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11893637372Wilhelm Wundt-First psych lab - introspection: people look inward - structuralism: mind combines emotions and sensations0
11893637373William James- functionalism: how the theory applies in real life1
11893637374Mary Whiton Calkins- studied with James, became the president of the American Psychological Association2
11893637375Margaret Floy Washburnfirst women to get a PHD in psychology3
11893637376Max WertheimerGestalt Psych: examine total experience instead of separating BUT gestalt rules: was more for perception... viewing things with proximity, similarity, continuity, closure4
11893637377Sigmund Freud - theory of psychology - dreams - stages of maturation - Parts of the MindPsychoanalysis: unconscious mind. believes that people repress which is unhealthy - believed that dreams hold manifest content and latent content. Manifest: literal Latent: unconscious meaning - oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital - id: pleasure ego: reality super ego: acts as a conscience5
11893637378John B. Watsonbehaviorism: only wats observable: stimuli and responses6
11893637379Ivan PavlovClassical Conditioning: salivating dogs when hear bell US: original stimulus(food) UR: original response (salivating) CS: Conditioned Stimulus(bell) CR: original response (salivating)7
11893637380B.F. SkinnerBehaviorism + reinforcement Operant Conditioning: - Skinner box: press lever for food - + reinforcer - neg reinforcer:removal of sonething unpleanant8
11893637381Abraham MaslowHumanist: individual choice and free will. Opposite of Behaviorism. Can't be controlled but make our choices instead.9
11893637382Carl RogersHumanist: individual choice and free will10
11893637383Charles DarwinTraits passes down if helpful for survival11
11893637384Jean Piagetworked for Alfred Binet(created intelligence test) Cognitive Perspective - how we think about things as we develop 0-2: sensorimotor stage: reflexes, object permanence, 2-7: Preoperational:language symbolic thinking, egocentrics, animism 8-12: Concrete Operational: reversibility, conservation 12-....: Formal Operational stage: meta-cognition, reasoning,12
11893637385Social-Cultural Perspective Eclectic Biopsychosocial perspective(MODERN)- how people act compared to other cultures - claim no one perspective has all the ans. - bio + psycho + social factors13
11893637386Hindsight biasthink u knew it all along14
11893637387Applied Research Basic Research Hypothesis Operational Definitions valid vs reliable- research with clear applications - research for attitudes, not applied - relationship between two variables - States the variables and how they are measured - valid is correct, reliable is consistent15
11893637388representative sampling random sampling stratified sampling survey method case studies- good sample of population - not a good sample - way to ensure sample represents population - cant identify cause-effect relationship, more counfounding variables - focus on small group... less representative16
11893637389Correlation + vs - -1 to 1- +: one predicts the other - --: one predicts the absence of the other 0 : weak correlation. +1: strong postive correlation17
11893637390positivley skewed- one much more positive outlier18
11893637391Dendrites Neuron Pathway Neuron charge Afferent Neurons Interneurons Efferent Neurons-make synaptic connections with other neurons - dendrite, cell body, axon(myelin sheath), terminal buttons, synapse - when resting negative, message called an action potential - take information to the brain - interneurons: within brain - within body19
11893637392Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System- brain and brain stem - somatic nervous system - automatic nervous system: sympathetic: excite : parasympathetic: calms20
11893637393AcetylcholineMotor movement. Lack --> Alzheimer's disease21
11893637394DopamineMotor Movement and Alertness Lack--> Parkinson's Too Much --> Schizophrenia22
11893637395EndorphinsPain control23
11893637396SerotoninMood Control Lack: Depression24
11893637397GABAinhibitory neurotransmitter Seizures, sleep issues25
11893637398GlutamateExcitatory neurotransmitter involved in memory migraines, seizures26
11893637399NorepinephrineAlertness, arousal depression27
11893637400Electroencephalogram (EEG)brain waves used in sleep research28
11893637401Computerized Axial Topography (CAT)3D image29
11893637402Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)3D image, also shows density of brain material30
11893637403Positron Emission Tomography (PET)which parts of the brain uses glucose31
11893637404Functional MRIMRI + PET32
