213807635 | Middle Ear | Chamber between eardrum and cochlea containing the hammer, anvil, and stirrup | 0 | |
213807636 | Cochlea | A coiled bony, fluid filled muscle through which sound waves travel and trigger nerve cells | 1 | |
213807637 | Inner Ear | Contains Cochlea, Semicircular canals, and vestibular sacs | 2 | |
213807638 | Pupil | Small Adjustable opening where light passes through into the eye | 3 | |
213807639 | Iris | Adjusts light and dialates and constricting in response to inner emotions and light intensity | 4 | |
213807640 | Blind Spot | A point where the Opitical Nerve leaves the eye, creating a spot where you can't see. | 5 | |
213807641 | Optic Nerve | Carries information to the brain from the eye | 6 | |
213807642 | Retina | Contains receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin to process visual info. | 7 | |
213807643 | Fovea | Focus Point in retina, where eye cones cluster | 8 | |
213807644 | Lens | Transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to focus images on Retina | 9 | |
213807645 | Priming | Activation of unconsciously of certain associations, activates ones memory, perception, and response. | 10 | |
213807646 | Sensory Adaption | Moderate sensitivity as a consequence of constant stimulation | 11 | |
213807647 | Wave Length | the distance between two waves | 12 | |
213807648 | Transduction | conversion of one form of energy into another. Transforms stimulus energies into neural impulses so brain can interpret | 13 | |
213807649 | Hue | dimension of color that is determined by wavelength of light | 14 | |
213807650 | Webers Law | principle that to be percieved as different, 2 stimuli differ by a constant minumum percentage. | 15 | |
213807651 | Difference Threshold | minimum difference between stimuli required for detection 50 % of the time | 16 | |
213807652 | Intensity | amount of energy in light or sound waves; determined by wave amplitude | 17 | |
213807653 | Sensation | Touch, Taste, Sight, Audition, Smell; Process of sensory recpetors & nervous system recieve and represent stimuli energies from environment | 18 | |
213807654 | Perception | How we view things; organizing and interpreting stimuli and sensory info. Recognizing meaningful objects and events | 19 | |
213807655 | Psycho - Phsyics | study of relationships between physical characteristics of stimuli | 20 | |
213807656 | Bottom Up Processing | Anaylsis that begins with sensory receptors; Works brains union of sensory info. | 21 | |
213807657 | Top Down Processing | Info Process of higher mental processes, as when we construct perceptions on our experiences and expectations. | 22 | |
213807658 | Signal Theory | Perception of how and when we detect a faint stimulus (signal) amongst background stimulation (noise). Absolute Threshold and detection does not depend on persons experiences. | 23 | |
213807659 | Subliminal | under one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness | 24 | |
213807660 | Absolute Threshold | The minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimuli 50% of the time; ex. Candle Light flickering on a clear night 30 ft away | 25 | |
213807661 | Monocular Cues | depth cue; ex. interposition, linear perspective. Available to either eye alone. | 26 | |
213807662 | Binocular Cues | Depth Cue; ex. retinal despiraty and convergence, depend on both eyes. | 27 | |
213807663 | Visual Cliff | A lab device; for testing depth perception in infants and animals. | 28 | |
213807664 | Gestlalt | could be type of Psychologist; an organized whole. Emphazises our tendency to arrange pieces of info into a meaningful whole; | 29 | |
213807665 | Developmental Pysch | branch of psych; studies physical, cognitive, and social changes through our life | 30 | |
213807666 | Rooting Reflex | Babies Tendency when touched on cheek, to turn towards the touch and reach out for nipple; | 31 | |
213807667 | Habituation | decreasing responsiveness w/ repeated incentive (stimulation) Infants gain familiarity w/ repeated exposure. Ex, showing cookie and saying "cookie" | 32 | |
213807668 | Maturation | develops earlier in girls; biological growth process that enable changes in behavior. NOT INFLUENCED BY EXPERIENCE | 33 | |
213807669 | Zygote | Rapid cell division, 1st step in conception. 2 weeks | 34 | |
213807670 | Schema | Mom is nice, all moms are nice. Beliefs by experiences. | 35 | |
213807671 | Behavior Genetics | study of relative power and limits in genetic and behavior influence. | 36 | |
213807672 | Identical Twins | Twins that develop from 1 egg; Splits in two, grow in same embryo/fetus. Genetically the same. | 37 | |
