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AP physics formula review Flashcards

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13665801136Equivalent capacitance (series)Ceq=(C₁⁻¹+C₂⁻¹+C₃⁻¹)⁻¹0
13665801137Equivalent capacitance (parallel)Ceq= C₁+C₂+C₃1
13665801138Total charge for capacitors in parallelQtotal = Q₁ + Q₂ + Q₃2
13665801139Magnification of an image (2 eq)m=Hi/H₀ = -Di/D₀3
13665801140mass-energy equivalenceE = mc²4
13665801141Momentum of a photon (3 eq)P= E/c = hf/c = h/λ5
13665801142Work FunctionΦ=hf₀6
13665801143Photoelectric effect (including stopping potential)Ephoton=Φ+qv7
13665801144Photoelectric effect (including Kmax)Ephoton=Φ+Kmax8
13665801145Energy of a photon (2 eq)E = hf = hc/λ9
13665801146Emf of moving bar in a magnetic fieldε=BlV10
13665801147Faraday's Law of InductionE = -∆Φ/∆t11
13665801148Magnetic FluxΦ = NBA = NBAcosθ12
13665801149Thin Lens equation1/ƒ = 1/do + 1/di13
13665801150Snell's Lawn₁sinθ₁=n₂sinθ₂14
13665801151index of refractionn = c/v15
13665801152Critical anglesinθc=n₂/n₁16
13665801153Thin membrane interference2nt = ___λ17
13665801154Total Resistance (series)Rt= R₁+R₂+R₃18
13665801155Total resistance (parallel)Rt=(R₁⁻¹+ R₂⁻¹ +R₃⁻¹)19
13665801156Charge including timeQ=IT20
13665801157Resistance in a wire of length L and area ARwire=ρL/A21
13665801158Pressure exerted on an area AP=F/A22
13665801159Absolute PressureP = Patm + ρgh23
13665801160guage pressurePguage=ρgh24
13665801161Volume Flow RateA₁V₁=A₂V₂25
13665801162Buoyant ForceFb=ρvg26
13665801164Bernoulli's EquationP₁+ρgh+1/2ρv²=P₂+ρgh+1/2ρv²28
13665801165Force on a charge(q) moving parallel to a magnetic field0N29
13665801166Force on a current carrying wire oriented ⊥ to a magnetic fieldF=BIL30
13665801167Force between two parallel current carrying wiresF=(µ₀I₁I₂L)/(2πr)31
13665801168Limits of Human Sight750nm-400nm32
13665801169The wave equationv=ƒλ33
13665801170Magnetic Field a distance r from a current carrying wireBwire=(µ₀I)/(2πr)34
13665801171New wavelengthλ₂=n₁λ₁/n₂35
13665801172Capacitance if area of plates is knownC = kε₀A/d36
13665801173Electric potential around qV=KQ/r37
13665801174Force on a charge in an electric fieldF=qE38
13665801175Coulomb's LawFe=k|q¹q²|/r²39
13665801176Charge on a capacitorQ=CV40
13665801177Energy stored in a capacitor (3 eq)Ucap= 1/2CV² = 1/2QV = 1/2 (Q²/C)41
13665801178Formula definition of WorkW = F ⋅ d42
13665801179electric potential energyUe = qV43
13665801180Electric field a distance from a chargeE=k|Q|/r²44
13665801181Ohm's LawV=IR45
13665801182Total charge for capacitors in seriesQt = Q1 = Q2 = Q3 etc...46
13665801183Terminal voltage if Rext is knownVab=IRext47
13665801184Terminal voltage if EMF is knownV=ε-Irint48
13665801185Voltage across the plates of a capacitorV=ED49
13665801186Electric Energy (3 eq)E = VIT = I²R = (V²/R)t50
13665801187Electric Power (3 eq)P= IV = I²R = V²/R51
13665801188Force on a charge moving perpendicularly through a magnetic fieldF= qvB52
13665801189Work to move a point charge a distance away from another chargeW=k(qQ)/r53
13665801190Change in heat during an isovolumetric processQ = nCv∆T54
13665801191Frequency of a spring massƒ=1/(2π√m/k)55
13665801192Period of a pendulumT(p) = 2∏√(ℓ/g)56
13665801193Frictional ForceFf = Fn µ57
13665801194Frictional Force on an inclineFf = mgcosθµ58
13665801196Average SpeedS=∆d/∆t60
13665801198Average Velocity of a molecule of gasV = √((3kT) / m)62
13665801199Change in internal energy during a cyclic process∆U=0J63
13665801200first law of thermodynamics∆U = ∆Q + ∆W64
13665801201Acceleration of a mass sliding UP an incline, with frictiona=gsinθ+gcosθµ65
13665801202Acceleration of a mass sliding DOWN an incline, with frictiona=gcosθµ-gsinθ66
13665801203Heat required to raise the temp of a substance∆Q=mc∆T67