11893637405Brain - 3 sectionsForeBrain: thoughts and reason MidBrain: simple movements HindBrain: basic biological functions33
11893637406MidBrain - one thingreticular formation: controls arousal and ability to focus if off: coma34
11893637407HindBrain - 3 things- Cerebellum: habitual muscle movements - Pons: - connects midbrain and hindbrain and forebrain - facial expressions - Medula - blood pressure, heart rate, breathing35
11893637408Forebrain 5 things- Thalamus: recieves signals and moves to other parts of brain - Hypothalamus: metabolic functions - lateral: when stimulated: eat - ventromedial: stop eatign - Amygdala: emotion - Hippocampus: memory(encodes) - Cerebral Cortex36
11893637409Cerebral Cortex left and rightleft: logic, sequential tasks, right: creative tasks separated by: corpus callosum: cut to treat epilepsy frontal lobe: - prefrontal cortex: directing thought - Broca's Area: speaking - motor cortex: sperates parietal lobe parietal lobe: - sensory cortex: seperates frontal lobe occipital lobes: recives visual imput - visual cortex temporal lobes: recives sound imput - auditory cortex - Wernicke's Area: written/spoken speech37
11893637410Endocrine System- Adrenal Glands: adrenaline38
11893637411Chromosomal AbnormalitiesX--> Turners: shot=rt, webb necks, different sexual development XXY--> Klinefelter's syndroms: extreme introversion39
11893637412Path of Seeinglight --> cornea (protective covering) --> pupil(iris dilates and opens it) --> lens(flips)--> projected on retina --> transduction.. transduction: cones(color) and rods(b & w) - fovea: many cones ganglion cells: sends to thalamus from the optic nerve40
11893637413Theories of Color Visiontrichromatic theory: Young-Helmhotltz: three cones: blue red green combine to form colors better: opponent process theory: come in pairs..41
11893637414Path of Hearingouter ear --> ear canal(auditory canal) --> eardrum(vibrates) --> ossicles(hammer, anvil, stirrup) --> oval window--> cochlea42
11893637415Theories of PitchPlace theory: hari in cochlea respond diferently to pitch Frequency Pitch: rate at which hair cells fire43
11893637416tastepapillae(bumps on tounge) - sweet, salty, spicy, umami, bitter44
11893637417Smell Pathwayparticles --> receptor cells --> olfactory bulb --> olfactory receptor cells --> amygdala -> hippocampus45
11893637418ThresholdAbsolute threshold: notice 50% - jnd: percentage increases(Weber's)46
11893637419Top - Down processing- use background knowledge47
11893637420Gestalt Rules - stroboscopic effect - phi phenomenon - auto kinetic effectprinciples describing how we see things as groups: proximity, similarity, continuity, closure - things seem moving when they r not - light turning on and off seems to be one moving light - people stare at a light will think it is moving48
11893637421Elanor Gibson - her experiment - monocular cues - binocular cuesvisual cliff test --> told us that infants have a depth cue - depth cues that don't need two eyes - depth cues that need two eyes49
11893637422Sleep pattern - how long is a cycle - going to sleep? what wave? - awake but also stage 1 and 2? what wave? - where are sleep spindles - what is used to measure - where are delta waves - when is REm- 90 minute cycles - sleep onset: awake & asleep(alpha waves) - awake and stage 1& 2 theta waves - stage 2: EEG shows sleep spindles - 3 & 4: delta sleep, slower. Good for health - Backwards 3 --> 2 --> 1 - 1: REM sleep(intense activity, moving eyes, dreams)50
11893637423Sleep Disorderssleep apnea: stops breathing in between sleep narcolepsy: intense sleepiness at random times51
118936374244 categories of drugsstimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, opiates52
11893637425stimulants - 4 of them - what they docaffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine - speed up body processes - self confidence, invincible53
11893637426depressants - 3 types - what they doalcohol, barbiturates, anxiolytics(tranquilizer - slow down body systems - rush, but slows reactions and judgement54
11893637427hallucinogenslSD, peyote, psilocybin, mushrooms, marijuanan - changes in perceptions of reality, fantasies55
11893637428opiates- morphine, heroin, methadone, codeine - powerful pain killers, mood elevators - extreme56
11893637429Classical Conditioning - 4 types - acquisition - extinction - spontaneous recovery - generalization - discrimination Watson and RaynerIvan Pavlov - delayed conditioning: ringing then ringing with food - trace conditioning: ringing break food - simultaneous conditioning: ringing and food - backward conditioning: food then ringing - learns to salvitate - unlearns - after unlearns, sometiems randomly learns again - salvitates to all bell like noises - only specific bell Watson and Rayner: Little Albert57
