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6714213081vectorquantity that involves both magnitude and direction0
6714213082scalara quantity that does not involve a direction1
6714213084kinematicsmathematical tools for describing motion in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration2
6714213085positionlocation in some point in space3
6714213086displacementchange in position4
6714213087average speed formulatotal distance/ time d/t5
6714213088average velocitydisplacement / time △x/△t6
6714213089velocityspeed with a direction7
6714213090accelerationchange in velocity/ time △v/△t8
6714213091slope of position-versus-time graphvelocity9
6714213092slope of velocity-versus-time graphacceleration10
6714213093area between the graph and the t axis on a velocity-versus-time graphobject's displacement11
6714213094gravity-10 m/s^212
6714213095Newton's first lawan object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in constant velocity unless a net force acts on it (law of inertia)13
6714213096Newton's second law14
6714213097Newton's third lawfor every action there is an equal but opposite reaction (action/ reaction pair)15
6714213098newtonkg m/s^2 unit of force16
6714213099inertiathe property of objects to naturally resist changes in their states of motion17
6714213100weight (of an object)the gravitational force exerted on it by the Earth or whatever planet Fw or Fg= mg18
6714213101normal forcecomponent of force that's perpendicular to the surface19
6714213102free-body (or force) diagram20
6714213103friction forcethe component of the contact force that's parallel to the surface21
6714213104static frictionoccurs when there is no motion between two objects (friction that holds an object still)22
6714213105mucoefficient of friction23
6714213106kinetic frictionoccurs when there is relative motion (when there's sliding)24
6714213107F static friction, max=mu,s (FN) coefficient of friction x normal force25
6714213108F kinetic friction=mu,k (FN)26
6714213109work-scalar -if a force F acts over a distance d and F is parallel to d, then the work done by F is the product of force and distance W=Fd27
6714213110work at an angle- only component of force in direction of motion does any work - a force applied perpendicular to direction of motion does ZERO work28
6714213111kinetic energythe energy of an object due to motion K= (1/2)bh29
6714213112work energy theoremWork equals the change in kinetic energy of an object30
6714213113potential energythe energy an object or system has by virtue of its position Ug - gravitational potential energy △Ug= mg△h31
6714213114elastic potential energyUs= (1/2) kx^232
6714213115total mechanical energythe sum of an object's kinetic and potential energies, denoted by E E= K+U33
6714213116law of conservation of total energyKi + Ui = Kf +Uf (initial mechanical energy Ei = final mechanical energy Ef)34
6714213117powerthe rate at which one does work given by P= W/t or P=Fv35
6714213118momentumvector quantity given by p = mv36
6714213119impulse-pushing on an object for a certain amount of time -impulses cause a change in momentum -vector J= F△t or J=△p37
6714213120conservation of momentum-the total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant total p initial = total p final38
6714213121uniform circular motion-speed is constant - velocity is not constant because the direction of velocity is always changing -in order to produce acceleration there must be a force towards the center39
6714213122centripetal accelerationcentripetal= towards the center ** if a question has circular motion and asks about speed, set up with N2L and use this acceleration **40
6714213123centripetal force** this is N2L with centripetal accel substituted in **41
6714213124newton's law of gravitationany two objects in the universe exert an attractive force on each other called the gravitational force42
6714213125universal gravitational constant (G)=43
6714213126gravitational forcer is the distance between the two objects44
6714213128torque-a property of force that makes an object rotate - NOT A FORCE - theta = angle between force and object45
6714213129equilibrium- sum of all forces acting on an object is 0: F net=046
6714213130rotational equilibrium- sum of all torques on an object is 0: T net = 047
6714213131static equilibriuman object is at rest48
6714213132rotational inertiaalso known as the moment of inertia -the tendency of an object in motion to rotate until acted upon by an outside force49
6714213133Simple Harmonic Motionwhen restoring force is proportional to an object's displacement (hooke's law)50
6714606005Period of a pendulum- not affected by mass - measured in seconds (time)51
6714612289wave interference- when wave pulses run into each other - amplitudes combine52
6714637182angular momentum- always conserved L = Iw53

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