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AP PSYCH Flashcards

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213807635Middle EarChamber between eardrum and cochlea containing the hammer, anvil, and stirrup0
213807636CochleaA coiled bony, fluid filled muscle through which sound waves travel and trigger nerve cells1
213807637Inner EarContains Cochlea, Semicircular canals, and vestibular sacs2
213807638PupilSmall Adjustable opening where light passes through into the eye3
213807639IrisAdjusts light and dialates and constricting in response to inner emotions and light intensity4
213807640Blind SpotA point where the Opitical Nerve leaves the eye, creating a spot where you can't see.5
213807641Optic NerveCarries information to the brain from the eye6
213807642RetinaContains receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin to process visual info.7
213807643FoveaFocus Point in retina, where eye cones cluster8
213807644LensTransparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to focus images on Retina9
213807645PrimingActivation of unconsciously of certain associations, activates ones memory, perception, and response.10
213807646Sensory AdaptionModerate sensitivity as a consequence of constant stimulation11
213807647Wave Lengththe distance between two waves12
213807648Transductionconversion of one form of energy into another. Transforms stimulus energies into neural impulses so brain can interpret13
213807649Huedimension of color that is determined by wavelength of light14
213807650Webers Lawprinciple that to be percieved as different, 2 stimuli differ by a constant minumum percentage.15
213807651Difference Thresholdminimum difference between stimuli required for detection 50 % of the time16
213807652Intensityamount of energy in light or sound waves; determined by wave amplitude17
213807653SensationTouch, Taste, Sight, Audition, Smell; Process of sensory recpetors & nervous system recieve and represent stimuli energies from environment18
213807654PerceptionHow we view things; organizing and interpreting stimuli and sensory info. Recognizing meaningful objects and events19
213807655Psycho - Phsyicsstudy of relationships between physical characteristics of stimuli20
213807656Bottom Up ProcessingAnaylsis that begins with sensory receptors; Works brains union of sensory info.21
213807657Top Down ProcessingInfo Process of higher mental processes, as when we construct perceptions on our experiences and expectations.22
213807658Signal TheoryPerception of how and when we detect a faint stimulus (signal) amongst background stimulation (noise). Absolute Threshold and detection does not depend on persons experiences.23
213807659Subliminalunder one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness24
213807660Absolute ThresholdThe minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimuli 50% of the time; ex. Candle Light flickering on a clear night 30 ft away25
213807661Monocular Cuesdepth cue; ex. interposition, linear perspective. Available to either eye alone.26
213807662Binocular CuesDepth Cue; ex. retinal despiraty and convergence, depend on both eyes.27
213807663Visual CliffA lab device; for testing depth perception in infants and animals.28
213807664Gestlaltcould be type of Psychologist; an organized whole. Emphazises our tendency to arrange pieces of info into a meaningful whole;29
213807665Developmental Pyschbranch of psych; studies physical, cognitive, and social changes through our life30
213807666Rooting ReflexBabies Tendency when touched on cheek, to turn towards the touch and reach out for nipple;31
213807667Habituationdecreasing responsiveness w/ repeated incentive (stimulation) Infants gain familiarity w/ repeated exposure. Ex, showing cookie and saying "cookie"32
213807668Maturationdevelops earlier in girls; biological growth process that enable changes in behavior. NOT INFLUENCED BY EXPERIENCE33
213807669ZygoteRapid cell division, 1st step in conception. 2 weeks34
213807670SchemaMom is nice, all moms are nice. Beliefs by experiences.35
213807671Behavior Geneticsstudy of relative power and limits in genetic and behavior influence.36
213807672Identical TwinsTwins that develop from 1 egg; Splits in two, grow in same embryo/fetus. Genetically the same.37
213807673Tempermanta person's characteristics, emotionally and reactively, and intensity.38
213807674HeritabilityVaration among individuals that we can attribute to genes; trait may vary; depends on environment. Ex. We inherit anger from our environment39
213807675Genomecomplete instructions for making an organism; genetic makeup, how many chromosomes.40
213807676Genesthe biochemical factors of heredity that make up a chromosome; DNA capable of arranging proteins;41
213807677Fraternal Twinstwins who develop in seperate eggs; only share 50% of genes, no closer than brother and sister; just same age. Share fetal env't42
213807678DNAa complex molecule containing the genetic info that makes up chromosomes43
213807679EmpiricismKnowledge comes from experience; via senses44
213807680PsychologyScientific study of mental and biological processes45