11893637430Reinforcement Schedules - continuous reinforcement - partial reinforcement - fixed ratio - fixed interval - variable schedules -- continuous: reward each time - partial reinforcement - fixed ratio: every 5 behaviors - fixed interval: ever 5 sec - variable schedules: random -58
11893637431Albert Banduraobservational learning - social learnign theory - when children watched adults being violent they were violent59
11893637432Edward Tolman'sLatent Learning: now more but only show it when it is rewarded60
11893637433Wolfgang Kohlerinsigh learning: when one learns how to solve a problemm61
11893637434three box memory modelsensory(lost) -->> encoding --> short term(lost cause not encoded) --> encoding --> long term(lost due to retrieval failure. retrieval is from long to short62
11893637435George Sperlingdid experiments with sensory memory. Flashed things saw what people remembered.63
11893637436Sensory Memory - 2 types of memory - how does something get encodediconic memory: a slip second perfect photograph of a scene echoic memory: perfect brief memory of sounds Selective Attention: what we remember64
11893637437George Millerlearnt that in short term memory can remember 7 digits65
11893637438Long term memoryepisodic memory: memories of a specific event, stored in sequential events semantic memory: general knowledge procedural memory: habits, skills66
11893637439- how things are remembered in a list interferenceserial position effect: primacy effect and recency effect retroactive interference: new affects old proactive interference: old affects new67
11893637440damage to the hippocampusanterograde amnesia: cant encode new memories68
11893637441Language- phonemes: smallest units of sounds - morphemes: smallest unit of meaningful sounds - babies: language acquisition - babble: 4 months - holophrastic stage: one word - telegraphic speech: 2 words69
11893637442Benjamin Whorflinguistic relativity hypothesis: language controls thinking70
11893637443problem solvingalgorithums: all combinations heuristics: words - functional fixedness: cant see new uses for objects71
11893637444Drive reduction theory Arousal Theory Abraham Moslowprimary drives: food water secondary drives: money for food, water Yerkes-Dodson: stress versus Arousal .. perform best at medium Maslow theory Self Actualization(when human carry out potential) Self esteem needs belonging needs safety physical72
11893637445extrinsic motivators intrinsic motivators approach - approach conflict avoidance-avoidance conflict approach - avoidance conflict multiple approach-avoidance conflictsoutside rewards internal rewards - 2 good things - 2 bad things - 1 thing is both good and bad - 2+ things with both good and bad73
11893637446William james and Carl Lange Walter Cannon and Philip Bard Stanley Schachter's two factor theory- emotion is felt because of biological changes from stress - thinking and biological = emotion74
11893637447fetuszygote(fertilized egg) --> germinal stage(cell division)--> embryonic stage(organ formation)--> fetal stage(sexual) - tetrogens are harmful to development ex. alcohol - lead too fetal alcohol syndrome-- physical and mind issues75
11893637448rooting reflex sucking reflex grasping reflex moro reflex babinski reflex- touch check will try to suck - suck - hold - startled: fling out limbs then scrunch up - if foot is stroked, will spread toes76
11893637449Harry Harlowmonkeys with one real and one fake mom... he unreal mom's monkey was stressed77
11893637450Parenting Stylesauthoritarian parents: strict authoritative: encourage punish permissive: lenient78
11893637451Erikson's0-1: trust vs mistrust 1-3: Autonomy vs shame and doubt 3-6: Initiative vs Guilt 6-12: Industry vs inferiority adolescents: identity early adults: intimacy vs isolation adults: generativity vs stagnation old: integrity or desair79
11893637452Kohlberg Moral development1. Preconventional Morality: 7-10: avoiding punishment getting rewards 2. Conventional Morality: 10-16: society rules 3. PostConventiaonal Morality : internal values80
11893637453Type A versus Type B: Amritha vs Me81
11893637454Alfred Binet LOUIS Termanmental age created a starndardized test to measure it - created the measure IQ: mental age/age *100 Wechsler: does IQ based on a normal curve82
11893637455Perspectives on Disorders - psychoanalytic - humanistic - behavioral - cognitive -sociocultural -biomedical- pyschoanalytic: internal conflicts - humanistic : failure to suceed or being in touch wiht feelings - behavioral: enviornment - cognitive: irrational thought -sociocultural: dysfunctional society -biomedical: medical issues83

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