213807673 | Tempermant | a person's characteristics, emotionally and reactively, and intensity. | 38 | |
213807674 | Heritability | Varation among individuals that we can attribute to genes; trait may vary; depends on environment. Ex. We inherit anger from our environment | 39 | |
213807675 | Genome | complete instructions for making an organism; genetic makeup, how many chromosomes. | 40 | |
213807676 | Genes | the biochemical factors of heredity that make up a chromosome; DNA capable of arranging proteins; | 41 | |
213807677 | Fraternal Twins | twins who develop in seperate eggs; only share 50% of genes, no closer than brother and sister; just same age. Share fetal env't | 42 | |
213807678 | DNA | a complex molecule containing the genetic info that makes up chromosomes | 43 | |
213807679 | Empiricism | Knowledge comes from experience; via senses | 44 | |
213807680 | Psychology | Scientific study of mental and biological processes | 45 | |
213807681 | Structuralism | school of psych that explores the complexity of the mind | 46 | |
213807682 | Functionalism | school of pysch that explores behavior and mental processing and how they work together | 47 | |
213807683 | 1st Psychology Lab | William Wundt (german pyschologist) created this; Germany, 1879 in University of Lepzeig. Experimental psych. | 48 | |
213807684 | Humanistic Psych. | historically signifigant perspective; emphasizes growth potential. Branch of psych. personalized methods to study personality. | 49 | |
213807685 | Hindsight Bias | Process where we think we know, but we don't. Ex. "I knew that.." when we miss a question on a test | 50 | |
213807686 | Placebo | expirment based on expectations, not on actual effect of medicine. Fake drug used to see how people take drugs mentally | 51 | |
213807687 | Seretonin | mood regulator; too much, too happy. Too little, too depressed. Neuroscience. | 52 | |
213807688 | Nature Vs. Nurture | longstanding controversey on whether biological factors shape you or enviroment/experience do | 53 | |
213807689 | Basic Research | pure science; aims to increase scientific knowledge. Simple study. | 54 | |
213807690 | Applied Research | scientific study where you have to put forth effort, solves pratical issues. | 55 | |
213807691 | Levels of Anaylsis | differing complementary views; from bio to psycho to social cutural. (THINK PYRAMID) | 56 | |
213807692 | Natural Selection | principle among inherited traits, lead to increased reproduction; passed on in succeeding generations. | 57 | |
213807693 | BioPsycho Approach | a perspective that incorporates bio and psycho and social cultural levels of analysis | 58 | |
213807694 | Clinical Psych | studies,assesses, and assists people with problems (psycho problems) | 59 | |
213807695 | Psychiatry | branch of MEDICINE dealing with psycho. disorders. Practiced by doctoral physicians. | 60 | |
213807696 | Counseling Psych. | branch of pysch that helps people with problems in life and achievements | 61 | |
213807697 | Critical Thinking | thinking that doesn't blindly accept arguments | 62 | |
213807698 | Theory | something like a hypothesis; just tested for results; an idea used in intergrated principles; | 63 | |
213807699 | Hypothesis | a testable prediction | 64 | |
213807700 | Operation Definition | statement procedures used to define research variables; ex: Human Intelligence | 65 | |
213807701 | Replication | repeating research studies for best results; | 66 | |
213807702 | Case Study | an observation technique in which one person is studied in depth in the hope of discovering a principle; | 67 | |
213807703 | Survey | a non-biased technique that tests attitudes and beliefs and behaviors of people; (ex. asking them their favorite color, game, etc..) random sample. | 68 | |
213807704 | Grouping | tendenacy to organize stumuli into certain areas | 69 | |
213807705 | Retinal Desparity | binocular cue for percieving depth; comparing images from 2 eyes, brain computes distance; | 70 | |
213807706 | Convergence | binocular cue for percieving depth; extent which eyes combine inward when looking at object | 71 | |
213807707 | Figure Ground | organization of visual field into objects that stand out from another; | 72 | |
213807708 | Inattentional Blindness | failing to see visible objects when our attention is detected elsewhere; | 73 | |
213807709 | Visual Capture | vision overcomes all other senses | 74 | |
213807710 | Selective Attention | Paying close attention to surroundings; conscious awareness on a stimuli; | 75 | |
