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AP Statistics (Sampling and Surveys) Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
7896861440Sample SurveySelects a sample from a population.0
7896866894Random SamplingAny method that uses chance to select a sample from a population.1
7896873659Simple Random Sample (SRS)A method that gives every group of a certain size (n) an equal chance of being selected.2
7896881987Stratified Random SampleA method that first separates the population into groups of similar characteristics then takes a SRS from each of those groups.3
7896891206StrataGroups of individuals that all have a common characteristic or trait.4
7896896767Cluster SampleA method of random selection where diverse groups (mini-populations) are numbered and then selected. Each member of the group(s) chosen are sampled.5
7896914424ClusterA grouping within a population that is diverse (mini-populations).6
7896927805BiasSystematically favoring an outcome.7
7896930518Voluntary Response SampleA method of sampling in which the respondents choose themselves. This is a bad sampling technique that is not random and should be avoided as it is prone to bias.8
7896943531Convenience SampleA method of sampling in which individuals that are easy to access or close by are chosen. This is a bad sampling technique that is not random and should be avoided as it is prone to bias.9
7896969689Sampling ErrorsErrors that come from the act of choosing the sample itself. Undercoverage is a common example of this.10
7896977288UndercoverageA sampling error that occurs when entire groups of the population are left out of the sample.11
7896986378Random Sampling ErrorA type of sampling error that occurs through the chance process involved in taking a sample. SRS can sometime produce these when they create samples that over represent some individuals by a large degree.12
7897002563Sampling FrameThe list of individuals in the population that we are actually sampling from.13
7897013308Nonsampling ErrorErrors that have nothing to do with the method of sampling. Can be present even in a census (collection of entire population data).14
7897028267NonresponseThe single biggest problem (type of nonsampling error) that occurs in sample surveys. This is when individuals chosen/contacted for a sample refuse to answer.15
7897046977Response BiasIncorrect answers from respondents of a survey. Often intentional because they are aware they are being observed or recorded.16
7897058134Wording BiasThis is when the way a prompt is presented causes answers to shift toward an outcome.17

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