13665801204Heat required to vaporize a substance∆Q=MLv68
13665801205Heat required to melt a substance∆Q=MLf69
13665801206Forgotten power equationP=FV70
13665801207Energy of a spring-mass when spring is neither at maximum displacement, nor at the equilibrium point1/2KA²=1/2Kx²+1/2mv²71
13665801208Ideal Efficiency(Th - Tl) / Th72
13665801209Newton's Second Law of Motion∑F = ma73
13665801210TorqueT = rFsinθ74
13665801211Ideal gas law (2 eq)PV=nRT, PV=nKT75
13665801212Boyle's LawP₁V₁=P₂V₂76
13665801213Heat of an isobaric process∆Q = nCp∆T77
13665801214Work (thermodynamics)W= -PΔV78
13665801215Internal energy of an ideal gasU=3/2nRT79
13665801216Actual efficiencyεactual = |Wnet|/Qin80
13665801217kinetic energyKE = ½mv²81
13665801218gravitational potential energyFg=mgh82
13665801219Newton's Law of Universal GravitationFg = G (m1m2)/r²83
13665801220centripetal accelerationac = v²/r84
13665801221acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a planet mass M and diameter dg=G(M/(d/s)²)85
13665801223Impulse (2 eq.)J= Ft = mv-mv₀87
13665801225First KinematicV=V₀+at89
13665801226Second KinematicΔx = V₀t + ½at²90
13665801227Third KinematicV² = V₀² + 2aΔx91
13665801228Beat frequencyf(beat) = |f₁-f₂|92
13665801229Length of a string producing the fundamental frequencyL=v/2ƒ93
13665801230Natural frequency of a closed tube of length lƒ=v/(4l)94
13665801231Wavelength in an open tubeλ=2L95
13665801232Frequency of a pendulumf = 1/2π√g/l96
13665801233Velocity of waves on a string if tension is knownV = √(T/(m/l))97
13665801234Period of a spring-massT = 2π√(m/k)98
13665801235Charles' LawV₁/T₁=V₂/T₂99
13665801236Gay-Lussac's LawP₁/T₁=P₂/T₂100
13665801237Work done during an isovolumetric process∆W=0J101
13665801238Change in internal energy during an isothermal process∆U=0J102
13665801239Spring Potential EnergyUs = ½kx²103
13665801240Heat due to friction on an inclineQ = mgcosθµd104
13665801241Heat due to friction on a level surfaceQ = Fnµd105
13665801243First Angular Kinematicω = ω₀ + αt107
13665801244Second Angular Kinematic∆θ = ω₀t + ½αt²108
13665801245Third angular kinematicω² = ω₀² + 2α∆θ109
13665801246Centripetal acceleration with linear quantities and angular quantitiesac=v²/r & ac=w²r110
13665801247Moment of Inertia of a pointI=mr²111
13665801248Center of massx = (m₁x₁ + m₂x₂ + m₃x₃ + ...) /(m₁ + m₂ + m₃ + ...)112
13665801249Centripetal acceleration in radians of the second hand of a clockac= 4π²r/60sec113
13665801250Rotational Kinetic EnergyKrot = ½Iω²114
13665801251Net torqueΣτ=Iα115
13665801252Angular momentum for a 3-D object rotatingL=Iw116
13665801253position as a function of time using angular quantitiesw=θ/t117
13665801254conservation of angular momentum when a ball strikes the bar and causes rotationI= (mr²+1/3mL²)w118
13665801255Energy of a spring massUs=½KA²119
13665801256Height of block in terms of theta and L∆y=L - Lcosθ120
13665801257Units of power (not watts)Watt = J/sec121
13665801258Units of Current (not Amps)Amp=c/sec122
13665801259Three formulae for powerP = FV = E/t = VI123
13665801260Combined Gas LawP₁V₁÷T₁ = P₂V₂÷T₂124
13665801261Limits of human hearing20-20111Hz125
13665801262Diameter of a hydrogen atom1E-10m126
13665801263Units of electric field (2)V/m(capacitor) & N/C (point charge)127
13665801264Units of momentumkg m/s128
13665801265Units of energyJoule or eV129
13665801266Units of the spring constant kN/m130
13665801267R.A. Millikanelemental charge (e) - oil drop experiment131
13665801268Thomas YoungLight is a wave - Double Slit132
13665801269Davisson and Germerelectrons are waves133
13665801270JJ Thompsonq/m ratio for electron - Cathode Ray Tubes134
13665801271Ernest RutherfordNucleus is small & ⊕ - gold foil135
13665801272Niels Bohrquantized energy levels which explained bright line spectra136

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