213807711 | Depth Perception | ability to see objects in 3D, but the Retina makes them 2D; allows us to judge distance | 76 | |
213807712 | Perceptual Adaption | in vision; the ability to adjust to an artifically displaced/modified visual field. | 77 | |
213807713 | Phi Phonemenon | an illusion of movement created when 2 or more lights are flashed on and off quickly; ex. strobe lights | 78 | |
213807714 | Perceptual Set | a mental disposition to percieve one thing and not the other; | 79 | |
213807715 | John Locke | Blank slate dude-at birth, mind is blank and learned from experience; and env't | 80 | |
213807716 | Human Factor Psych | Machines and Human Interaction; a study | 81 | |
213807717 | ExtraSensory Perception | the arguable claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input | 82 | |
213807718 | Parapsych | study of paranormal phonemenon | 83 | |
213807719 | Perceptual Constancy | percieving objects as unchanging; even if it changes. | 84 | |
213807720 | Farsighted | Vision is distorted behind retina | 85 | |
213807721 | Nearsighted | Vision is distorted in front of retina | 86 | |
213807722 | Rods | Black, White, Grey; receptors necessary for peripheral view and twilight vision | 87 | |
213807723 | Cones | retinal receptors that are near the center of the retina, function in daylight and in well lit areas | 88 | |
213807724 | Feature Detectors | nerve cells in brain that respond to specific features of the stimuli (like a movie, previews... the ____ film) | 89 | |
213807725 | Acuity | sharpness/clearness of images | 90 | |
213807726 | Accomidation | the process in which the eyes lens shape to focus near or far objects on the retina | 91 | |
213807727 | Young Helmholtz theory | theory that the retina contains three color combos: red, green, blue | 92 | |
213807728 | Audition | your basic hearing | 93 | |
213807729 | Pitch | a tone's experienced highness and lowness; depends on frequency | 94 | |
213807730 | Y Chromosome | Only in males; chromosome | 95 | |
213807731 | x Chromosomes | found in female and male; chromosome | 96 | |
213807732 | Role | a set of expected behaviors (ex, teachers are expected to educate kids) | 97 | |
213807733 | Gender Identity | Your feeling about yourself; girl or boy.. | 98 | |
213807734 | Gender Schema Theory | theory that children learn their sex from experience and culture; | 99 | |
213807735 | Testosterone | gives males identity; important male sex hormone; stimulates male sex organs b/c of high amounts of this. Gives them characteristics during puberty | 100 | |
213807736 | Gender Typing | trait is either male or female; ex. males like mud, females don't. | 101 | |
213807737 | Gender Role | a set of expected behaviors for each sex; ex. women keep up the house | 102 | |
213807738 | Social Learning Theory | theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating; ex. mom is sarcastic, kid is sarcastic | 103 | |
213807739 | Aggression | physical or verbal meaness; intention to bully; | 104 | |
213807740 | collectivism | giving priority to the goal's of one's group and defininf one's identity accordingly | 105 | |
213807741 | Opponent Process Theory | theory that opposing retinal processes that enable color in vision; | 106 | |
213807742 | Color Constancy | color never changes, not matter the situation or experience. | 107 | |
213807743 | Parallel Processing | process of several things in a problem happen simulataneously; Constant (serial) processing of most computers of conscious problem solving. | 108 | |
213807744 | Frequency | number of waves that pass a point at a certain time; | 109 | |
213807745 | Conduction Hearing loss | -deafness; hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that connects to the cochlea | 110 | |
213807746 | Gate Control theory | theory that spinal cord is the gate that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass into the brain | 111 | |
213807747 | Kinesthesis | the system for sensing voluntary movement | 112 | |
213807748 | Sensory Interaction | principle that one sense may influence another; | 113 | |
213807749 | Cochlear Implant | a replacement cochlea; | 114 | |
213807750 | Sensorinueral Hearing Loss | caused by damage to cochleas recpetor cells connecting to auditory nerves; | 115 | |
213807751 | Vestibular System | sense of body movement and position including sense of balance; | 116 | |
213807752 | Interaction | the effect of 1 thing on another; ex. env't vs. heridity. | 117 | |
213807753 | Norm | Understood rules for accepted behaviors; | 118 | |
213807754 | Individualism | giving priorities to your goals but not thinking about other's goals. | 119 | |
