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AP Literature Unit 12 Vocabulary Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
5299635335probityhonesty, uprightness0
5299635336profligatecorrupt, degenerate, wildly extravagant1
5299635337propinquitynearness in place or time; kinship2
5299635338proteanreadily assuming different shapes or characters3
5299635339provenanceorigin, source, proof of past ownership4
5299635340prowessexceptional skill or strength5
5299635341prurienthaving lustful thoughts or desires6
5299635342puissancepower, strength7
5299635343punctiliousmeticulously attentive to detail, exacting8
5299635344putrefyto rot9
5299635345quiescencestate of rest or inactivity10
5299635346raffishdisreputable, vulgar11
5299635347rapprochementa re-establishment of goof relations12
5299635348rarefiedinteresting to only a few13
5299635349recalcitrantstubbornly defiant and resistant to authority14
5299635350recidivismthe act of repeating an offense15
5299635351reconditehard to understand; over one's head16
5299635352redoubtablefearsome, deserving of respect17
5299635354reparteequick, witty reply or spirited conversation19

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