213807681Structuralismschool of psych that explores the complexity of the mind46
213807682Functionalismschool of pysch that explores behavior and mental processing and how they work together47
2138076831st Psychology LabWilliam Wundt (german pyschologist) created this; Germany, 1879 in University of Lepzeig. Experimental psych.48
213807684Humanistic Psych.historically signifigant perspective; emphasizes growth potential. Branch of psych. personalized methods to study personality.49
213807685Hindsight BiasProcess where we think we know, but we don't. Ex. "I knew that.." when we miss a question on a test50
213807686Placeboexpirment based on expectations, not on actual effect of medicine. Fake drug used to see how people take drugs mentally51
213807687Seretoninmood regulator; too much, too happy. Too little, too depressed. Neuroscience.52
213807688Nature Vs. Nurturelongstanding controversey on whether biological factors shape you or enviroment/experience do53
213807689Basic Researchpure science; aims to increase scientific knowledge. Simple study.54
213807690Applied Researchscientific study where you have to put forth effort, solves pratical issues.55
213807691Levels of Anaylsisdiffering complementary views; from bio to psycho to social cutural. (THINK PYRAMID)56
213807692Natural Selectionprinciple among inherited traits, lead to increased reproduction; passed on in succeeding generations.57
213807693BioPsycho Approacha perspective that incorporates bio and psycho and social cultural levels of analysis58
213807694Clinical Psychstudies,assesses, and assists people with problems (psycho problems)59
213807695Psychiatrybranch of MEDICINE dealing with psycho. disorders. Practiced by doctoral physicians.60
213807696Counseling Psych.branch of pysch that helps people with problems in life and achievements61
213807697Critical Thinkingthinking that doesn't blindly accept arguments62
213807698Theorysomething like a hypothesis; just tested for results; an idea used in intergrated principles;63
213807699Hypothesisa testable prediction64
213807700Operation Definitionstatement procedures used to define research variables; ex: Human Intelligence65
213807701Replicationrepeating research studies for best results;66
213807702Case Studyan observation technique in which one person is studied in depth in the hope of discovering a principle;67
213807703Surveya non-biased technique that tests attitudes and beliefs and behaviors of people; (ex. asking them their favorite color, game, etc..) random sample.68
213807704Groupingtendenacy to organize stumuli into certain areas69
213807705Retinal Desparitybinocular cue for percieving depth; comparing images from 2 eyes, brain computes distance;70
213807706Convergencebinocular cue for percieving depth; extent which eyes combine inward when looking at object71
213807707Figure Groundorganization of visual field into objects that stand out from another;72
213807708Inattentional Blindnessfailing to see visible objects when our attention is detected elsewhere;73
213807709Visual Capturevision overcomes all other senses74
213807710Selective AttentionPaying close attention to surroundings; conscious awareness on a stimuli;75
213807711Depth Perceptionability to see objects in 3D, but the Retina makes them 2D; allows us to judge distance76
213807712Perceptual Adaptionin vision; the ability to adjust to an artifically displaced/modified visual field.77
213807713Phi Phonemenonan illusion of movement created when 2 or more lights are flashed on and off quickly; ex. strobe lights78
213807714Perceptual Seta mental disposition to percieve one thing and not the other;79
213807715John LockeBlank slate dude-at birth, mind is blank and learned from experience; and env't80
213807716Human Factor PsychMachines and Human Interaction; a study81
213807717ExtraSensory Perceptionthe arguable claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input82
213807718Parapsychstudy of paranormal phonemenon83
213807719Perceptual Constancypercieving objects as unchanging; even if it changes.84
213807720FarsightedVision is distorted behind retina85
213807721NearsightedVision is distorted in front of retina86
213807722RodsBlack, White, Grey; receptors necessary for peripheral view and twilight vision87
213807723Conesretinal receptors that are near the center of the retina, function in daylight and in well lit areas88
213807724Feature Detectorsnerve cells in brain that respond to specific features of the stimuli (like a movie, previews... the ____ film)89
213807725Acuitysharpness/clearness of images90
213807726Accomidationthe process in which the eyes lens shape to focus near or far objects on the retina91
213807727Young Helmholtz theorytheory that the retina contains three color combos: red, green, blue92
213807728Auditionyour basic hearing93
213807729Pitcha tone's experienced highness and lowness; depends on frequency94
213807730Y ChromosomeOnly in males; chromosome95
213807731x Chromosomesfound in female and male; chromosome96
213807732Rolea set of expected behaviors (ex, teachers are expected to educate kids)97