213807755 | Mutation | an error of an organism in gene replication | 120 | |
213807756 | Gender | the biologically and socially influenced sex characteristics by which people define female/male.q | 121 | |
213807757 | Personal Space | pleasing distance from someone; (personal bubble) | 122 | |
213807758 | Culture | any religion,beliefs, foods, attitudes, or traditions that effect you as a person | 123 | |
213807759 | Evolutinary Psych | the study of evolution of behavior in psych; using principles of natural selection | 124 | |
213807760 | Molecular Genetics | the subfield of bio, that studies molecules structure and function of genes; | 125 | |
213807761 | Population | quantity of people in certain area | 126 | |
213807762 | Correlation | a measure to the extent to which two factors vary together, how well each factor predicts the other; | 127 | |
213807763 | Scatter Plot | Graph of dots, ex.. correlations: postivie, negative, none | 128 | |
213807764 | Naturalistic Observation | observing and recording people's behaviors from afar; people not aware of the study | 129 | |
213807765 | Random Sampling | chosing people randomnly for a test or experiment; non-biast | 130 | |
213807766 | False Consceous Effect | the tendency to over estimate the extent which offers beliefs and behaviors; | 131 | |
213807767 | Illusory Correlation | something that doesn't exsist but appears to. a relationship | 132 | |
213807768 | Experimental Correlation | the condition of an experiment that exposes participants to treatment of one ind. variable | 133 | |
213807769 | Double Blind Procedure | neither patient nor doctor know whether drug is real or if it's a placebo; seen to study effects of drugs/mental perception not knowing of the effects of the medicine | 134 | |
213807772 | independent variable | experimental factor that is manipulated | 137 | |
213807773 | dependent variable | the experimental factor that isn't messed with | 138 | |
213807774 | mode | the most frequently seen in data (#) | 139 | |
213807775 | control condition | condition of an experiment that contrast with experimental condition and serves as a comparison for evaluating effect of treatment | 140 | |
213807776 | mean | average of data (#) | 141 | |
213807777 | median | middle # in set of data | 142 | |
213807778 | range | top # in data - the bottom # in data | 143 | |
213807779 | standard deviation | a computed measure of how much scores vary around the median | 144 | |
213807780 | Jean Piaget | Cognitive Dev. Father | 145 | |
213807781 | Bio Psych | a branch of pysch that is concerned with links between bio and behavior | 146 | |
213807782 | Axon | branching terminal fibers, through which ACTION POTENTIAL messages are transmitted through | 147 | |
213807783 | Action Potential | neural impulses that send messages throughout the brain | 148 | |
213807784 | Dendrite | Grabs the messages/develops neural impulses | 149 | |
213807785 | Myelin Shaeth | protection cover to the axon | 150 | |
213807786 | neuron | nerve cell the basic block of nervous system | 151 | |
213807787 | Threshold | the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse | 152 | |
213807788 | Synapse | the GAP between the axon and the tip and dendrite of a cell body of the recieving neuron | 153 | |
213807789 | Neurotransmitters | messages/impulses that are sent all around the brain to recpetor sites | 154 | |
213807790 | PNS | everything in the system that isn't the spinal cord or brain | 155 | |
213807791 | CNS | brain and spinal cord; system | 156 | |
213807792 | Nervous System | body's speedy communication network consisting of all nerve cells; | 157 | |
213807793 | Endorphins | morphine that connects pain with pleasure | 158 | |
213807794 | ACh | neurotransmitter that enables learning and memory and also triggers muscle contractions | 159 | |
213807795 | Nerves | neural cables that contain axons, bundles part of the PNS, and connect the CNS to the rest of the body. | 160 | |
213807796 | Sensory Neurons | neurons that carry sensory impulses that are carried to the CNS | 161 | |
213807797 | Motor Neurons | neurons that carry outgoing messages from the CNS to muscles and gland | 162 | |
213807798 | Interneurons | CNS neurons that internally communicate and intervene between sensory inputs and motor outputs | 163 | |
213807799 | SYMP NS | loudness and stress effects this nervous system | 164 | |
213807800 | PARA SYMP NS | peace and love effect this nervous system | 165 | |
213807801 | NEURAL NETWORKS | neural cells that are connected; w/ experience they can learn and feedback strengthens conncetions and results | 166 | |
