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AP U.S. history (U.S. colonies) Flashcards

people/places that influenced the u.s. colonization

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212932812Hernan Cortesthe conquistador that conquered the Aztecs0
212932813EncomiendaSpanish labor system in the new world (teach native Spanish and convert them-they work for you)1
212932814Leif ErikssonViking, discovered America 500 years before Columbus2
212932815Amerigo Vespuccireason why america isn't called Columbia3
212932816BeringiaLand bridge that the first Asians crossed 35,000-40,000 years ago4
212932817Francisco PizarroSpanish conquistador who conquered Atahualpa and the Incas5
212932818Martin LutherHelp start the protestant reformation when he put his 95 theses on the church door6
212932819Peter MinuitPurchased Manhattan Island for $24 (in trinkets and goods)7
212932820Bartholomeu Diasfirst explorer (Portuguese) to reach the southern tip of Africa in 14888
212932821Henry VIIIthe king who created the Anglican Church9
212932822Protestant ReformationMovement against Catholic church from Martin Luther (95 theses) and the idea of faith alone10
212932823Giovanni De VerrazanoFrench explorer (actually Italian) sent by King Francis I (1524) to find a northwest passage explored; explored the coast of North America11
212932824AztecsNative American Society that practiced human sacrifice and ruled central Mexico and founded Tenochtitlan (mexico city)12
212932825PeninsularPeople in Spanish New World- Born in Europe13
212932826Philip IIKing of Spain, sent the Spanish Armada to destroy England (but was defeated- weakening Spain and empowering England)14
212932827Sea DogsEnglish "Pirates" who attacked spanish ships15
212932828GeorgiaFounded by James Oglethorpe in 1733 as a debtors haven and also served as a buffer state between (rich) South Carolina and Spanish Florida16
212932829HuguenotsPeople in France who converted to calvanism17
212932830Sir Francis DrakeSea Dog- first Englishman to sail around the world18
212932831HaciendaLarge Spanish estates in the New World with crops and herbs (think encomienda)19
212932832Marco Polohe helped inspire exploration and increased demand for goods from Asia by writing a book about his travels to China in the late 1200s20
212932833Portugalwhich European country was the first to enter the age of exploration by sailing down the coast of Africa21
212932834Amerigo VespucciThe Americas were named after this Italian navigator22
212932835Maizestaple crop of many native american societies spread out of Mexico23
212932836MulattoPeople in Spanish New World 1 parent European, 1 parent African24
212932837Jacques Cartierfrench sailor who explored the St. Lawrence river region between 1534 and 1542, he searched for a northwest passage.he found no such passage but claimed Canada for the French25
212932838Roanokefirst English settlement in the New World. it was off coast off North Carolina, established in 1587. Settlement failed and no one knows what became of the people who first settled there26
212932839Hernan Cortesa Spanish conquistador who went to the west indies in 1504. in 1519 he established Veracruz, the first Spanish colony in Mexico. by 1521, he had conquered the Aztec empire using horses, gunpowder, and steel weapons.27
212932840Roger Williams1636, banished from Massachusetts, traveled south where he founded the colony of Rhode Island28
212932841Father Marquettea Jesuit missionary and fur trader, he and Louis Joliet explored the upper Mississippi river in 167329
212932842JesuitsCatholic Missionaries strictly opposed protestants yet worked wit non-Christians very well30
212932843William PennEnglish Quaker, who founded Pennsylvania in 1682, after receiving a charter from King Charles II the year before31
212932844Treaty of Tordesillassigned between Spain and Portugal in 1494, dividing all future discoveries in the New World between their respective nations32
212932845Robert de La SalleExplored Mississippi River and claimed Louisiana for France (in honor of Louis XIV- the Sun King)33
212932846John Calvina leader of the protestant Reformation believed in predestination (god had already decided who was saved)34
212932847Juan Ponce de LeonSpanish explorer who was trying to find the fountain of youth, instead in landed in Florida35
212932848Encomiendamethod established by the Spanish in order to enslave native american populations. The Spanish crown would give land to Spaniards, but recipients were obligated to care for their native slaves36
212932849IncasInhabited the Andes Mountains in South America, built elaborate road systems, spoke Quechua, and had a strong central government.37
212932850DelawareFounded by:Swedish, Lutherans Argued and fought with Peter Stuyvesant and acquired by the Dutch in 1655 in 1703 became a Quaker Colony38
214784072Giovanni de VerrazanoItalian explorer in-service of France, explored eastern coast of North America, 1st europena to discover New York Harbor and Narragansett Bay,39
214784073Jacques Cartierfirst European to explore the St. Lawrence River40
214784074Samuel De Champlain"Father of New France"...founded the first permanent french colony at Quebec(1608) also discover Lake Champlain(1609)41
214784075Robert de la Sallesailed down the Mississippi river, and founded Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV. And built first sailin vessel to navigate the Great Lakes42
214784076French_____ claimed Canada,Great Lakes, and Mississippi River. control of St. Lawrence R., The Great Lakes, and Mississippi R. provided them with a Natural Highway to interior of North America.43
214784077French_____ established few large settlements in "New France" as an empire in North America. After 150 years, inhabited by only 80,000 settlers.44
214784078Sir Walter Raleighfounded Roanoke, even though it disappeared without a trace and later known as The Lost Colony45
214784079Henry HudsonWho sailed through Hudson Strait and first European to enter Hudson Bay (1610)?46