213807733Gender IdentityYour feeling about yourself; girl or boy..98
213807734Gender Schema Theorytheory that children learn their sex from experience and culture;99
213807735Testosteronegives males identity; important male sex hormone; stimulates male sex organs b/c of high amounts of this. Gives them characteristics during puberty100
213807736Gender Typingtrait is either male or female; ex. males like mud, females don't.101
213807737Gender Rolea set of expected behaviors for each sex; ex. women keep up the house102
213807738Social Learning Theorytheory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating; ex. mom is sarcastic, kid is sarcastic103
213807739Aggressionphysical or verbal meaness; intention to bully;104
213807740collectivismgiving priority to the goal's of one's group and defininf one's identity accordingly105
213807741Opponent Process Theorytheory that opposing retinal processes that enable color in vision;106
213807742Color Constancycolor never changes, not matter the situation or experience.107
213807743Parallel Processingprocess of several things in a problem happen simulataneously; Constant (serial) processing of most computers of conscious problem solving.108
213807744Frequencynumber of waves that pass a point at a certain time;109
213807745Conduction Hearing loss-deafness; hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that connects to the cochlea110
213807746Gate Control theorytheory that spinal cord is the gate that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass into the brain111
213807747Kinesthesisthe system for sensing voluntary movement112
213807748Sensory Interactionprinciple that one sense may influence another;113
213807749Cochlear Implanta replacement cochlea;114
213807750Sensorinueral Hearing Losscaused by damage to cochleas recpetor cells connecting to auditory nerves;115
213807751Vestibular Systemsense of body movement and position including sense of balance;116
213807752Interactionthe effect of 1 thing on another; ex. env't vs. heridity.117
213807753NormUnderstood rules for accepted behaviors;118
213807754Individualismgiving priorities to your goals but not thinking about other's goals.119
213807755Mutationan error of an organism in gene replication120
213807756Genderthe biologically and socially influenced sex characteristics by which people define female/male.q121
213807757Personal Spacepleasing distance from someone; (personal bubble)122
213807758Cultureany religion,beliefs, foods, attitudes, or traditions that effect you as a person123
213807759Evolutinary Psychthe study of evolution of behavior in psych; using principles of natural selection124
213807760Molecular Geneticsthe subfield of bio, that studies molecules structure and function of genes;125
213807761Populationquantity of people in certain area126
213807762Correlationa measure to the extent to which two factors vary together, how well each factor predicts the other;127
213807763Scatter PlotGraph of dots, ex.. correlations: postivie, negative, none128
213807764Naturalistic Observationobserving and recording people's behaviors from afar; people not aware of the study129
213807765Random Samplingchosing people randomnly for a test or experiment; non-biast130
213807766False Consceous Effectthe tendency to over estimate the extent which offers beliefs and behaviors;131
213807767Illusory Correlationsomething that doesn't exsist but appears to. a relationship132
213807768Experimental Correlationthe condition of an experiment that exposes participants to treatment of one ind. variable133
213807769Double Blind Procedureneither patient nor doctor know whether drug is real or if it's a placebo; seen to study effects of drugs/mental perception not knowing of the effects of the medicine134
213807772independent variableexperimental factor that is manipulated137
213807773dependent variablethe experimental factor that isn't messed with138
213807774modethe most frequently seen in data (#)139
213807775control conditioncondition of an experiment that contrast with experimental condition and serves as a comparison for evaluating effect of treatment140
213807776meanaverage of data (#)141
213807777medianmiddle # in set of data142
213807778rangetop # in data - the bottom # in data143
213807779standard deviationa computed measure of how much scores vary around the median144
213807780Jean PiagetCognitive Dev. Father145
213807781Bio Psycha branch of pysch that is concerned with links between bio and behavior146
213807782Axonbranching terminal fibers, through which ACTION POTENTIAL messages are transmitted through147
213807783Action Potentialneural impulses that send messages throughout the brain148
213807784DendriteGrabs the messages/develops neural impulses149
213807785Myelin Shaethprotection cover to the axon150
213807786neuronnerve cell the basic block of nervous system151
213807787Thresholdthe level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse152
213807788Synapsethe GAP between the axon and the tip and dendrite of a cell body of the recieving neuron153