213807802 | endocrine system | chemical comm. a set of glands that release hormones into the blood flow | 167 | |
213807803 | hormones | chemical measures messenagers; mostly made by endocrine system, produced in 1 tissue, and affect another | 168 | |
213807804 | Adrenal Glands | a pair of endocrine glands above the kidney; help body arouse from stressl | 169 | |
213807805 | autonomic NS | heart, kiver, stomach, pancreas, intestines; part of the PNS that control glands and muscles; | 170 | |
213807806 | SOMATIC NS | division of PNS that controls the bodies skeletal muscles; (ex. tendons) | 171 | |
213807807 | ELECTROEN.GRAPH | an amplified recording of electrical activity; in brians surface. (test!) | 172 | |
213807808 | PET SCAN | scan that has to do with injecting glucose into body, then seeing how brain functions against a certain task | 173 | |
213807809 | MRI SCAN | magnetic fields used to produce computer generated images of the brain; (scan) | 174 | |
213807810 | fMRI | reveals blood flow in brain activity (scan) | 175 | |
213807811 | brainstem | oldest organ in body; central core of brain; begins where spinal cord swells and enters the skull | 176 | |
213807812 | Medulla | the base of brainstem; controls voluntary movement | 177 | |
213807813 | Reticular Formula | a nerve network in the brainstem that plays an important role in controlling arousal | 178 | |
213807814 | PIT. Gland | controls hormone growth and other endocrine functions; | 179 | |
213807815 | Lesion | tissue destruction; | 180 | |
213807817 | Hypothalamus | need for sexual feeling, hunger, and thirst (controls) | 182 | |
213807818 | Hippocampus | remembering new memories, learning | 183 | |
213807819 | amygdala | two lima bean shaped things that control emotions; | 184 | |
213807820 | cerebellum | little brain. processes sensory input, coordinates movement and balance | 185 | |
213807821 | thalamus | brains sensory switchboard; delievers messages to the sensory recievers in the cortex | 186 | |
213807822 | glial cells | cells that support and nourish and guard neurons | 187 | |
213807823 | Frontal Lobes | forehead area; involved in speaking and moving and making plans and judgements | 188 | |
213807824 | Parietal Lobes | top of head toward rear; recieves sensory input for touch and body position | 189 | |
213807825 | Occipital Lobes | position of the cerebral cortex lying at back of head; recieve visual messages from visual fields | 190 | |
213807826 | Temporal Lobes | above your ears, auditory areas, which recieve auditory messages from the opposite ear | 191 | |
213807827 | Motor Cortex | areas in the rear of frontal lobes that control movement | 192 | |
213807828 | Sensory Cortex | area in front of peripheral lobes that register and process the bodies senses | 193 | |
213807829 | apahasia | impairment of language, cause by damage to either Broca's Area or Wernicke's Area | 194 | |
213807830 | Broca's AreA | controls language expression..(Area) on the left. muscle movements involved in speech | 195 | |
213807831 | Association Area | area of the cerebral cortex that arent involved in primary motor or sensory functions; higher mental functions. | 196 | |
213807832 | Wenickes Area | controls language expression;/area/ involved in language comprehension and expression, in left temporal lobe; | 197 | |
213807833 | Split Brain | a condition where 2 hemispheres are isolated by cutting of the fibers that hold them together | 198 | |
213807834 | Corpus Collsum | large band of fibers that hold the brains hemisphere together | 199 | |
213807835 | Plasticitiy | brains capability for modification; | 200 | |
213807836 | Aristotle | mind and body as one | 201 | |
213807837 | Plato | mind and body seperate 2 | 202 | |
213807838 | Socrates | believed mind and body were seprate | 203 | |
213807839 | Dualism | the believe mind and body | 204 | |
213807840 | Francis Bacon | brought science into psych | 205 | |
213807841 | Willhelm Wundt | 1st pysch lab | 206 | |
213807842 | Titchner | Him and Wundt did Structuralism | 207 | |
213807843 | james | functional school | 208 | |
213807844 | Darwin | Him and James--Evolution, Functionalism | 209 | |
213807845 | Freued | therapist and theorist : humanistic pysch | 210 | |
213807846 | Skinner | behaviorhism; rejected introspection | 211 | |
213807847 | Watson | science of behavior | 212 | |
213807848 | Kohlburg | Morality theorist; | 213 | |
213807849 | Erickson | Social Dev. theorist; | 214 |
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