214784080Sir Humphrey GilbertWho made two unsuccessful attempts to colonize Newfoundland(in 1578 and 1586)?47
214784081Elizabeth IWhich queen who sent sea dogs that preyed on spanish treasure ships?48
214784082King Philip IIWho sent Spanish Armada to conquer England, but failed?49
214784083New WorldWhat place attracted: landless and poor people religious freedom adventurers who hoped to acquire riches50
214784084John SmithWho had the credit for saving Jamestown, Virginia. but returned to England which caused the colony to almost perish.51
214784085Starving Timethe 1st harsh winter in Jamestown, Virginia, when John Smith returned to England due to injury. (which caused the colony to almost perish)52
214784086John RolfeWho introduced cultivation of Tobacco ,product acquired from Indians.53
214784087Jamestownwas the first English settlement in America54
214784088Indentured Servantswere poor people that agreed to work without wage for a period of years, in exchange for their passage to the New World55
214784089Dutchbrought the first African to the New World to be purchased as indentured servants56
214784090Powhatanwanted to drive out colonists, was about to kill John Smith but ,as legend says it, Pocahontas intervened and saved him57
214784091PocahontasPowhatan's daughter, and was said to have saved John Smith's life from her Indian tribe58
214784092Williamsburgsettlement north of Jamestown ,site of the College of William and Mary, became the capital of Virginia in 169959
214784093Anglican Church16th century, became England's official church in which everyone had to support it or else they would be fined or inprisoned60
214784094Puritanswanted to "purify" the Anglican Church from within it.61
214784095Separatistsreformers, that broke away from the Anglican Church to setup independent churches that continued their beliefs.62
214784096Pilgrimsseparatists that set sail for america on the Mayflower in September 162063
214784097Mayflower Compactcolonists established a government of their own in which 41 male adults signed and pledged to enact just and equal laws for the common good.64
214784098Squantowhich Indian showed pilgrims how to grow corn and where to hunt and fish65
214784099Pilgrimswhich type of people set aside a day for the year's blessing and invited the Indians to join the celebration of peace and plenty later known as thanksgiving66
214784100George Calvertfirst Lord Baltimore, made a haven for Catholics, in Maryland67
214784101Mason-Dixon Lineboundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland which later became famous as the boundary between the free states and the slave states.68
214784102William PennQuaker, founded Pennsylvania69
214784103Georgiafounded by James Oglethorpe, as a barrier from Spanish Expansion and as a refuge for debtors for a fresh start in the New World.70
214784104New England_____colonies: New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut71
214784105Middle ColoniesType Colonies: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware72
214784106Southern ColoniesType Colonies: Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia73
214784107Cash Cropscrops grown for sale rather than for a farmer's own use74
214784108Middle Coloniesknown as the "Bread Colonies" had moderate sized farms75
214784109New England Colonieshad small farms main crop corn(maize) produced primarily for family76
214784110Southern Coloniessmall farms, later plantation arose main crops:Tobacco Indigo Rice large tracts of fertile land were available77
214784111Plantationlarge farms worked by slaves and/or indentured servants78
214784112Harvardfirst college in the English colonies founded by the puritans at Cambridge, Massachusetts 1636 to train young men for the ministry79
214784113Puritansfounded Yale in Connecticut and Dartmouth in New Hampshire80
214784114Puritansestablished the first public school system in the colonies81
214784115New England Confederationmain purpose was to provide a united defense against Indians, Dutch, and French.consisted of two representive from each colony but dissolved in 1684 but known as the first colonal attempt to form a union.82
214784116King Philip's WarChief Massasoit's son tried to drive out the colonists in a war(1675-1678) but Indians lost and left the power in New England was permanently broken.83
214784117Dominion of New England(1686-1689) James II united New England colonies, New York, and New Jersey into a single royal providence84
214784118Glorious RevolutionA Boston mob attacked Andros forced James II,king of England,to surrender and overthrown and send him back to England. New king restored the Dominion of New England to individual colonies85
214784119The Zenger Trialargument of the right to expose and oppose an unjust government86
214908650Virginia House of Burgessesestablished in 1619, first representative assembly in America. people elected representatives to have a voice in the government87
214908651Mayflower Compacta government derives its authority from the people and retains power only as long as the people support it88
214908652Fundamental Orders of Connecticutfirst written constitution, that defines the authority and outlines the form of a government89
214908653Blue LawsQuakers being strict: no laughter no stage plays no gambling90
214908654Philadelphia"city of brotherly love"91
214908655Pennsylvaniafounded by William Penn "inner light" "holy experiment" Lovers not fighters92
214908656New York(New Netherlands) founded by dutch and later conquered by English Duke OF York 614493
214908657New England ColoniesMassachusetts,Rhode Island,Connecticut,New Hampshire 1st public school small subsistence farms, diverse crops94
214908658Middle Colonies-New York,New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Delaware -super diverse(ethnically and religiously) -"Breadbasket" -moderate state diverse farms95
214908659Southern Colonies-Virginia,Maryland,North Carolina,South Carolina, Virginia -cash crops, plantation agriculture96

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