213807789Neurotransmittersmessages/impulses that are sent all around the brain to recpetor sites154
213807790PNSeverything in the system that isn't the spinal cord or brain155
213807791CNSbrain and spinal cord; system156
213807792Nervous Systembody's speedy communication network consisting of all nerve cells;157
213807793Endorphinsmorphine that connects pain with pleasure158
213807794AChneurotransmitter that enables learning and memory and also triggers muscle contractions159
213807795Nervesneural cables that contain axons, bundles part of the PNS, and connect the CNS to the rest of the body.160
213807796Sensory Neuronsneurons that carry sensory impulses that are carried to the CNS161
213807797Motor Neuronsneurons that carry outgoing messages from the CNS to muscles and gland162
213807798InterneuronsCNS neurons that internally communicate and intervene between sensory inputs and motor outputs163
213807799SYMP NSloudness and stress effects this nervous system164
213807800PARA SYMP NSpeace and love effect this nervous system165
213807801NEURAL NETWORKSneural cells that are connected; w/ experience they can learn and feedback strengthens conncetions and results166
213807802endocrine systemchemical comm. a set of glands that release hormones into the blood flow167
213807803hormoneschemical measures messenagers; mostly made by endocrine system, produced in 1 tissue, and affect another168
213807804Adrenal Glandsa pair of endocrine glands above the kidney; help body arouse from stressl169
213807805autonomic NSheart, kiver, stomach, pancreas, intestines; part of the PNS that control glands and muscles;170
213807806SOMATIC NSdivision of PNS that controls the bodies skeletal muscles; (ex. tendons)171
213807807ELECTROEN.GRAPHan amplified recording of electrical activity; in brians surface. (test!)172
213807808PET SCANscan that has to do with injecting glucose into body, then seeing how brain functions against a certain task173
213807809MRI SCANmagnetic fields used to produce computer generated images of the brain; (scan)174
213807810fMRIreveals blood flow in brain activity (scan)175
213807811brainstemoldest organ in body; central core of brain; begins where spinal cord swells and enters the skull176
213807812Medullathe base of brainstem; controls voluntary movement177
213807813Reticular Formulaa nerve network in the brainstem that plays an important role in controlling arousal178
213807814PIT. Glandcontrols hormone growth and other endocrine functions;179
213807815Lesiontissue destruction;180
213807817Hypothalamusneed for sexual feeling, hunger, and thirst (controls)182
213807818Hippocampusremembering new memories, learning183
213807819amygdalatwo lima bean shaped things that control emotions;184
213807820cerebellumlittle brain. processes sensory input, coordinates movement and balance185
213807821thalamusbrains sensory switchboard; delievers messages to the sensory recievers in the cortex186
213807822glial cellscells that support and nourish and guard neurons187
213807823Frontal Lobesforehead area; involved in speaking and moving and making plans and judgements188
213807824Parietal Lobestop of head toward rear; recieves sensory input for touch and body position189
213807825Occipital Lobesposition of the cerebral cortex lying at back of head; recieve visual messages from visual fields190
213807826Temporal Lobesabove your ears, auditory areas, which recieve auditory messages from the opposite ear191
213807827Motor Cortexareas in the rear of frontal lobes that control movement192
213807828Sensory Cortexarea in front of peripheral lobes that register and process the bodies senses193
213807829apahasiaimpairment of language, cause by damage to either Broca's Area or Wernicke's Area194
213807830Broca's AreAcontrols language expression..(Area) on the left. muscle movements involved in speech195
213807831Association Areaarea of the cerebral cortex that arent involved in primary motor or sensory functions; higher mental functions.196
213807832Wenickes Areacontrols language expression;/area/ involved in language comprehension and expression, in left temporal lobe;197
213807833Split Braina condition where 2 hemispheres are isolated by cutting of the fibers that hold them together198
213807834Corpus Collsumlarge band of fibers that hold the brains hemisphere together199
213807835Plasticitiybrains capability for modification;200
213807836Aristotlemind and body as one201
213807837Platomind and body seperate 2202
213807838Socratesbelieved mind and body were seprate203
213807839Dualismthe believe mind and body204
213807840Francis Baconbrought science into psych205
213807841Willhelm Wundt1st pysch lab206
213807842TitchnerHim and Wundt did Structuralism207
213807843jamesfunctional school208
213807844DarwinHim and James--Evolution, Functionalism209
213807845Freuedtherapist and theorist : humanistic pysch210
213807846Skinnerbehaviorhism; rejected introspection211
213807847Watsonscience of behavior212
213807848KohlburgMorality theorist;213
213807849EricksonSocial Dev. theorist;214

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