (especially of a young person) big and strong18
5946760078Wreak(v) cause a large amount of damage or harm19

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