Analogies and Examples
7481646953 | Estrangement | The fact of no longer being on friendly terms or part of a social group. | 0 | |
7481646954 | Enigma | something hard to understand or explain | 1 | |
7481646955 | Sustenance | food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment. | 2 | |
7481646956 | Despotism | the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way. | 3 | |
7481646957 | Ostentatious | designed to impress or attract notice | 4 | |
7481646958 | Naivete | lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. | 5 | |
7481646959 | Spurious | not genuine, not true, not valid | 6 | |
7481646960 | Undulate | move with a smooth wavelike motion | 7 | |
7481646961 | Evoke | bring or recall to the conscious mind | 8 | |
7481646962 | Diminutive | extremely or unusually small | 9 | |
7481646963 | Analytical Reading | Reading actively, paying close attention to both the content and the structure of the text. Analytical reading often involves answering several basic questions about the piece of writing under consideration 1. What does the author want to say? What is his or her main point? 2. Why does the author want to say it? What is his or her purpose? 3. What strategy or strategies does the author use? 4. Why and how does the author's writing strategy suit both the subject and the purpose? 5. What is special about the way the author uses the strategy? 6. How effective is the essay? Why? | 10 | |
7481646964 | deductive reasoning | is more formal and complex. Moves from an overall premise, rule, or generalization to a more specific conclusion. | 11 | |
7481646965 | inductive reasoning | Moves from a set of specific examples to a general statement or principle | 12 | |
7481646966 | Syllogism | An argument that utilizes deductive reasoning and consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. | 13 | |
7481646967 | Footnote | an ancillary piece of information printed at the bottom of a page. | 14 |